What is Second Language Acquisition (SLA)? | Science Behind Language Learning

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Want to learn more about how people learn new languages? Maybe you’re a language teacher looking for ways to better help struggling students, or a learner looking to use the power of your brain to master multiple languages. Perhaps you just can’t get enough of languages and linguistics! If any of those sound like you, get excited, because this is the first video in our new series on the Science Behind Language Learning.
Join Kaitlyn Tagarelli (Linguist, PhD), as we take you on a tour of the exciting field of Second Language Acquisition. In this first video, we’ll start with the basics by answering 2 fundamental questions about language learning: What is Second Language Acquisition — and why does it matter?

Wondering what languages were used in today’s episode?
French | Bonjour and Au Revoir et à bientôt mean “hello” and “goodbye and see you soon”
Hawaiian | Aloha means both “hello” and “goodbye”

Kaitlyn Tagarelli (PhD, Georgetown University) is a Linguist and the Head of Research at Mango Languages. She holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Georgetown University, specializing in how the mind and brain learn languages. Aside from geeking out about all things neuroscience and linguistics, she loves hanging out with her family at their Connecticut home, trying to convince them to speak French with her.

#languagelearning #languagelover #SLA
Рекомендации по теме

As a linguist, a language learner, language teacher, and language enthusiast, I love this stuff! Kaitlyn is the real deal -- very insightful!! Can't wait to geek out with upcoming videos. SUBSCRIBE!! ;)


Thanks for the video! I learned my second language as a teen because of my partner, and it helped me decide I wanted to become an ELL teacher after working in schools with struggling students.

It seems to be increasingly beneficial to have knowledge in the subject even as a standard teacher so I'm looking forward to this journey!


English is my second language so I don't understand what you said completely but still some words is coming in my mind thank you jazakkallahu kheir may god bless you you are such a scholar about linguistics


I started to learn French by MANGO. It is very effective.


The themes that SLA can focus is quite interesting for me. I feel sympathy as I have explored those almost half of my life. I feel definitely encouraged to learn more.


Really enjoyed this! Had been using Mango Languages for a while, lately to learn Icelandic for a trip, and it definitely helps in cultural understanding!


Now i know the importance of learning about the importance of learning about language.


I love this video. I absolutely will subscribe and enjoy the rest of videos


Fabulous video! I can't wait for the next one. This information is helpful as I study for a world language pedagogy exam for teacher certification. Quick question @MangoLanguages: What would be potential uses for the slide desk that you provided access to on the accompanying blog post?


Why do all English language teachers speak so fast? Without exception, they speak faster than the news. And there are definitely no subtitles.


Would it be at all possible for you to sometime in the future spare minutes to chat w me about things as SLA, Stephen Krashen, comprehensible input, explicit and implicit learning??


Please you recommend me some good book to read.
