WS 29 - Getting to the 100 Day Mission for Better Pandemic Preparedness

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G7 Leaders endorsed the notion of the 100 Days Mission (100DM) at the June Carbis Bay Summit, recognizing the unpredictability of future health emergencies and emphasized the need for an armamentarium of diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines (DTVs) available within 100 days of a pandemic threat being detected. This has also been endorsed by G20.

A cornerstone to enable the 100-day aspiration is to eventually develop a viral vaccine library for each family of viruses, beginning with those predicted to have a high likelihood of emergence as Disease X and ensuring proper surveillance for these families.

The G7 expands this notion of virus family prototypes not only to Vaccines but Diagnostics and Therapeutics. However there are a number of activities that still need to be agreed upon such as a shared methodology for the prioritizing of epidemic-prone viral pathogens and a consensus on which of the virus families have the greatest potential for emergence as a Disease X with pandemic potential.

There is thus a collective need, with the leadership of WHO and support of other international and regional partners like CEPI, FIND, HERA, Africa CDC to enable the surveillance and warning systems, prioritize and rank the virus families against the likelihood for a Disease X emergence, in order to strategically prioritize development of solutions for diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics. Several partners have started to work on this: from methodology to the regional customization of viral family prioritization.

To ensure transparency, facilitate scientific endorsement and efficient coordination of these efforts, there is a need to actively engage with experts from international and regional organizations.

This session would be a first opportunity for panelists, partners and G7 representatives to share their activities and perspective, agree on the anticipated outcomes addressing the global, regional and domestic needs and better plan the coordination work needed ahead.
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