the scariest encounter in dayZ

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in gonna let you know that those Wolfe's killed me after I left the woods
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The whole video literally feels like walking on some middle of nowhere forest at 5AM on real life type of shit. The silence, the darkness around in the woods, the sky resembling a 5-6AM kind of light, only hearing your footsteps going through grass and the crickets in the wild adds to the realism. Gave me chills, amazing video.


It's not even the zombies that are scary, the players are.


Here's the thing. This game captures exactly what humans would do if this was our day to day lives and tribalism was the name of the game. Fear tactics is what made legends of men then, and still does now.


The creepiest bit about it is that their is a guy ( being attacked by wolves) coincidentally in the same location as you are on an isolated path at the same time at night


The scariest thing about this, is the fact that someone were close to you, probably watching you, and the wolves saw him, she or them... This happened to me a couple times and it was scary AF.


Nothing will ever compare to this game.. it's truly unique 100% of the time. I've had so many wild situations happen to me. From randomly getting sniped after spending 5 hrs getting geared.. to being a fresh spawn and teaming up with another random new spawn. And you guys some how take out a group of geared players.. surviving by some miracle! I Once went from eating a plumb on the beach.. having a fully geared guy run up and try to rob me for some reason!! Clearly I have nothing.. I dropped my glow stick and he was so about to shoot me. Then all of a sudden a shot goes off and the dude drops at my feet! Another even better geared played about 300 yards away from me, then just waves at me calmly. And strolls away.. craziest game ever


The wolves are one of my favorite aspects in the game. Its such a good time fighting them off with friends while moving through the forests at night.


I would never go into the woods at night knowing there might be other players there.


The scariest part about wolves in this game is that turning off your headlamp is a false assurance. It works with players and zombies, but the wolves can see in the dark. So unless you have night vision like this guy, you may as well just leave it switched on.


On my experience- hearing wolves means that in couple of minutes you'll see them. I'm still scared by them and the fact that I should open fire at them and reveal my location to nearby players.


I was expecting you to turn around to a group of players all aiming at you with night vision. Figured they were on the road but just outside your light.

Wolves in this game scare the shit out of me as bad as cannibals hunting me.


New player here. I didn't know there was wolves in this game and would wander through the woods for a long amount of time in the dark pretty much thinking I must be fine because there's no way a player could spot me. The first time I heard a wolf howl I freaked out because I could not tell wtf kind of creature would make the first how I heard.


Run around at night on pve freaking people out who don’t have night vision, creepy laughs and stuff. Always fun to watch their reactions 😂


Try having this same scenario happen to you in real life like I did. Utter darkness, only my flashlight and my .45. Radio communication wasn't working for me. Pack of coyotes was moving in after catching my scent. Have the video to prove it! I never ran so hard in my life.


That brought back some bad memories of something that my brother and I experienced in Paul Bunyan State Forest July 28th, 2018. Scary stuff.


It's a really creepy sound hearing coyotes out in the woods when it's dark like that


It'd be cool to plan this so that people move away from the howls, and then someone else ambushes them.


This just happened to me with a bear. I'm new to the game so I'm still getting used to the map.

I was lost trying to get to Tisy. I was somewhere between tisy and the ski resort I believe and it got pitch blackout. I heard a bear far in the distance. I had no light with me I just kept running in the opposite direction of it and the growls went away. Dayz is a horror game


That’s when you log off and call it a night


its scary when you hear the wolves at night, especially in the woods. If you can run to a clearing it's easy enough to shoot them as they approach but If you don't have NVG, you're gonna get torn apart.
