Ranking The Smartest Anime Characters (Correctly)

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Yeah I’m well aware that there are characters out there who are smarter then the ones listed, like Todo who allegedly has an iq of 50, 000. I was just reranking the ones on that list specifically.


Daily Reminder of saying=Yokoso watashi no soul society


Tamir: "It was all oart of my plan"


Here we got ayanokoji glazing again 😂😂


This list should just for manipulator/strategiant only. Senku is smart, but its in science area.


How did they not add KISUKE because KISUKE is SMARTER than AIZEN.


Must have been hard for you not to put Ayanokoji at 1.


"Light's hubris lead to his own destruction" but that's my favorite part of him tho, for me that shows he's human more than these guys, yeah but he is actually low this time here 😭, but he's goated !


Ayanokoji is smart but there’s different areas of smart. It’s just not about manipulation. Senku revived humanity he should at least be in the number 2 spot the glazing is wild though


This is a much better list, thank you for giving me peace doron


I like the list but I’d swap lelouch and ayanokoji simply bc lelouchs actions based off his smartness was on a much larger scale than a classroom imo. Both are insanely smart, don’t get me wrong, but i have lelouch over him imo


Yuuichi Katagiri from tomodachi game needs recognition. Or ig the anime in general


Ultimate life form Kars has 400 IQ. No idea how that compares to the others on this list but he's really adaptable


Lelouch and ayanokoji over johan is just biased . Okay blud. Anyone who has watched the anime knows his feats. He far surpasses ayanokoji on a normal day.


Also switch Lelouch(the goat) and Koji. Adaptability does not mean genius. Well than again it could depending on what you consider genius but Lelouch just has more feats.


Thats weird. Senku's IQ should be over 9000


I mean Light is smart its just his ego gets in the way.

Aizen kind of looses some IQ points because when Ichigo was running the ones with him he proved the metephor of everyone has got a plan till they get punched in the jaw and thats what Ichigo did which made Aizen loose his cool completely.

I honestly believe Ayanokoji's intelligence is overated. Don't get me wrong he is a smart character, is good at reading people but there is a level of social nuance and Charisma he just doesn't have which makes it impossible for him to survive if he isn't a background character, which makes him a creature of habit.

This is where Lelouch is honestly better than everyone on this list because while events happen that are beyond his control he still manages to manipulate more people, convince more people with his charisma and practically even in the worst scenario's where his back has been put against a wall he has found a way out. I mean the guy managed to figure out and defeat a Geass that could see the future, created world peace and sacrificed himself to make it all possible, nobody here compares at all.


The list they made was off but the gap between was even more tragic. Your ranking was valid though


Actually.... With Undead Unluck.... Nico is actually the smartest person in anime. Senku would be the second smartest.

Nico the Unforgettable Vorgeil. He knows everything. And I mean everything. Every language ever spoken. Every thing ever recorded. He's basically senku except well he's older.
Unforgettable negates the rule of memory. Nico has a memory so perfect that not even we can fully comprehend it. It's better than a photographic memory. Once Nico knows something it's stuck in his brain until the day he dies. Meaning he can tell you the exact time and date of certain events he's seen down to the very most minute detail. Including sensation. Dude literally got blown up and he remembers it all.

Clever would be the better way to describe this list. Or tactical. Nicos got a lot of info in his head. But he's not exactly tactical with it like these guys are. He's a thinker and an inventor. And somewhat of a fighter.

In terms of overall knowledge it's Nico hands down.
His greatest intellectual feat? The sphere that protect Tatiana the Untouchable. That thing is a tech marvel. It's designed to contain the Untouchable barrier and keep it from expanding which is nearly impossible to do. It also helps Tatiana herself interact with the world around her. She's got a sophisticated set of mechanical arms that operates directly on her brainwaves. She thinks, they do. He also made the uniforms the union uses and the ties which translate all languages

Nobody across anime has ever done those three things in such a short amount of time. Last loop he was fifty. Current loop he's in his twenties. Still made the devices in half the time without Unforgettable.

Tactical geniuses? That's up to you guys.


Everybody is good but where is Bulma and Shinobu ☠️

I don't think we need a explanation 😅
