Betta Fish vs Honey Gourami - Which is The Ultimate Center Piece Fish?

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Hello Everyone,
Most people knokw bettas make great center piece fish, but the honey gourami can be a better fit in many tanks.

If you want more information on these fish check out these videos!

For the latest in the fish room check us out on Instagram primetime_aquatics

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If you want more information on these fish check out these videos!

For the latest in the fish room check us out on Instagram primetime_aquatics


I have to agree with Jason on this one! While my Bettas live in 5.5 gallons on their own, my pair of Honey's in 20 gallon along with a school of dwarf golden barbs just melt my heart! So adorable and interactive :)


I’ve had both, and some bettas are just absolutely amazing with great personalities, BUT, honey gourami’s are just way more peaceful and I personally love the way they hug other fish and feel all around with their feelers. I used to have a breeding pair and they were just so amazing.


Yall and KGTropicals inspired and educated me enough tog at my first tank. Started with a 29 gallon kit. Now I’m at a point where I’m about to build my first 6x8ft outdoor pond for my dad, and if it goes well, my uncle said he’d pay me to build him one. Thank y’all for setting me on this path of this amazing hobby!


Yes to the honey gourami! I have had to many health issues with bettas, too stressful for me! Love to watch the honey gouramis use their feelers to greet each other :)


I have a little Honey Gourami as centerpiece in my 10gal with a school of Neon Tetras and Black Kuhli loaches. i call him either Honey or Sweetie. He's stayed only an inch long, while the Honey Gouramis in my other tank seem to have grown...I also have a Betta, my little bachelor in his own tank. Love them ! Thanks for this vid :)


You guys are the most helpful people ever, I watch your videos all the time and when I have a question you always answer it perfectly. Thank u, my fish thank u too! You have made me a better fish keeper!


Bettas have such sweet personalities… mine is a such a dork hahaha! He always cheers me up with his antics.


Well this like you jumped in my head with this video! I just set up a 20L dirted/deep substrate tank - was originally planning a betta and some sort of nano fish- Then while researching found Honey Gourami and ember tetra …and this video- . Wham! Looks like these for the win once I am cycled. Also- yup on the betta locking eyes- This is how I ended up with a female / and emergency purchase of a 5.5 gal tank….. the struggle is real. Love all the information in your videos…..


I'm in the process of stocking my new 30 gallon community tank and was having this very debate in my head about a centerpiece fish, so for me, the timing of this video is impeccable! I'm for sure going with a couple of honeys now mainly because of the more varied tank mates. But I'm also going with a betta for my next tank as my five-year-old is quite smitten with them and their colors plus the small tank size is a huge plus.

On a side note, thanks for your terrific channel. Videos like yours have rekindled my love for aquariums (this new tank is my first in almost 20 years!) and my little girls and I are having a blast with me as we look after our new tank.


Great video, i love when you and others do the compare and contrast videos which i can follow with a recap profile vid.
I've proven i can keep my fish alive, maintain multiple tanks, but still shy away from even looking at bettas because I never had a great success and they are easy to love.


Those honey gouramis sure are cute but I'm a betta lover through and through ! Had a male betta in my community tank with 3 types of tetras, a Bristlenose and snails with no issue ☺️btw my cat Sydney loves watching your fish videos. She gets right up close to the tv and sometimes taps the fish swimming by😂


Having kept both, I would have to go to team betta. Honeys are absolutely amazing regardless. I think a bettas personality and colours really put it a tiny bit ahead. Maybe I'm biased though since bettas got me into this hobby


Sorry, Joanna, I have to side with Jason only about by 75% though. My honey gourami, Grammy, was so sweet and full of personality and she NEVER let 20 pellets fall to the bottom of the tank! "Charming" the beta is so clueless he will let food hit him in the face and then act like I didn't feed him! (cute though!) Thanks guys!


I actually have two honey gouramis and two FEMALE bettas in my well planted 29 gallon community tank and it’s working beautifully


Honestly betta's have gotten very fragile. There's always something up with them, constipation, finrot, fungus, pop-eye, etc. The only way to avoid all this is if u can get them from a reputable breeder. For beginners I'd suggest honey gourami


Thanks. I’ve been a betta keeper for years but have given up. I agree the over breeding is resulting in many issues. I’m trying a honey gourami! Thanks for the alternative. I would have never found them without you!


There are actualy 3 collor variaties of honey gourami. There is also a wild type in which the females a dul gray orange-ish, but he males get bricht orange with a yellow dorsal fin with the face turing black blue-ish in breeding mode. Stunning little guys and they stay slightly smaller then the other two variaties.😊


I am probably going to try both in a 20G. My F betta seems pretty chill and loves with neons and Pygmy corys no problem!


In time I will probably get both - I think they're both great fish and plan on putting them in different environments that meet their personalities and needs.

This isn't relevant to the video but I wanted to share with you two some exciting news in my tanks. I talked a bit about this in the livestreams so you may remember. I picked up some gold H. formosa from Steve a while back but lost all of them except for 3 females due to a disease (You helped me treat it in a livestream - thank you for that!). I was pretty heartbroken as I loved these fish. I ended up adding some pygmy Corydoras as 3 h. formosa is a little sparse for a 10 gallon. Anyway, it's now about 3 months after the outbreak and I have H. Formosa fry again!!! I knew they could store milt, but without drops the last couple of months I thought they were done until I got some males. I'm guessing the heavier feedings due to the additional occupants signaled to them that it was time to reproduce again!
