Iran’s Future at Stake as Voters Head to Polls for Presidential Vote

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Jun.16 -- Iranian presidential elections take place June 18, amid ongoing tensions with the West, and doubts a nuclear agreement can be revived. The disqualification of some reformist candidates has turned the election into a one-horse race, with hard-liner Ebrahim Raisi leading the approved polls. That would mark a sharp break from outgoing leader Hassan Rouhani, whose more moderate politics and willingness to engage with the West delivered the 2015 nuclear deal and promised a more open future. Bloomberg’s Golnar Motevalli reports.
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Unprecedented defeat of the Iranian regime due to the non-participation of more than 90% of the people in the elections ....
Neither I, my family, nor my friends participated in the elections because we came to the conclusion that this regime could no longer be reformed. This year, the most famous polling stations in Tehran (Jomhuri Square, Enghelab Square, Tajrish, Valiasr, Topkhaneh and Farmaniyeh) were very empty. More than 90% of Iranians boycotted this election by not participating in it. The Iranian regime is trying to pretend that the people were involved in any trick (such as the TV show of long queues of people in recent weeks to get vaccinated and buy chickens as participants in the elections).

The latest videos of non-participation of more than 90% of the people in this election can be easily viewed on various channels.


You're an interesting species. An interesting mix. You're capable of such beautiful dreams, and such horrible nightmares. You feel so lost, so cut off, so alone, only you're not. See, in all our searching, the only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable, is each other....


As persian our people are so reluctant to vote, all of the candidates are corrupted and we can't do anything.
We are actually living in a dictatory country and everything thing is getting worse every single day


Have the people of Saudi Arabia been allowed to vote since the time of ignorance until now???


So we have a religious fundamentalist in Iran's drivers seat?
