Zoo Tours: Tiger Cubs, Record Breaking Trail & Vanished Favorites | Minnesota Zoo

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Tiger cubs, a revolutionary exhibit in the past and present, and a record breaking trail that's worth the exercise!

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Species List as of Summer 2024:
1. Sichuan Takin
2. American Bison
3. Black-tailed Prairie Dog
4. Plains Pronghorn
5. Domestic Llama / Guinea pigs
6. Przewalski's Horse
7. Domestic Bactrian Camel

Wells Fargo Family Farm
1. Domestic Horse
2. Domestic Goat
3. Domestic Sheep
4. Domestic Pig (Kunekune)
5. Domestic Cattle
6. Domestic Chicken

8. Moose
9. Domestic Reindeer
10. Amur Tiger
11. Amur Tiger

Other Videos Mentioning the Minnesota Zoo:

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EPISODE 179's Trivia Question Answer:

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*Big news Zoo Crew* — for the time being, this is my full time job! Which means more in depth adventures like this are coming your way. In order for me to prioritize Zoo Tours permanently, I'll need all the extra support I can get, and here's how you can help!

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*Species List as of Summer 2024:*
1. Sichuan Takin
2. American Bison
3. Black-tailed Prairie Dog
4. Plains Pronghorn
5. Domestic Llama / Guinea pigs
6. Przewalski's Horse
7. Domestic Bactrian Camel

Wells Fargo Family Farm
1. Domestic Horse
2. Domestic Goat
3. Domestic Sheep
4. Domestic Pig (Kunekune)
5. Domestic Cattle
6. Domestic Chicken

8. Moose
9. Domestic Reindeer
10. Amur Tiger
11. Amur Tiger

*Other Videos Mentioning the Minnesota Zoo:*


The ever-increasing quality of these videos continues to blow me away. This episode felt like a nature documentary in a zoo setting, I love it!


Gotta say the northern trail is definitely the exhibit most people think of when they hear Minnesota zoo
Such an iconic attraction


Keep up the amazing work Zoo Tours. You do such an amazing job at your videos and I would like to give a big thank you from myself. Giving me inspiration to go and visit some of these zoos that I didn't know about or some of the exhibits I didn't know they had.


I can't tell where the next episode will be featuring, but it's an aquarium so I am excited.


I love this channel so much as a zoo and animal lover!


18:14 Red Pandas. I think it's almost all but confirmed. There is speculation though that cranes and Tufted Deer might be joining them.


I LOVE TIGERS! Tommy loves the tigers for sure.


I think another good example of an animal being saved from extinction thanks to captive breeding programs in zoos is the Scimitar oryx, which was native to Northern Africa before becoming extinct in the wild. Thanks to zoos populations have been successfully bred and released into the wilds, now the species is only listed as endangered by the IUCN.


It’s My Birthday and I’ve been really looking forward to this, Plus I can’t argue with the country’s best Tiger Exhibit and Tiger Cubs!!


The San Diego Wild Animal Park, has Dholes


Takins are by far one my favorite animals, they're like a Jim Henson creation come to life! If you're looking for Golden Takin, I do believe the ones at St. Louis Zoo and Mesker Park Zoo are the golden subspecies. But I think the next opportunity I get I'm going to have to make my way to the Minnesota Zoo soon!


Zuka-zama!! Those tiger cubs are so cute! Say, Zak, even the San Diego Zoo's female sloth bear gave birth to 2 cubs! And visit the Phoenix Zoo soon! Also, 4 zoo trivia questions for you & your girlfriend....

1) What is the name of the Lincoln Park Zoo's female Western Lowland Gorilla that passed away from a cardiac failure last year?

2) How many years ago did the San Francisco Zoo originally displayed a peregrine falcon at the Koret Animal Center?

3) What year did the Woodland Park Zoo welcomed 2 new female cheetahs?

4) Which park in San Diego did G Jeffrey the Southern White Rhinoceros come from when he moved into the Sacramento Zoo?


It will not be the last time as you will eventually get to the bears area at Bronx zoo so you can feature them at least once more


The most obvious example, and oftentimes my favorite point to make when arguing with people about why zoos and aquariums are needed, of a zoo saving a species from extinction is the California condor.

Nearly went extinct if not for the efforts of the major Southern Californian zoos in capturing the last remaining 26 individuals and successfully breeding them back from the brink and the passing of legislations banning the use of certain types of chemicals and ammunition that were responsible for the high mortality rate in the species, and now not only has the species been reintroduced into the Wild, they’ve been reclaiming territories where they hadn’t been seen for decades before.


Great video. If you want to see golden takins head to the SDZ.


There are 3 different moose that rotate in the habitat


Glad to know that this video (and really your whole series of videos on this zoo) confirmed I’ll be in for some great views when I finally visit MN later this year. As for the next episode, I can tell an aquarium will be the focus, but I can’t quite tell which one. Could I please have a hint as to which aquarium it is?


It seems like the Minnesota Zoo focuses more on native and Eurasian animals than the more popular African, Asian and Australian animals. Like they did have Kangaroos at one point and then phased them out in favor of Eurasian animals.


Good job Zack you completed Minnesota zoo now do Minnesota zoo full Tour
