Hair Experts Debunk 15 Hair Myths | Debunked

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Trichologist Anabel Kingsley and dermatologist Camille Howard-Verovic debunk 15 myths about hair. They explain why hair doesn't grow faster when you constantly cut it, the true cause of dandruff, and whether shampooing causes hair loss.

0:00 Intro
0:39 Hair grows faster when you constantly cut it
1:24 You have dandruff because your scalp is dry
2:14 Washing your hair every day is bad for you.
3:12 Shaving causes hair to grow back thicker and darker
3:44 Air drying your hair is better than blow drying
5:14 Shampooing causes extra hair loss
6:00 Only shaving causes ingrown hairs
6:58 Stress makes you have gray hair
7:42 If you pluck a gray hair, two more will grow in its place
8:38 You can repair a split end
9:13 Baldness is only passed down through your mother
10:28 The more you brush your hair, the healthier, it will be
11:42 Oils will make hair grow faster and longer
12:32 Wigs, weaves, and braids always protect your hair
13:52 Tender headed is just that

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Hair Experts Debunk 15 Hair Myths | Debunked
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Hair growing faster when you constantly cut it is probably one of the most known myths about hair in the world


Yupp, we're definitely going to need a part two.
Especially going into afro Caribbean/African hair, which just has its own universe full of myths and so-called hacks and methods 😩


I can confirm that stress can cause grey hairs earlier. I started getting greys in high school. And it slowed down a while after I stopped living with my parents 😑


A few things that actually helped to control my hairfall include: (1) I discontinued wearing ponytails because it leds to tension damage. (2) I began massaging my scalp twice a week with liitleextra cocoonnion hair oil while bending over & holding my head upside down to allow blood flow to the scalp. (3) Covering my head while moving out to shield my hair from pollution. (4) Using mild shampoo again from liittleextra only to wash my hair.


Tricologis: "If shaving made our hair grow thicker I'd shave my hair..." She sumarized how people with fine hair feel with a single sentence lol


Representation matters! The fact that Dr. Howard-Verovic is coming through with the facts for the natural (type 3/4) hair community is so important. Helpful facts👏🏽!


I wish they had gone into more detail about shampooing and how often to do it (depending on several factors of course)


Could you maybe elaborate on the dandruff answer? There seem to be other conditions that can cause flakes that can be quite unpleasant while not being technically dandruff. Can these smaller flakes be caused by extensive washing and shampooing of a sensitive/dry scalp as it is often claimed?


I love how they discussed scalp sensitivity being a myth. For the longest I thought that I just had a super sensitive scalp and didn't realize that the relaxers I'd been getting since I was young were making my scalp more and more sensitive. I have a high tolerance for pain before I start outwardly showing it and by the time I was in high school I was crying with every relaxer.

When I did the big chop before leaving for college and stopped chemically treating my hair I noticed that my scalp started feeling much better and my hair felt so much healthier. It actually started growing much faster than before (the chemicals were probably breaking and damaging it) and I started enjoying getting my hair braided because it didn't hurt anymore.


I'd never heard of tenderheadedness before just now, but I do have a related anecdote: my mother used to hate brushing my hair because I would cry and scream, and eventually she just made me keep it in a bob so I could brush it myself.

Then she grew out her hair for the first time since she was a kid, and she realized that "Oh. You're not supposed to start the brush at the scalp and drag it through. That really, really hurts." She apologized and everything, it was very validating.


Thank you for having a Black woman for this. While skin/scalp should be similar, our hair texture is what makes us different when it comes to hair care. i went years coming on youtube trying to get advice on my 4C hair and i realised that the advice from these dermatologists and experts were meant for people with straight hair


I have eczema and I know someone who has psoriasis and we actually get "dandruff" on our dry scalp. I think it would've been helpful to point out that you do still get flakes from dry scalp they're just not "dandruff". I didn't know this until I saw a doctor. Also blow drying can be damaging to people with dry or sensitive scalp.


One of my friends went through a period of EXTREME stress at 17. His physical manifestation is having one pure silver patch above his right ear. The rest is still almost black. Crazy stuff.


I’m still a little skeptical of the shampooing answer, while I recognize the process of shampooing doesn’t cause hair loss, I’ve definitely noticed experientially that it dries out my hair, some brands far worse than others. A lot of conditioners also don’t properly replenish or moisturize, they just coat with wax for the appearance of hydration. I’ve heard that shampooing regularly can actually cause your scalp to produce more oil to account for the drying effects but I’d like to hear professionals discuss how true this is


Also love how y’all talk about curly hair! Most videos don’t talk about curly hair nor how to take care of it. Thank you! 😊


Thank you to Dr. Howard-Verovic for elevating stylists who are passionate about education! It's beyond considerate for those of us who don't have healthcare, or have a plan that makes it difficult to access one.


I wish they elaborated on the “hair doesn’t grow faster from cutting it” of course it doesn’t alone. But if you have split ends and single strand knots, NOT trimming your ends has a negative effect on any growth. A split end will continue splitting up the strand, and knots continue knotting, leading to breakage. If your hair is breaking at the same rate it’s growing, it’s almost like it’s hardly growing. Healthy ends allow for less breakage than unhealthy ends.


I love how the derm was appreciative of stylists 💜 And acknowledged that a good stylist who educates can also be an option.


I really appreciated this video especially the part about hair loss. I have PCOS and hypothyroidism and my hair has thinned and I've lost a lot throughout the last 4 years. People still say I have a lot of hair and I do appreciate that but it's the fact that it's changed that bugs me. Since it's thinning on my temples my hair sits weird and I'm constantly losing a lot of hair


love that they included curly/texture into the hair conversation when it normally isn’t included
