The TERRIBLE Storks Movie...

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This movie just seemed to appear one day. Did anyone watch it in cinemas? Well either way it's in front of me now. And it is TERRIBLE. But just what went weird for Warner Animation Group's Stork story? Was it's animation quality close to it's cartoon past, or did it come out as generic? Could it not follow up the hype of The Lego Movie, or did it bite off more than it can chew? Whatever the case, this is our review of Warner Brothers' TERRIBLE Storks...

#DazzReviews #Storks #TERRIBLESeries #TERRIBLEStorks #WarnerBros #WarnerAnimationGroup #VideoEssay #Review #WB #AndySamberg



...Well. That was quite the experience. I hated it. But I loved it at the same time. A complete divide down the middle. Some departments of this film really went hard.. but then other department completely dragged it down. For a movie about birds, it sure didn't fly very high...
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I actually found this film to be quite underrated. At first it starts like a generic kids film, but gets better thanks to most of the characters. Also that ending got me...


Fun fact: The Storks movie was Jennifer Aniston's 1st animated film since The Iron Giant (1999), which is also distributed by Warner Bros.


Dazz: This movie is awful.
Everyone in the comments: So you've chosen death.


The wolves becoming random vehicles is way to funny


I randomly saw the first 20 minutes of this movie at a restaurant a few weeks ago. I was convinced it was boss baby and was really confused why they were spending so much time on the stork subplot and not introducing boss baby.


Bit surprised you titled the film as terrible. Judging by the comments, plenty of people including myself really like the film.
Yeah there were some bits I always disliked, mainly Pigeon Toady.
But the wolves and Tulip definitely made the film as the voice acting and animation of them is really well done.
The ending I found really heartwarming and nicely done so I think that's why I think this film as quite good.

Andy Samberg has really gone down in my books, as looking back at his work I don't find him that funny. Also as a voice actor he always just seems to do his normal voice, bit of a Chris Pratt in that regard.

But I still like enough of this film to give it a watch from time to time.


That whole 'it's been 18 years' is a plot hole that really hits me as an adult.
Like imagine you're let's say 30, you're life isn't together but you're at the point where you're ready to have a kid, and so you put in a letter.
Then you're 48, and suddenly a bouncing baby arrives on your doorstep at a point where
A.) You're content with not having children.
or B.) You've gotten a child which ever other method this universe decides that children can be had.
Honestly that's a terrifying concept in my opinion.

I like this movie more than Boss Baby honestly. I think it's a crime that Boss Baby and Boss Baby Two are given so much recognition when this movie honestly does it better.


Personally, I disagree :/

This movie isn't amazing obviously, but it's FAR from terrible


AND PLEASE STOP CALLING IT A BOSS BABY CLONE. Storks came out first, Boss Baby is the clone


I really REALLY love this movie. The humor is not a chaotic slapstick and the banter is absolutely hilarious. I especially love the charm of all (and I really mean "all") of the characters; even if the film features a typical trope, the characters keep it interesting. The ending hit so hard- especially with the variety of parents- and everytime I see it, I'm flooded with excitement and happiness. It's just a super cute film that will always be a favorite of mine.


I FUNDAMENTALLY disagree. This movie is super funny. From a comedic standpoint it's very well written. Story might be generic, but as it goes on it gets better. It's not meant to be the best most original most creative thing in the world, but it is incredibly witty and the jokes thankfully are cleverly written. It honestly kind of reminds me humor-wise of gravity falls. I don't know why you have the angle on it that you do. It's totally fine to not like something. I just disagree with your take.


Almost everyone I know LOVED this movie! The comedy is cleverly fast- paced, the animation is cute and colourful, and the ending really got me right in the gut🥺. Also, that pigeon was my favourite character. Seeing him in pain brought me joy I cannot describe😂. I do admit tho, the Nate arc was a bit of a drag😅


Even tho it has flaws this type of comedy is right up my ally and I still love this movie a solid 7/10 from me :)


The wolf van… but they remembered they were driving with a baby… straight laughs


The TERRIBLE storks movie

“Im surprised I actually liked alot of this movie”



Oh no, no, no, no, no. This movie may not be perfect but still is very good and funny and definitely NOT terrible.



Excuse me sir this movie slaps. I quote it to this day.

“Wait a minute! There was no game!!!”


Terrible?! Excuse me, sir, but i disagree.
I know that the plot is not spectacular, had flaws, lack stakes.

But some moments are fairly good and some character have charm, but maybe that's because of who does the voices


I watched this movie in theaters, and laughed the entire time. One time I had a bunch of friends over, and I played the movie, and most of them were groaning just by the title, but by the ten minute mark everyone was engaged and laughing. It's really a hilarious movie


I absolutely love the scene with all the families hugging their babies
The way all the people hug their babies just feel so loving and genuine and even if there’s a plot hole it just made the movie 100x better for me
