Found Unused Nuclear Bunker Filled with Equipment

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Shiey visiting his friend's apartment: "everything is so well preserved in this place"


Bro breathed 50 years worth of mold just for us to experience this
Thank you Shiey, your work is amazing, don't ever change


It always amazes me how many abandoned bunkers you find and how many more are around the world. Pretty crazy to think about!


You nailed it with the last comment, ... i was trying to isolate the feeling i get when i watch you go into these places and it is definitely one of having escaped a path of fate that could have been devastating for the whole world. - Having these bunkers rot peacefully beneath our feet is a luxury i'll never finish being grateful for.


It's kindda relaxing watching him exploring abandon places.


2 video today! Nice way to start the weekend


Greetings from Latvia! I wasn't aware of the existence of this bunker. You gave me a goal to accomplish next year because I would certainly want to visit it. Paldies!


hey @shiey, at 2:09 you asked whether it is a radio or not. It is the monitoring interface of the bunkers electrical grid. It has a current(A), frequency(hertz / Hz), and a voltage(V) indicator too. This was used to determine whether the generated power(by the diesel generator) was in the specified tolerances: 220V, 50Hz. The current meter(A) was able to show that all the other devices which were connected to the power grid how much current they consumed. Thus they could monitor a potential soft overload of the system, as well as determine the average power (W) consumed by the grid.


The black mask is a GP-5M also known as ShM-66MU, basically a modernized GP-5. with earholes and the metal disk on the front is a voice diaphragm. With the clearer ability to hear and communicate they were more often used by military personnel but also by civilians to communicate on radios.


'I don't know what that guy was breathing, but it was far away.'

Made me laugh harder than I thought it would.


Back in the early 70's my older brother was hired from a temp company to help empty out an old bomb shelter in NYC. He found a shit load of barbiturates presumably used to calm down the people if they started freaking out over the end of the world. He stuffed his backpack with bottle after bottle. Needless to say we had a very laid back summer and he never went back to work for that company.


I highly love the fact that you don't destroy anything, take stuff, or show locations, is so cool seeing something like this left behind, i saw the other day you uploaded a video that had cars and a firetruck, it was insane looking at those cars, never seen them before, everything about it, is like a museum, and sadly if u show location stupiid people would 100% destroy the enviroment, thanks for content, is trully amazing!!


shiey ive been watching you live my dreams for years now and i just wanna say i love your vids so much thanks you for blessing us with this content


2:09 the center dial is an RPM meter. The little plates vibrate to specific tunes revealing the exact range at which something (can be more than motors) operate. In common tongue they're called "Vibrating Reed Tachometers".


It feels like you're in a post-apocalyptic world. So cool, man!


At 7:52 when Shiey finds the personal medical kits and opens one and says the drug is still in it, that unbroken vial thing in the case is a pretty potent soviet opiate. Stronger than codeine but maybe 65%-70% the strength of morphine.

I can’t believe he leaves those and walks by them when he finds them, one of those cases without the narcotic vial in it is about $20 on the internet. Take all the opiate vials out for personal use or profit and then sell the cases for cash to collectors lol. I know he doesn’t touch anything and I respect that, because if there weren’t people like him then we wouldn’t be able to see that stuff. But that’s akin to finding a hundred untouched US morphine syrette’s like from WW2 or Vietnam and just leaving them be lol. The drug is still good too, guaranteed.


Thank you again Shiey for taking us along, as always. I hope you’re doing well and continuing to keep your proud head up. Where We Go One We Go All. 🤗


First box was probably telecommunications, second box was power like you said.

The 'radio' by the generator wasnt measuring radio frequency but electrical current oscillation from the generator which would vary within a certain range due to load demands on the generator changing.


Statistically speaking shiey is more likely to survive a nuclear war than the rest of us if he keeps spending his free time hanging out in abandoned bunkers lol

Imagine trying to explore an underground bunker with no electricity, that would be just horrible having to deal with the fumes and smoke from fire based lighting. Electric lighting is such a massive invention, gandalf's power is subtle but profound


I really agree with what you said about the vibe of the places… something about these bleak, empty places that are designed for terrible scenarios, just being so deserted… it makes me feel like a kind of sad peacefulness.. idk but I appreciate you showing us these things 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
