SouthEast LinuxFest Highlights | Linux Action Show 318

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Interviews and awesome gear from the floor of SouthEast LinuxFest 2014. We round up the highlights of Linux from the south!

Plus some Firefox news we're stoked about, and we take another step closer to becoming a command-line ninja...

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We round-up the highlights and interviews from SouthEast LinuxFest 2014, plus FirefoxOS's Living room surprise, command-line magic, and more!


i tried maynard a week ago, its really smooth!


It's so freaking hot over here, you just wouldn't believe how bad it is here. Also, the show starts at ( 39:41 ).


BIG SHOW!! Great stuff this week, got me motivated to hack my mobile box for hours :)
btw: It'll be really interesting to watch you take on the "slack challenge" :D


for the chrome cast or chtomr cast like devices would be better if you could mirror your desktop or you phone etc to a tv that would be awesome


digital ocean is better than doing VM's on your local machine for testing or training on.


Only 40 miles from texaslinuxfest, but had scheduling conflicts this year.  Didn't make it last year as only two talks interested me.  Didn't make it the year before that because I got the date wrong.  *sigh*


do you think ubuntu will come to the raspberry pi.


wow that piece on AMD mantle was very bad, please do a little more research before ranting.


Wow... k I get the different viewpoint between Chris and me, you are not even a opensource advocate u are a "linux advocate" if tomorow microsoft would rename windows to linux u would love it too.

But he just talked so mcuh bullshit about AMD here.

1. mantle gives not more speed to some grafic chips, it makes the cpu-usage smaller with this chips.

2. microsoft dont makes dx12 because opengl sucks because mantle showed that dx11 sucks.

3. The demand of mantle on linux doesnt come from customers, but from developers, so of course it will come to linux.

4. you here rant against amd making to slow good desitions at this one api, but where were the rants about nvidia having 100 such apis closed up making stuff NOT industrie-standard like physix and co. A more recent example? Nvidias proprietary G-Sync vs AMD VESA Freesync, or another example vesa Dockport vs Intel Thunderbolt.

So give amd a break yes they could commit more to linux then they do already but they commit 1000x more to linux than nvidia does. at least if foss is a feature at all to you if not, why not using linux or macosx?

Let me guess if tomorow Apple supports officialy all pcs not only own hardware you switch to macosx tomorow?

But yes u/he (he will not read it anyway but hard to not adress him^^) will not become on the same position about the "freedom dimention", but at least get your facts right, like my point 1 and 2. Else I have to categories you to tabloid tv.
