Word Bearers - Getting Started in Horus Heresy

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I don't think anyone has told you yet, but the Sicaran Punisher doesn't put out twice as many shots if it hasn't moved. That's the Arcus, it does however have 'Rolling Thunder' allowing it's shots to have Rending (if it doesn't move) but sacrifices shooting in the next shooting phase.
I know on paper that seems a bit weak, but I would like some on table reports. Because I think 18 shots rending may actually do half decent damage to the backlines of a Predator or Vindicator squadron.
However we must recognise what its true purpose is, daemon and horde mowing. That AP4 Str 5 is gonna lay down pain, and if you're in a pinch smack down with Rolling Thunder against Greater Daemons


I am of the opinion that the best parts of the Horus Heresy books are when the writers do horrible things to Erebus for his snakelike scheming and plots. Getting to reenact these on the tabletop when someone bring Erebus is fun (Especially surrounding him with a lot of Very angry World Eaters and Kharn).


I think you forgot to mention that Erebus gives all your troops choices free dark channeling. I remember seeing a buddy of mine running pride of the legion with Erebus in his army. A ten man Tartoros terminator squad rolled demon special rule and was basically immortal for the whole game.


Another awesome vid. Thanks to you I've made my first Forgeworld order to start my Iron Hands.


Deamon rule is not preventing some1 from joining them, deamonic instability is and gal vorbak do not have that rule.


Ok, before I take a look at this video, I wanted to thank you once again.

I started with a Word Bearer army to contrast my Night Lords earlier this month and kept it pretty basic (due to me playing it in a narrative campaign), I hope that this may give me some inspiration for when after the campaign is over.

Just for those who care (so I guess absolutely no one) I've put the units I've built/ am building up here.

Chaplain (Power Sword/Plasma Pistol/ Burning Lore)
Diabolist (Tainted Weapon/Power Sword/ Burning Lore)
Praetor (Blade/ Pistol/ Burning Lore)
Primus Medicae (when not fielding the RoW)

Tac Squad with CC-weapons (20)
Tac Squad (10)
Support Squad with 10x Melta
Support Squad with 10x Plasma
(the ten guy squads are in Rhinos)

10 Gal Vorbak
2 Contemptors
Cataphractii Terminators (5)
Apothecaries (2)

Sicaran Arcus

If this list sounds too hard (I haven't had much time to play Horus Geresy as of late and I'm just painting those units up before I buy new ones at the moment), it's just because my oponnent is fielding Ultramarines and told me that he'd be spamming those 2+ armor AP2 axe squads and the terminators. And he told me to bring some AP2 stuff myself then.


The latest HH Errata and FAQ chanaged the AP of the Ashen Circle's Axe-Rakes to 3 - does that change your estimation of them?


Generally good advice on units etc, but personally I'd suggest zardu over the kor phaeron / erebus pack despite his somewhat specialist rules. 1: he can take daemonology without the miscast negatives, 2: his warlord trait is good for ashen circle but doesn't restrict you to needing to use them, plus if i remember rightly it benefits ALL the dark channelling in your army so really helps you to fish for the S10 power fists on your sergeants or 20 man tac blobs with 5+ inv. He doesn't count as a second character ( I think fw wrote this wrong considering he gives zealot and is described as a chaplain) but you can just take a burning lore centurion as a power battery with suprise biomancy or something.

Also the blade slaves can be used as tainted blade gal vorbak - I don't personally like them but some people swear by them


You can use Ashen Circle as a regularly assault marine squad.


Just a thought on the Dark Apostle model: the chaos star is a separate piece from the rest of the backpack, you could just not include that and it'll look good. Yeah he'll still be swimming in scrolls but that suits the Word Bearers pretty well.


The Mara'Gal could be funny in games of Zone Mortallis, if you ever going to play that, because he can simply walk through walls and doors, which can be super funny.


So happy to learn you're doing the Auxilla and Mechanicum as well, thanks for these


I'm not the only one who for the longest time thought their name was World bearers right?.


What are your thoughts on using the new dark apostle for 30k?


Wait is there no loyalist word bearers


Can you explain: the "must sweeping advance" rule - see this all over the place - but surely ALL units will always sweeping advance? There's no reason not to (no downside or cost to doing it), and it's not presented as optional in the rulebook, just something you do at the end of combat. I assumed it was FW not knowing their own rules but you say it's "very handy". Really not clear why?


What is your thoughts on the The mark III legion starter collection and the legion vanguard collections ?


I still dream of the day we will get a new Keeper of Secrets


Imo Zardu is better compare to Erebus and Korphy. Zardu is a daemon, can summon and grants good buff and blade slaves are awesome. Only bad stuf for Zardu is his WT trait is useless cause Ashen circle are just shit unit (and it makes me cry to say that cause the minis are awesome but str 3 flamers are a joke and they only have 2A each...)

And for all assault units like Gal Vorbaks, Red butcher always consider assault transports like land raider, dreadclaw and so on.

Lorgar is a killing machine compare to other primarchs cause of precog he is unkillable and always usefull to pick the powers you want/need to buff all you dudes.

And I know rites of war are for more advanced players but for WB the Last of the Serrated Sun ROW is very good and cool to play but you have to focus from the start on Gal Vorbaks and drop pods unlike other classic legions which need the compulsory tac squads.


The critical absence of #BlameLorgar in this comment section is downright heretical.
