Big Brother 26 Week 9 Player Rankings - BB26

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Ranking Big Brother 26 cast based on their game as of the Week 9 eviction. Contains spoilers for the 9th eviction!!

My rankings are based solely on how I think they are doing in the game!

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I definitely agree with Angela being high this week as she didn’t get into any drama and she literally has the best resume in the game:

Won HOH, backdoored Matt
Survived the block
Veto used on her
Survived the block
Veto used on her
Veto used on her
Won the veto and initiated the T’Kor backdoor


I said this like 2 weeks ago, but i see no physical way where anyone beats Angela in the final 2. Her game is so confusing with the fact that 1-she caused this much chaos and 2-she stayed safe almost every week. She can very easily claim the Tucker veto uses on her as her gameplan (even if its unintentional), shes now got an enourmous eviction on her hands and she is still no where near the top of anyones threat radar. Like, i know it sounds crazy, but im putting my money on Angela to take this home somehow


I'm sad T'kor is gone, not only because I genuinely liked her, but also because this very is very likely the beginning of the Chelsie, Cam and MJ steamroll, with Chelsie as the favorite to win.

Hope I'm wrong tho


A part of me is expecting a Leah/Angela final 2. If it does, it’s going to be similar to BB4, I think.


My Rankings

7. Kimo
6. Leah
5. Rubina
4. Angela
3. Cam
2. Chelsie
1. Makensy


I always said people were too high on T’Kor. Since she took out Tucker, her side has never won any comps besides Rubina in the AI comp, and even the likes of Chelsie, Leah and MJ were all willing to vote her out. She probably should of put Leah up and she may have stayed.


1. Mackensey
2. Chelsie
3. Angela
4. Leah
5. Cam
6. Rubina
7. Kimo


I don't think Leah misplayed her powers.

She could not afford to nominate Chelsie at all that week. The goodwill she earned from mostly-honest conversations with Cam and MJ could never happen if Leah had nominated Chelsier with TKor making Angela the absurdly obvious swing vote. She's spend her HoH being irrelevant to the house and an enemy to everyone.

She could also not afford to nominate TKor straight up because most people who'd win the veto would save her and she'd end up having to renom what is now her original nom: kimo and rubina. Backdooring TKor was the only way to remove her. Leah didn't even believe it could happen at first so no BIG credit there but still.

The bonds she reinforced with Cam and MJ are pretty important. She almost certainly has Cam's jury vote secured as long as she brings Angela, Kimo or Rubina with her. Letting the CCM trio almost implode on her own got Leah to hear from MJ that she knows Chelsie and Cam would choose each other over her, meaning, Leah knows that in the right time and moment she could get MJ to flip.

All Leah needs to do is lay out the math for MJ who is now the HoH. Leah needs to convince MJ that she's a great Final 2 because MJ would always win 5-2 with only Angela and Quinn voting for Leah, and that in every single one of MJ's F2s Chelsie's vote is already locked Chelsie would never vote for MJ vs Cam, would always vote vs Leah/Angela, and even if MJ were to backdoor her as long as her goobye messages/jury speeches can smooth things over which is easy given Chelsie's huge threat level, she can guarantee an already likely vote vs Rubina and Kimo.

Then, if MJ can convince Chelsie and Cam to throw the veto because she's "going to backdoor Leah", all other Veto winners would use the veto, Chelise can be renom'd in place of Angela, ensuring Chelsie always gets 2 votes so Cam can't save Chelsie and MJ breaks the tie.

Intentionally backdooring and evicting the remaining big threat would be huge to MJ's resume. She just has to see the path, or have AngeLeah draw it for her.



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I agree with everything, but I think Angela should be placed below Cam. Everyone is going to be targeting Leah and Angela Next week. Cam, Chelsie and MJ will not put each other up. They will either go after Leah and Ang or Rubina and Kimo. If Rubina or Kimo wins, they might target the other Trio but they are more likely to target Leah and Angela. The only way I see Angela not touching the block, is if she wins HOH.

1. MJ
2. Chelsie
3. Cam
4. Angela
5. Rubina
6. Leah
7. Kimo


Did Angela won Hoh ?
Who is the target?


post hoh rankings

how much i like them:
1. Rubina
2. Cam
3. Kimo
4. MJ
5. Angela
6. Leah
7. Chelsie

1. MJ: no one’s target everyone is willing to work w her, not the biggest threat and has a good story
2. Chelsie: Angela/Leah will target, best win equity rn, viewed as strategically strongest
3. Rubina: amazing social game (no one is targeting her), not a big threat, needs a “big move” to win a jury vote
4. Cam: kind of viewed as a Chelsie puppet, needs to maybe take out Chelsie but that perception isn’t great, most people besides throuple would nominate him (nom/replacement)
5. Kimo: not any strong allies, perpetual pawn/backup target, if he had a few “big moves” he could win a jury vote, sees throuple as threats
6. Leah: everyone but Angela targeting her next, basically no win equity
7. Angela: target for the hoh, no one but Leah rly wants to work w her will get taken out eventually, no win equity rn


one problem, isnt Angela the target this week?


Hell yeah ❤
Edit if mj wins the whole thing not only would she be the youngest female winner in US big brother history but the first US big brother winner born in this century.


1. MJ
2. Chelsie
3. Angela
4. Cam
5. Leah
6&7. Rukimo

People that don’t see Angela as competition aren’t realizing that she has the best resume currently out of everyone left in the house. T’kor leaving was bad for Chelsie’s game but honestly she still has Cam in her pocket, MJ on her side, and now Rukimo both are on her side as well without T’kor being there. I think Leah is playing a much better game than she was before but unless she keeps winning she will be leaving this upcoming week or the week after. Cam is one to watch because he has good relationships with half the house at this point, staying low has worked in his favor and he’s managed to not be seen as a comp threat - if he can actually pull out some wins in the upcoming physical comps he at least makes final 4.


2:23 ☠️☠️☠️☠️

Strong logic re: MJ & Angela's ranking. I loath Ang & Chelsie's house personalities, and am so bluh at the prospect of Chelousy winning. I did enjoy the LF convo this morning between MJ & Chels in the HOH room since MJ appeared to be standing in her full power by fact-checking and contradicting Chelsie. MJ even put Chelsie on her heels and with some moral superiority shade and questioned Chelsie's claim of playing an "honest & faithful" game. Lil miss phantom-married-to-Cam scrambled to explain and excuse her pettiness. It was kinda glorious.
