Do Girls Know How Much They Value Looks?

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They know but they don't admit it.


I've worked around women. ALL women of ALL ages are utterly obsessed with mens looks. It is their number ONE priority in a man. They were all married and they still wanted good looking men.


If a woman is complimenting on a guys looks, she’s interested in him romantically. If she compliments him on anything else, she’s interested in him as an orbiter.


“My teacher said that real beauty is on the inside”
“That’s just something ugly people say”
-Liar liar


I'm 6 foot 2 and was a 6 out of 10. Never had too much trouble getting ladies when I put effort in. Hair started thinning, and fast. Decided to just shave it off as I'm not interested in taking a pill every day or hair transplants. Now I'm a 3 or 4 out of 10, and the interest from women is zero even with chasing - unless the woman has 3 kids from 3 different dads and is obese. I am getting a bit older so I don't care, but damn is it a big shot of reality. Personality doesn't mean a thing, so long as it isn't awful


Bro was spitting facts looks are everything in dating if you have a hard time with women it’s because your looks, height or race is holding you back


Looks don't matter. Just be nice and shower twenty times a day.


I honestly think they are convinced they don't value it that much. I notice a lot of women believe they have a virtuous position regardless of their actions as it appeals to their own self perception. Consider how many women have been 'single' while dating 10 guys and sleeping with 20, yet somehow they appear to truly think they've been single the whole time.


I've worked around women at a bar for the past decade.
They know. In fact they are infinitely more looks aware than men.


They do, but it is not in their self ineterest to tell guys looks matter, since the guys might stop simping.


It's funny that even if a girl thinks you're somewhat attractive, she will still make sure her friends think you "deserve" her. I think most of them would feel less embarrassed being in a relationship with an attractive serial killer than with a normal "unattractive" guy. They worry so much about how attractive you are and how others perceive you, just to ensure it looks like they made a good choice.


The girl I’m seeing (met her through cold approach) insists that she doesn’t care about looks. I think she’s just lying.

I’m a tall white guy, there’s absolutely no way she would’ve stopped on the street for me if I was a short, fat, ogre.

Women often act like they don’t care about looks, but it’s bullshit. Looks are the most important thing when it comes to dating, albeit not the only thing that matters.

She also thinks the male loneliness epidemic is a myth. Some women nowadays, I swear to god.


Bro of course they do. All of womens interests revolve around aesthetics. Fashion, makeup, comparing looks and body shape. Then she goes and tells ugly man how he's alone because of his personality, as if her's isn't scorn and hatred of his ugliness.


The difference between a friend and a boyfriend is looks. Deep down inside we all already know this. Within 1 millisecond we analyze a person face and see if we find them attractive or not. Men and women both do this. It it what it is, only more reason to improve yourself.


It’s funny because women want men to compliment them on something other than her looks, but when she’s complimenting a man it’s always about his looks. Unless he’s unattractive to her.


The funniest thing is reading their bio on dating apps where they claim they're looking for intelligence, emotional maturity, a sense of humor, and kindness. Then you match with them, and they start acting like they're genuinely interested in your life and hobbies, so you set up a date. You go on the date, and when they realize you're not an 8/10 (even though they’re barely a 5 in terms of looks), you can see and feel their disappointment as they listen to you. It's obvious they don’t care at all about who you are or what you do, even if you’re the most interesting person out there. And for the record, I’m not fat, bald, or even bad-looking.

Yet every time, it’s the same story—after the date, I get ghosted or ignored. It’s sad how so many girls overvalue themselves by at least 3 points. For example, a girl who’s a 5 believes she’s an 8, at minimum.


Nobody likes to admit they value looks. It makes you look superficial and shallow. Even well intentioned people fall into this.


Essentially you always get reduced to your worst trait, you could be tall with a sharp face but if you have thinning hair that will massively impact your looks, same with perfect face+hair if you're short


Looks always matters anyone tells you they don’t is ugly


We guys value looks too, but we are usually honest about that fact, I got BP as when I had success with honest girls the they said they would have been friends but not have slept with me if I wasn’t cute
