AutoHotkey V2- OCR (Optical character recognition) Image to Text

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What else should we look at when it comes to OCR?


The screen-snip example is great. I'd like to give the option of getting rid of line breaks so the text can be imported as a paragraph of text. I can easily see how these scripts can be really useful day-to-day.


I tested this tool on your video, while you were showing portions of the script used.
I paused your video at 3:36 and selected lines 30 and 31 of the script visible on the screen. Here is the result obtained:
30 resu It := OCR. FromBitmap (hBitmap, , 2)
31 : = rearrangeOCRresu1t (result)
The copy contains some errors, but the result is still impressive.
OCR seems to have difficulties with the letter "l or L", as well as with the purple color by omitting the word "text" from line 31.


Can you create a video showing how to automate the task of posting to a webpage, such as a Facebook group?
Use a script to take a YouTube video link and post it to multiple Facebook groups.
Let me know if this is possible!


Hello, can I modify several keys to transmit different texts? Ex: key [ to write the name, key ] to write the first name, key { to write the date of birth, key } to write passport number? They would be necessary for the quick filling of some online forms. Thank you.


bro thanks for this but your script is having a hard time reading single digit or 2 digits especially with 0, any tips to fix this?


I need to use the snipping function in my office but there are lot of restrictions with the IT dept. there, can i use the codes in a normal notepad and run this, how it will work. am a non tech guy, can someone help me on this.
