This Pro Move Will Make Your Bowling Swing Effortless

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Brad and Kyle fix one of the most common mistakes we see bowlers make.

Brad and Kyle Instagram 👉 @brad_and_kyle

Kyle Instagram 👉 @k_sherm32

Brad Instagram 👉 @bradmiller.17

You want to learn how to bowl from TWO of the BEST bowlers in the world? Brad and Kyle have been showing behind the scenes footage of the PBA and professional bowling tournaments. Their instructional bowling videos have helped millions of bowlers learn to hook a ball and throw more strikes! You can follow their bowling careers and learn how to curve a bowling ball.

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One of the reasons you must start the ball on 1st step (4 step approach) or 2nd step (5 step approach) is that this allows the ball to NATURALLY clear your hip without having to adjust the swing. When I coach, I try to create an association between STARTING the swing and the heel of your right foot on IT'S first step (step 1 for 4 and step 2 for 5). This gives you a physical cue to start your swing.


Brad and Kyle, I watched this video 3 days ago. Last night I bowled my first 300 in league. Just epic stuff! You guys are the best and this is a very helpful tip!


I started really watching good bowlers after this video and I was surprised to see that actually most push off _AFTER_ their 1st/2nd step (so for a 5 step, more like at step 2.5 or even 3!) I decided to try this and while it felt super awkward at first, It actually fixed it so I'm not rushing my feet to keep up with the swing and I'm at the foul line with my weight balanced just a hair before the ball gets there, which makes it much easier for me to transfer the power into the ball naturally. I've struggled with this forever and I sort of think the old "push off with your same leg" isn't a hard rule and the very people that think they follow it often don't. They often do a very slow roll pushoff that actually delays everything so they have better timing in the end.


Hi Brad and Kyle! I just had to write and say THANK YOU!!! My average is 123. No kidding, I watched this video about 10 days ago, and have practiced what you taught here on 2 different occasions... last night I bowled an AVERAGE of 173! I am now #1 for female handicap series in our (sanctioned) league. The tip in this video is FIRE. Thank you so so much. Mind blown. I'm now sending this video to my entire team. Thanks again, happy bowling :)


Absolutely love this channel. I was literally struggling with this last night. Can’t wait for the luci so I can meet Brad again and Kyle for the first. Don’t get sick this time!


Wow! Late timing and dropping the ball by the second step has been a constant problem of mine for years. My coach has been working with me on it every time I see him. It is definitely robbing me of ball speed and it greatly affects my balance, especially at the point of release. I am going to keep working on this issue so it helps me and allows my legs to be a bigger part of this. I am 67 years old and have been working the past 3 years in strengthening my left leg which had a hip replacement. It doesn't hurt and my legs are much stronger now so I have no excuse. Thanks again for showing this video because the whole thing has been so frustrating for me in recent years. Laura Simmons, Euclid, Ohio


I had the pleasure of meeting brad a few weeks ago and now these videos just seem like a routine to me


Why not a side wide view camera so we can actually see the steps as they relate to the swing? We can’t even see feet or legs the entire video. Frustrating.


Send this video to 220 Avg bower. Would literally fix his entire swing.


I’ve been bowling now for80 years, I used 4 step approach until recently, just changed to a 5 step approach however I don’t push ball into motion until the 3 rd step and I do average over 200 bowling 2 times per week. I will try to go to a push away on the 2nd step, enjoyed video.


You can tell Kyle has been hitting the weight room. Keep it up bro.


I have a 4 step approach and last week I was trying to add the 5th. I think in general I have late timing and trying to switch to 5 steps made it feel so early I just couldn't do it. I guess it will feel weird at first but I should persist. I have lost ball speed the last couple of years and I want to increase it a bit again to generate more power.


I do a 4-step approach amd my ball goes into motion at the same time I start taking my first step. I reach the top of my backswing in the third step and full forward swing in the fourth.


Been bowling for 40-ish years. After everything becomes muscle memory...timing on push out is my biggest focus. Then comes wrist position and speed.


As someone who coaches baseball pitchers, it is amazing to me how similar the concepts are between bowling and pitching mechanics. The lower half really powers the kinetic chain.

I get to watch Chris Barnes a lot as I bowl at his home bowling center. Great bowler.

Personally, I have no problem getting speed but I do have a problem getting the revs to match that speed. I have to slow my speed down to get my balls to come back to the pocket.


It’s best to develop your swing on your second step is what I have found. I used to create it during my third step and i always felt like the swing didn’t have enough time to develop properly or have properly enough timing in the forward swing as well but making the correction by starting the drop of the swing in second step gave me that proper swing feeling that and my average changed for the better too. I also see a change in the way my ball hooks now it like the ball is hooking the way it was designed to do. Also gives myself more of a force when I slide and swing the bowling ball forward but when I started the swing in the third step it was harder to get the ball back and forward all with enough force by the 5th step. Don’t have that problem anymore. Thanks. I start mine on the second because I am a 5 step bowler if your a 4 stepper might wanna start swing after first steps which will give you the same 3 steps to develop the swing back and forth and slide.


This video helped me a lot especially focusing on the second step as a focal point for my swing. I think everyone must have some trigger point that controls their swing etc. I can tell I am late when I finish falling off onto my right foot (right handed) rather than a solid follow through with a planted left foot. Its a small difference though.


watching this vid helped me realize i was SSUUUUPPPERRRR late hahaha i never understood why i was losing balance and almost falling over. thanks guys, brand new bowler trying to figure it out, i appreciate this vid


Thanks for the tips, guys. A few weeks ago when I was practicing with my dad, he told me that I need to get my feet moving a little faster. I tend to have late timing and I’ve been trying to improve the timing of my push away.


I remember when I started bowling and a buddy showed me this, it was a completely natural thing. I later wanted to give tips to other people and told them, that their timing is one step late and tried showing them examples of the „correct“ timing and EVERYONE except me did it wrong. I was baffled and only then noticed, that in germany 90% of the people basically do the late pushaway. I even am a certified coach now and in the course I was told that my timing is one step early… good thing I can teach it the real way now.
