How Can You Believe in a Jealous God?

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How can God be jealous? Doesn't that make him petty and unworthy of worship? One of the most common misconceptions that Christians and non-Christians have about God is what it means that He is jealous. When this attribute is properly understood, it reveals how deeply God loves us and yearns to be in relationship with us. Join me and Dr. Erik Thoennes for a LIVE chat.

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Thanks for making that analogy at minute 34 Sean. For me personally, it isn't enough to just say to someone that God created us for the express purpose that we may worship and glorify him only. That doesn't help the argument that God isn't selfish as we as humans understand selfishness. Whenever I find myself feeling uncomfortable about the passages in the Bible that speak about God's jealousy, I remind myself that if it weren't for God I would not exist. I would not get to enjoy the splendor of nature, or the pleasures of human relationship, etc. Not to mention his great gift of Jesus' sacrifice to save me from my brokenness. Knowing these things reminds me why God deserves all the attention and all the glory.


I do find in this journey with God, it is movement from self centeredness to God centeredness.


I have found in my own life a deeper love for the Lord knowing this truth about His jealousy for me. My affection for Him has only deepened and intimacy with Him has intensified.
You erudite Biblical scholars have added a new texture and color to my life since I recently found this channel. I sincerely thank you .
Erik, I just ordered your book and with eager anticipation and great expectation look forward to taking that biblical journey in learning of the God of jealousy. God bless you both!🙏❤️🎼✝️


Just an FYI. Our youth have made this 9 lesson series. we are so excited for them. We are The Lords House in Texas. Our Pastors are going way out for our teens. Preparing for the ring ceremony with the pledge and a certificate they will walk away with. We know it hasn’t been easy our teens have made so much progress. Wish you could be here to see our teenagers walk the stage as they have learned so much truth in the true love waits series. Thank you Sean for this chasing love. It’s also strengthened our marriages. To God be the glory! Waiting is worth it campaign! 🙋‍♀️


Thank you, Sean for having Erik on. I did a study of God's jealousy a while back. I have El Knh on my fore arm as a reminder that if I say I am His then I need to live it. Phineas is one of my greatest heroes. Should I have a son one day, it will be his name. You do a great work. Thank you for carefulness!


A really great conversation here, both practical, in its reminder that believers should be jealous for God, and informative, in its response to critics who would say that God's jealousy is a negative trait.


Sean - thank you! I think out of all the interviews I've watched - you asked the most incredible questions


Thank you for this and your channel! I had an old friend bring to me a oneness pentacostal sermon today and I had not heard of this demonization yet. It was a teaching about the power of women's uncut hair.

I immediately felt it was off in the first 30 seconds and the preacher hadnt even spoke yet. After I did research on the beliefs of OP... I questioned my friend and we began a hot debate about trinitarian -ism ... It was my first time ever having to try to defend this. I learned a lot.

Our Convo grew me, and as I searched for more about this denomination I found your channel and you have just confirmed exactly what I was thinking as I watched this sermon (Lee Stone King)....

He made all kinds of crazy arguments that made no sense. Including a story about a car accident where the car was "magically" lifted up so that the car wasn't damaged, and that it was all because of the women with thr uncut hair in the car...
I was super disturbed

And I told my friend it was so focused on personal and spiritual power and it was dangerous.

You have spoken more clearly to what I saw.


Thank you for introducing us to brother Erik.


Hello, my name is Chris and my fiancee name is Ashley. Will everyone keep praying for us for open doors and help with our relationship to remain strong. Also, please pray for us for our finances to get married and find a home. Please pray for the Lord to help us with these things and all obstacles holding us back, for breakthroughs. Please pray that God blesses our relationship so much. Please pray also that our hearts remain soft towards eachother in our relationship. Thank you so very much.


99.9K subscribers Sean, almost there !


Research has identified many root causes of extreme jealousy, including low self-esteem, high neuroticism, and feeling possessive of others, particularly romantic partners. Fear of abandonment is also a key motivator.


Thank you both so much ✝️. You answered questions I've thought about for years!


The basic problem is because unfortunately jealousy and envy have become synonymous. Jealousy is legitimate. It deals with a relationship between two people where a third party tries to alienate one party's affections. Envy is where what belongs to someone else is illegitimately coveted by another.


Two mins in and heres my thoughts:
1. The biggest problem of today's Christian thinking and the culture as a whole is the arrogance. We automatically associate Scripture with todays culture and ignore the differences.

2. Therefore, jealous as written for the Israelites for their culture and history is not the same as today. Today, we view jealousy as a bad thing, much like submission. But i believe Dr. Thoennes will explain.

3. Finally, His thoughts are not our thoughts. Nor are His ways. I honestly believe that part of the great cleansing of the church will be people leaving the faith because they want answers, dont understand why things happen or cannot accept the Bible as inerrant.

May we hit our knees and return to the power of God rather than trying to explain everything. Jesus did not answer everything. He did not die to give answers, He died for our sins.

Edit: 37 mins in. Dr. Thoennes is a wonderful teacher. He is enamored with God and i pray he stays diligent. My only disagreement, slight though it is, is getting people to see the goodness of God. I think this is not seen in His love alone, but His holiness. Does the church preach in such a way that men react as if they were pierced in the heart? The holiness and fear of God doesnt push people away, but if done by the Spirit it only shows how great His love for us is. His great separation is an beautiful manifestation of His great love. He has no need for us, but He still desires that we love Him like He loves us. John 17


This was so interesting but I do have a problem with the volume in your videos Shaun. I wondered if it was 'just me' but checked with other videos and didn't need to strain to hear those. Intended as constructive feedback x


Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality (NPD) as discussed by the DSM-5 (by definition, all I need is 5 out these 9 criteria for a diagnosis of a narcissist, but as you see, the Bible god Yahweh, fits ALL 9 of these criteria):

1. A grandiose sense of self-importance, i.e. exaggerates talents and expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements. (Job 38:4 & 31-35, Psalm 19:1, Isaiah 42:8, Jeremiah 32:17 & Romans 1:18-20)

2. Preoccupation with fantasies of ideal love, success, knowledge, power, and beauty. (Isaiah 45:23, 52:12-15 & 53:1-12, Jeremiah 3:17, Romans 14:11 & Philippians 2:10)

3. Belief that he or she is so "special" and "unique" and can only be understood by other high-status or quality people or institutions. (Leviticus 11:44, 1 Samuel 2:2, Isaiah 55:8, Habakkuk 1:13 & 1 Corinthians 2:14)

4. Is inter-personally exploitative, i.e. takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends. (Exodus 7:3 & 13-14, 10:27, 11:10, 14:4 & 20:5, Deuteronomy 5:6 & 7:2)

5. Has a sense of entitlement. (Leviticus 9:18, 1 Corinthians 10:31 & Revelation 4:11)

6. Requires excessive admiration. (Exodus 25-31)

7. A lack of empathy or an unwillingness to identify with feelings and needs of others. (Numbers 11:1-3, 4-35, 16:49 & 21:4-9, Luke 9:61-62)

8. Envy of others (Exodus 20:5 & 34:14, Deuteronomy 4:24, 5:9 & 6:15, Joshua 24:19, Isaiah 42:8)

9. Arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes (All throughout the Bible, I’m not fucking joking!)


God is not selfish. He gives us free will. We can do what we want. The problem is people want to live how ever they want and have the benefits of God blessing protection peace love but don’t want to live they way he demands. I’m not sure if this is a good analogy is like I want to get paid but not have to go to work. I want a house a car and a good life but not do anything for it


QUESTION: Sean, is one's salvation guaranteed by faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, by repentance, or by both? If both are required, what is the true meaning of the word "repentance." Is it more about one's sincere intent or one's conviction of heart in how he repents? Or, if the definition "'a change of mind that produces a change in behavior" is used, is my soul destined for destruction if I still struggle with sin at times (I'm still behaving in sinful ways, even though I hate it, or I've had a change of mind). Appreciate anything you or anyone has to say in this regard. Been struggling to really understand and stay away from guilt and self condemnation as it relates to how effectively I'm repenting and the possibility of it keeping me from salvation.


We shouldn't use the word "jealousy" because it's culturally a negative term and it causes confusion.
