GSA SGEG Webinar David Nixon presents 'The Golden Mile – Adventures Within a Mineral System'
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David Nixon (Iceni Gold) presents 'The Golden Mile – Adventures Within a Mineral System' for the September 2022 GSA Specialist Group in Economic Geology Facets of Exploration Webinar.
Summary: Photographic record of the rocks from within a giant mineral system and how they can be interpreted. A lesson in trusting your own observations ahead of the interpretations of others.
Biography: David has a significant depth of experience as an Exploration Geologist spanning 25 years, predominantly in gold. His experience covers generative, greenfields & brownfields exploration in Australia, the Americas & PNG. Mr Nixon has worked on orogenic lode gold, VMS, porphyry, epithermal & skarn deposit styles and has held previous roles as Principal Generative Geologist, Registered Exploration Manager, Exploration Superintendent. He is currently the Technical Director for Iceni Gold, Summit Gold & Greenstone Geological Services. Mr Nixon previously worked within the Gold Fields Group 4 years (2017- 2020), KCGM JV 7 years (2010-2016) & Barrick Exploration groups 13 years (1997-2009). David has been a member of the Exploration teams working on the Invincible, Hamlet North, Hidden Secret, Kora, Fairyland, Centenary, Porgera, Wallaby, Mt Charlotte & Fimiston deposits.
Summary: Photographic record of the rocks from within a giant mineral system and how they can be interpreted. A lesson in trusting your own observations ahead of the interpretations of others.
Biography: David has a significant depth of experience as an Exploration Geologist spanning 25 years, predominantly in gold. His experience covers generative, greenfields & brownfields exploration in Australia, the Americas & PNG. Mr Nixon has worked on orogenic lode gold, VMS, porphyry, epithermal & skarn deposit styles and has held previous roles as Principal Generative Geologist, Registered Exploration Manager, Exploration Superintendent. He is currently the Technical Director for Iceni Gold, Summit Gold & Greenstone Geological Services. Mr Nixon previously worked within the Gold Fields Group 4 years (2017- 2020), KCGM JV 7 years (2010-2016) & Barrick Exploration groups 13 years (1997-2009). David has been a member of the Exploration teams working on the Invincible, Hamlet North, Hidden Secret, Kora, Fairyland, Centenary, Porgera, Wallaby, Mt Charlotte & Fimiston deposits.
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