Can We ACTUALLY Tell People Jesus Died FOR THEM? | Leighton Flowers | @tgtengage

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Dr. Leighton Flowers and Dr. Brian Wagner talk to 2 Calvinists about whether we should tell people "Jesus died for you" or not. They then discuss the topic of limited atonement and whether Christ actually died for all people or not.

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#LeightonFlowers #Calvinism #LimitedAtonement
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Listening to the host tie himself in knots to avoid acknowledging 1Jn 2:2 is sad to me. It grieves the spirit that these people are so trapped in their unbiblical system that they can't even receive and submit to about the plainest bible truth there is: that Christ died to offer salvation for every single human who ever lived.


The mental gymnastics employed by Calvinists is honestly breathtaking to watch lol


Calvanist gospel is this;
For God so loved the elect that He sent His only begotten Son so that those whom He chose before the foundation of the earth would believe
And not perish but have eternal life. Everyone else He hated before they were born and refused to give them what they needed to believe and condemned them for not believing.


People don’t go to hell for lack of atonement.

They go to hell because Jesus provided their atonement, but they refused it.

Limited Atonement only makes sense if Irresistible Grace is true. But 2 Peter 2:1 debunks both in one fell swoop. If that verse is true, then both the “L” and the “I” of TULIP are false.


My family attended a Reformed church for seven years and it was not until I asked my pastor this specific question and heard his answer that it became very clear to both my husband and myself that we could no longer submit to Reformed theology as sound doctrine. Soteriology sounds fancy but it is essentially the Gospel and Reformed theology is a different gospel. Their gospel is not good news. It is not a secondary issue. Paul warns us about this in his letters.


One of the clearest examples I've yet seen of "reading Calvinism into the text" occurred when one of the "2 calvinists" who "Dr. Leighton Flowers and Dr. Brian Wagner talk to" (subtle criticism of Leighton intended there ; ) in this video, posited with regard to Jesus saying, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.",

"I would say that is people who are positively responding, recognizing their sin . . Heavy laden, um, recognizing their need for rest. And so; No, that is not everybody."

Not a slave, or a man dodging arrows on a battlefield, or someone facing persecution for not agreeing with someone in power over them, etc., etc. ... ? But only those heavy laden with recognizing their sin??

(I thank God I never had such a restricted view of Christ's love and sacrifice placed in my mind before I read the Book.)


“Repent and be baptized everyone of you for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift.”

Either Peter knew every member of his audience was calvinistically elected or he lied to some of those sitting there


Dr. Flowers - I appreciated this format much more than a formal debate. Would love for you to host more conversations like this on your channel.


Absolutely one of my biggest problems with hyper Calvinism today.
Who do you think you are, to dare and tell Jesus who He is allowed to die for according to your systematic?


GREAT video. They couldn't keep up with you and were scrambling, and each of you was kind and calm the entire time.


The question Brian asked at 9:25-9:33 (checkmate). He asked a simple yes or no question, and they couldn’t answer it.


You make a good point about John 3.16 too, especially in the context of John 3:14-15. The "so" in the KJV in John 3.16 means "in the same way". Just as Moses lifted up the serpent which was for EVERYBODY, so Jesus is given and lifted up for EVERYBODY!!

There's the preaching of the gospel by an Apostle declaring that Jesus died for all in a book specifically designed for people to trust Him, ie for unbelievers (John 20.30-31).


So if God predestines every little detail in human life, whenever he is talking to someone in the old testament, is he talking to himself? Is he getting upset about what he made them do? Did he make Jonah go the other way for fun?


As long as I live I could never understand how Calvinists believe what they believe. If I did, reading the Bible would be so disheartening to think that I couldn't understand God in the most straightforward way, that all means all. As an aside, why do all Calvinists always look so unhappy?


"You can't use the rest of Romans to explain Romans 9. You have to listen to what the Bible says!

Anyway, here's why 'God so loved the world' doesn't mean what it clearly means."


Good word here, yall. And Lord bless these two brothers for joining this discussion.

Jesus died for sins and rose again, that's the gospel. And He loves and provides salvation for sinners, and all have sinned! ☝️😎


If Calvinism is true then when a Christian tells the "non-elect" that Christ died for you, he is lying. The "non-elect" says, "No he didn't." The "non-elect" believes the truth and goes to hell, while they Christian lied and goes to heaven. This system is messed up.


Well, that's a good question. Seems to me if ya know what the gospel is, (1 Cor. 15:1-4) that Christ died for sin and rose again, and ya know all are sinners, should be a no-brainer. So yeah, I agree, "do you know what the gospel is?" Good and simple, yet life changing point! ☝️😎


It cracks me up when a Calvinist says that we shouldn’t tell the world or an unbeliever that Christ loves them. What are they afraid of? Are they afraid that someone whom Christ didn’t die for will slip into heaven? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


It puzzles me how Calvinists disagree with Gods word. A 6yr old can understand that God loves the whole world and sent his son, that is simple and profound truth.
