JavaScript Prototype Fun

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A few fun patterns I commonly do with JavaScript. Such as making the new keyword optional when creating instances, defaulting arguments and method chaining.
JavaScript Prototype Fun
Prototypes in JavaScript - FunFunFunction #16
__proto__ vs prototype - Object Creation in JavaScript P5 - FunFunFunction #52
Prototype basics - Object Creation in JavaScript P3 - FunFunFunction #46
JavaScript Prototypal inheritance - Tutorial
An Encounter with JavaScript Objects
Ep18 - JavaScript Prototype Explained in Simple English
Javascript Object.create and Prototype
9.19: Prototypes in Javascript - p5.js Tutorial
JavaScript for the Haters
Understanding the JavaScript Prototype Chain
JavaScript prototype Tutorial Add Object Method and Property to Class
Prototype Chain ( Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript Series - Part 4)
How to Unleash the Magic of Prototype Inheritance in JavaScript!
The 'new' keyword - Object Creation in JavaScript P4 - FunFunFunction #50
Javascript Prototype inheritance Explained ( tutorial Part1)
Inheritance in JavaScript - Prototypal Inheritance tutorial
Understanding Prototype Object with Constructor Function | Data Structures With JavaScript
Object Oriented JavaScript Tutorial #1 Class Vs. Prototype
Javascript - How to use Prototype and this.
JavaScript prototype inheritance in 5 min
Learning Object-Oriented JavaScript Tutorial: Creating Methods with the Prototype |
Design Patterns Javascript : Prototype Pattern
Array prototype in Javascript......#coding #programming #javascript #array #prototype