The Color of Law

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From the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, DC.
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Another book added to my ever-growing list of stuff I NEED to read.


Why is it so hard for Americans to understand that NOT teaching about America's crimes, NOT teaching about WhiteAmericans habitual violence against Blacks people, NOT teaching about injustices that have created our current predicament is A STRATEGY of DOMINATION!


Read this book. Very brilliant and revealing.


This is such injustice. Smh! I pray YAH intervene and justice reign for all people equally.


Something new I didn't know about. I bought the book because I was curious since I had never heard of this in school and I love history.


One of the most important books of the last decade.


This Nation has been weighed in the Restitution, Repair-ation


Segregation isn't the issue. The ACTUAL issue is the adverse, intentional, and sinister maltreatment of black people in America while under de jure and de facto segregation periods. There were several successful black economies during the early Jim Crow period; however they were obliterated by angry white mobs. There would have been absolutely nothing wrong with being seperate as long as blacks didn't have to also endure unfair economic policies, terrorist attacks, lynchings, etc. Had we been left the hell alone and had the institution of slavery had been adequately redressed during Reconstruction, we would've been alright. Integration wasn't the ONLY answer to our predicament.


When will we as Americans learn and accept that this country was built by slavery and we owe restitution to all African American who are descendants of slavery! We need to make these people whole and also apologize to them as a nation with sincerity! Until this happens The United States will always be a divided nation. This book should be taught in all schools as part of American History! It's so sad the way this country treats African Americans these indigenous people! If we can spend trillions on wars and waste then we can make them whole financially, healthcare, education, business ownership, etc. This is their right to have these things because they were exploited in every way imaginable! If we don't do this then remember there are nearly 50 million of them and they are coming together, they have the power to crash this country entire economy! Wake up, we as a nation need to tackle this issue as a nation united!


ALL Praises Glory To The Most High YAH.


Book should be required in all schools!**


Wonderful talk with intense research + history behind it all 20th century + after WWII especially. This need to be addressed in law + policy. Suppressing the facts don't make them go away. Teach the ugly truths and lets get the legislation moving #HousingForAll


This information is definitely confirmation, however policies need to be put in place to correct what has been done by this government to descendants of slaves. I was not pleased with either of the panelists answers to the last question. It's aggravating to constantly be told the cause of the problem and not be given an apology or a solution. Fixing this can be quite simple. The American government should repay descendants of slaves just like Germany( and America for some odd reason) has done for Holocaust victims/survivors. It's only right.


It's a must read... everything you need to understand dejure segregation and defacto segregation.


Aside from a tragically inaccurate judgement/assessment of our previous POTUS, this was a very informative panel. It’s just too bad that there was no acknowledgement of our prior POTUS having virtually nothing to do with past, deliberately racial legislation, to encourage segregation 🤦🏻‍♂️ We finally saw an outsider take up residence at the White House, who was relentlessly attacked by the very same career politicians, who’s responsible for such legislation and we give thanks, to all those slings & arrows he received, by ridiculing him?? 🤨 This is what outsourcing our own thoughts & opinions, to a mainstream/legacy media, results in and why we should cease from allowing our emotions to continue clouding our judgement. The first step to solving this, is owning & accepting this tragic miscalculation, to ensure it doesn’t happen again. We must be better 🙏🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼


It's not whether they "like" you or not. It's about the policy (ies) that have been put in place that propagate and perpetuate racism and discrimination in housing and employment. There must be inspections at all places of employment and housing developments to show if any African Americans have applied for jobs or housing (to rent or own) and what was the result of the application. That alone will show bias with a definitive conclusion. It's not even necessary that we know the income levels or credit scores. If there's a factory or housing development/complex with zero Black Americans then that in itself is enough to prove bias, because we know that Black Americans have the credit scores and income to live in many of these ALL WHITE housing areas. Whether they are accepted is a horse of different color. This book has totally opened my eyes to the insidious practice of racism and it's twin brother - discrimination. All of these institutions, companies, and governments (federal, state, local) must be sued.


Integration is important. Here in San Francisco Bay Area, ADOS are all being pushed out. Hispanics are moving into their areas & are heavily subsidized by the govt. Because no ADOS are present, the issues that affect them are of no concern to the other races. If they are shot by the police, the other ethnic groups parrot the white response of, if they only listen to the police.. Todays immigrants couldn't care less about ADOS history. ADOS are Americans yet they are sanitized from American history. Policies should only address ADOS, not people of color.


Why isn't the NAACP and/or CBC pushing for redress?


Answer ...#48:28. This BOOK/ Education. Teach more where WEALTH started!


We don't have such racial problem and land use zoning regulation in my country. Unfortunately, we already have segregation in our city.
