Kids-Books: Детская книга Usborne Book Of Fairy Tales
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Детская книга Usborne Book Of Fairy Tales
ISBN: 9780746064115 Автор: Heather Amery
This title includes six Usborne First Stories: Goldilocks, Red Riding Hood, Rumplestiltskin, Sleeping Beauty, Three Little Pigs and Cinderella. Specially written for children who are just beginning to read, this book contains six classic fairytales Stephen Cartwright’s colourful illustrations enhance the tales, giving clues to the words and their meanings An excellent gift book with a luxurious padded cover, featuring stories from Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty to the Three Little Pigs
Подробные характеристики
Возраст ребёнка 3+
Переплёт (обложка) Твердый
Издательство (Страна) Usborne Publishing Ltd, Великобритания
Год 2004
Количество страниц 100
Вид литературы Сказки и Рассказы
Язык Английский