Tempering Chocolate The Seeding / Injection Method

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"Look Mum, no marble slab!"
This video covers what is probably the easiest and hence very common method of tempering chocolate using the seeding or injection method.
To assist in giving you the budding Chocolatier/Enthusiast the confidence temper your own Chocolate, I have included some real world tests illustrating the kind of results you can expect and hence replicate yourself.

Now please understand the purpose of the included test image is not to suggest that 30.4 is the perfect temperature for Dark tempered chocolate, Rather it offers incentive to test your Chocolate prior to working with it , while encouraging all of us to embrace the somewhat fickle nature of this beloved substance.
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I did the same test at home and WOW. I was blown away to see the difference between 34, 32, 31, 30, 29, !!!! It made me understand better how important the waiting is..thank you!


Thanks for putting the differences in what the outcomes can be, didnt know that the minor difference in temperature and time can have such an impact on the chocolate.


I knew it was about precision but I never knew it needed to be that precise.


I've watch video after video... played a 100 times and can't get the bloom out. Thankyou for showing me the tiny mere difference tempeture makes. Wow, going to give the spoon test 😊


Beautiful.. And easy to comprehend. How do I keep my chocolate tempered.. Or is one tempering enough and then I'm good to use the chocolates until I'm done for the day..


Thank you.
If I may ask, with the seeding method, the temp gets to (about) 40° to melt the buttons, then seeded to lower the temp to the working temp of (about) 31°.

I thought the temp needed to be lowered via the seed to (about) 27° then raised again to (about) 31° in order to finish the temper and begin working with it.

Am I misunderstanding something?
I'm practicing tempering to use with molds. Thank you again.


What thermometer would you recommend for best use at home. I have just purchased a digital therm that is inside of a spatula. Which I’m hoping will make the tempering process much easier to attain. I’m starting a small candy business from home and would love any videos you think would be helpful on chocolate tempering, poured fondant candies, ganache centers etc.

Also do you prefer or find it necessary to purchase an electric induction cooktop vs over the stove when tempering chocolate? And would you recommend purchasing a double boiler for at home use or just using a glass or stainless steel bowl over a pot. Your tempering video is so helpful! I’m going to try this spoon test!


how do you maintain the melted tempered chocolate without any equipment and in a very humid weather..


Whether you dip your spoons at different temperatures or not, the choclaote is eventually going to cool to room temperature. So, what is the point in performing a test if it does not affect the outcome?


Do you have recommendations for a chocolate warmer machine that will keep the chocolate at temper?


It is so great to have the visual along with the temp! Thank you! I have watched so many tempering videos that it would make most people’s heads spin! The last result at 30.4 has a shine that is beautiful! Am I seeing the last example correctly? It seems that everyone that is showing you how to temper ends up with chocolate that is set on their palette knives or spoons but is dull.


who buy a thermometer. How do you know it's accurate for chocolate?


My family loves my mistakes... but not getting tempering right is frustrating.

Thank you for the tip on waiting for the temp to drop a bit. My target has ALWAYS been 32°.... Time to open my mind a bit.


I love your videos to bits. One question about temperature though. Why do some people said that we should bring it down and then slightly heat up again? What if we just bring it down to desired temperature at which the chocolate sets 🤔 as depicted in this video 😇


How to cool chocolate after the tempering (temperature and time etc)


I am really enjoying your videos chef! Quick question....do you think it is necessary to temper chocolate for the ganache fillings??


Thank you very much for the help that your a giving a question If my chocolat cool down while i'am working with and becoming think and i raised it's themperature back to let say 30 ot 29 to be safe is it a good approche, thank you


In a video on making designs on truffles. She added vegetable oil in the chocolate (that she used for coating). She didn't specify why but is it to make it thinner for coating only? Or would the oil be a lil shortcut for gloss?


The explanation on how to actually temper the chocolate is unclear, meaning - heat 2/3 chocolate to whatever degrees, add the remaining 1/3 and stir… you lost me with unnecessary information and at the end I still had no clue on how to do it 🤷🏻‍♀️


After mixing all the ingredients and hardening by refrigerator, do I need to temper it immediately?
