Why XR Demands A Citizens' Assembly On Climate And Ecological Justice | Extinction Rebellion

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Extinction Rebellion's third demand is that government must create and be led by the decisions of a citizens’ assembly on climate and ecological justice. But what is a citizens' assembly? And why does Extinction Rebellion believe that it's our only hope to create the radical change needed to deal with this emergency?

In this video, Linda Doyle, a member of XR UK's national citizens' assembly working group describes why citizens' assemblies are essential to giving the UK public the opportunity to respond and getting the radical change we need to address the climate and ecological emergency.

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In the 1990s in Chiapas, Mexico, Zapatista communities set up parallel government composed of ordinary people to enact programs wanted by the majority of the population. The idea was to bypass the "mal gobierno" (bad government) and allow people to take control of their own lives. It worked and is still is use today.
I applaud XR for following this prescription-- "business as usual" government is dead and is aiding and abetting in our extinction, long live the people's assembly!


I´ve been studying the subject of Democracy and how to make it better for a long time and this makes all the sense in the world to me. I feel relieved and exhilarated to be a part of this movement. Thank you all for your courage and your action.


I like the idea of Citizens Assemblies and applaud XR for holding governments backs to the fire on the climate issue, but I can't see how it would lead to UK carbon neutrality by 2024? I totally get that a "war footing" is needed but in a war what the government usually does is suspend many citizens rights and requisitions people's assets and resources, drafts people in to fight/work for the country and takes almost absolute power. How would that actually be done in the UK ? If you look at an issue like funding social care and integrating it with health care , almost everyone agrees it needs to be done... yet govt after govt fails to enact it. Even when they try, the opposition always opposes it on principle! I can't see how that amount of radical restructuring and that speed of change could be achieved without a revolutionary/ "year zero" approach and absolute power being handed over to a dictatorship? I'm not saying that's what I want, just wondering how on earth it could be practically achieved that fast and on our own, without economic chaos and unrest? The argument "what we've got now isn't working so something else must be better" sadly doesn't necessarily result in something better.


Your sincerity brings me comfort. You seem uneasy, not of what you promote but being outside of your comfortable place. This is courage.


Fantastic, highly informative, XR has huge climate crisis solution potential


How does this being nice (“the CEO sitting with the single mother”) lead to zero carbon emissions by 2025?

What’s the point of a citizen's assembly about climate change when you've already decided that carbon emissions are to be cut to zero by 2025?

Finally, how does XR understand politics to make the claim that XR is an a-political organisation?


The USA could fall back on the Iroquois Constitution and start over!


This is a brilliant resumé thank you for sum it up.


Please detail the process of 'sortition' as I would like to get rid of my doubts regarding this process. I would like to know how is that different from elections, if they are not elected then who chooses these citisens and last but not leasy, how is that part of the paticipatory democracy as the decision is delegated to one member of a representative group. What is expected of you is to explain loud and clear how this is not just another attempt at highjacking power.


Can we have more info on sortition and safeguards please? Thanks.


What concerns me is the politics behind making the assembly "representative". It makes more sense to pick 100 randomly than to cherry pick to fit one's agenda.


The 'Last Hurrah' to me for what people need to do asap is planetary heat‐transfer at Bering Strait affecting global weather.

Install a weir dam at St. Lawrence Is. and polder north the entire Chukchi Sea to prevent wave damage & stratify the water to refreeze the bottom at -2C/28.4F, creating a year-round sea-ice refugia.

This is a global cold-forcing in the right spot to alter jetstream flow.

All shipping is confined within 3-4km of shore, zero cross-ocean traffic, this by levees and shoals.

The shoreline system for shipping confines the freshwater runoff, and most of all limits early melting from shore out to sea in spring.

This cuts down the 5-Amazons of warmer, fresher water melting seaice from below, it freezes at a higher temp so true seaice isn't formed at the surface on freezeup, it needs -2C/28.4F for seaice to last over one season.

This will restrict the times the Siberian jetstream turns north & warms the Arctic, the N.Pacific is too warm, so, it brings rain in Anchorage in December and frozen oranges in Florida as that air cools and gets to low latitudes ONLY over land to balance equatorial overheating.

It's the only geographic location on Earth with the ability to alter the Anthropocene jetstream paths back into N.America instead of going north.

The people in the poop deck party think everything's fine with lifeboats already in the water ...

But, it's the ONLY sane try, aka geoengineering, to alter things not dependent upon emissions to overcome those effects enough to give midwest farmers a break, else, expect a repeat of this past year.

And, it can be torn out if it doesn't work vs shading sunlight, lowering crop yields and it does nothing about ocean acidification, ymmv.


What, no questions? I have one. How are the experts to be selected?


The other factor about the Irish climate change Citizens Assembly is that it was in 2017, before the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. I think the science is much clearer and more urgent now.


How can we create deliberative democracy at a local level? Missing Q&A?


There never ever was a commitment to a fossil fuel phase out. NetZero is absolutely not about a phase out. Just ask the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative who are funding the Humber NetZero CCS industrial cluster which will be very much like the clusters planned for Teesside, Ghent and Rotterdam.


40 out of 650 MPs is 6.15% of the total, nearly twice the ratio that you think will run the citizens assembly. Is this social justice theory embracing approximately 68 million people in UK or is it global?


why use the term 'migrants' and not 'refugees'?


The concept is kinda beautiful...I would quite like my entire life to be run like this..like a citizens assembly on...well...everything..was it a bad or god idea to chuck Pauline in 1997...Let's have a Citizen's Assembly!! (Just kidding!)..Rock and roll!!



Thank You for your wisdom. We are getting there, however some people seem to be finding it difficult to find the answers in themselves. A bit more prayerful patience while protecting our self eh?☯️🗺️🎶👌🏼🤘 kind regards
