Unraveling Megafauna Extinction Mysteries with Graham Hancock - JRE #2051

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Join Graham Hancock on JRE as he explores the enigma of megafauna extinction. Challenge conventional theories and delve into alternative explanations for the rapid die-off. Investigate the Younger Dryas impact and its role in shaping prehistoric ecosystems.
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i knew a man who laid pipelines in the Sahrah desert in the eighties... he had pieces of metiorite that he had found south of Lybia... and a piece of petrified acacia bark from a whole, flattened and petrified forest he found in the same region... so obviously there was metiorite activity at some point in i agree wholeheartedly with the catastropie scenario.. makes sense....


Tell that to the buffalo and the Passenger pigeons 😂😂


I imagine that just like all animals, we eat as much as we can, and way back we had never had mass access to food. After we first started hunting in mass, we probably feasted


Graham Hancock is a legend. He's got some pretty well researched books. I know some call it pseudoscience but it's pretty good. He's an investigator, not a scientist. Remember that


What if humans just got lucky and figured out faster how tools work so we eradicated most things bigger than us so we would never be in any immediate danger. Imagine if squirrels started figuring out how to create and use weapons. The smartest thing for them to do would be wiping out everything bigger than them and ‘living in harmony’ with the rest 🌝


The mass hunt theory is possible, but it was like just because of the change in the climate


Imagine our earth is flat. Like the size of a plate. Now take a smaller plate that measures from the center of the plate to the edge of the plate. Now like the short hour hand on a clock, Imagine the tip of that hour hand as magnetic north. And the small plate centers on the tip of magnetic north. The Sun and moon circle around this smaller plate keeping the heat in this area. Now, each solstice the magnetic north clicks ahead 1 hour. Moving the small plate of life. Last solstice we were on the 5 o'clock hour. Right now are Solstice is changing to 4 o'clock. Age of Aquarius. It takes just over 200 years for each solstice it takes 10 to 12, 000 years to go all the way around the clock. That's why we're discovering things that lived here last time the sun was here 10, 000 years ago. What supports the hypothesis is the Moon. The moon is made of plasma and like a plasma TV if you leave the same picture on the TV long enough it'll burn an image into it. The dark parts of the Moon are our land masses. Right now a small portion of the Moon represents our current land masses. And it shows us what the rest of our Earth looks like. I presume most of it is under ice. One of the stone buildings that was here from the previous civilizations 10000 years ago. I have a picture of a clock on a tower that showed exactly where the sun was on this big plate of existence. EVERYTHING WE ARE TAUGHT IS A LIE


So humans eradicated bison. But not other animals?


Let me see ? It's another f-cking mystery. 🙄
