Active Directory Delegation in Windows Server | Active directory delegate password reset and unlock

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Active Directory Delegation in Windows Server 2012 R2

What is Active Directory Delegation is?

Active directory Delegation is, to assign permission to Jr.IT Administrators

To assign permission to Jr.IT Administrators. We can assign rights to reset passwords, unlock account, reset and unlock account, change user attributes, Delete repeated word user group membership & join computer account to domain and etc.

Go ahead and assign rights to those guys.

We should have a proper OU structure to assign these rights. In this video I have Kolkata, Mumbai & Pune Organization Unit and in sub-ou i have users,computers,groups. So I am assigning delegation to Kolkata OU's IT user.

Right click on the Kolkata OU - Delegation of Control - Delegation of Control wizard opens and then select the desired delegation to give to particular user.

I have chosen below delegation.

Create, delete, and mange user accounts
Reset user passwords and force password change at logon
read all user information
create, delete and manage groups
Modify the Membership of a Group.

Testing things Out
Right click and create new user and you would be able to create new user. Check with other OU, if you can create user account on Mumbai OU. Definitely, you would not be able to create as you don’t have right to do this.
So good luck with the Active Directory delegation in windows server 2012 R2. If you like this video please subscribe to my channel, like my Facebook page, follow me on twitter, follow me on google plus and all the links are given below.

active directory delegate password reset and unlock
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