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Happy Game a Horror Game where A little boy falls asleep to a horrible nightmare. Can you make him happy again?


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My worst nightmare was when I was standing in the middle of the second floor and there was someone in the closet "OPEN" "SHUT" "OPEN" SHUT" over and over again and my mom was telling me to come downstairs. 😃😃😃


What... Is... This... CHAOS!? I LOVE IT!!! ☺️😀


The scariest dream I ever had was I just came home from Florida and a friggin psycho killer walks in and he starts chasing me and I run to my room to hide but he fills the room with gasoline and lights it ablaze with me and my family in it. I can still here the screams of all of us trapped in that burning room. 😣


The worst nightmare I had was when I was like trapped and this dark figure with white eyes (kinda like rake form) was running towards me. I couldn’t move I was just standing there in horror as this dark figure just runs towards me…I was 11….


game:shows a happy face

fusion:s that the joker?

also nice vid fusion conmtinue with the grate vids


Imagine this:Your walking through a hallway. Suddenly you see many doors. You open a door. You go inside and her faint mumbling. Your curiosity urges you to open the next door. The room is a bit smaller and the mumbling a bit louder. You keep going until your squeezed in one room with loud mumbling. It was eery and you didn't understand what the thing or person was saying. The floor disappears under you. You fall down into a dark room. You then see something move quickly out of your sight. You walk around the room. You can now see a bit more as you walk forward. You see a bright light and you run towards the light, thinking it was a way out. You then hear the mumbling again. The mumbling stops. There is silence. A silence that seems to drown out your thoughts. You hear walking. Slowly, getting closer. You turn around and see nothing. You noticed there wasn't walking when you turned around. You turn the other way to see the light is gone. You decide to turn back but see a flashlight. You pick up and flash it into pitch black darkness to see your deepest darkest fear standing right in front of you. You wake up, gasping. You realize you are in your room. It's still night. You fall asleep again, hoping you won't have a nightmare. But... You are in another dark room. You can see some things but not all. You had the flashlight still. You walked forward. You saw two kittens. As you approached they disappear. You were confused. You turn around to see a strange shadow-y figure standing behind you. You run and hide in a dark spot. The thing walks by. You run out of the hiding spot. You see something that seems to be a vent. You open it then you turn around and see the shadow-y figure. It pushes you into the vent and closes it. You try to get out but you can't. You stop and proceed forward to investigate the vent. Then you see an opening. You pick up your pace, crawling through the vent. You then fall down into a dark room. It was pitch black, you couldn't see anything and it was silent. You walk around, arms out too feel your surroundings. You turn a corner and feel like your falling. You wake up again (Or do you?) and you guessed that you weren't asleep that long since it was still night. You get up to go get a glass of water. When you fill up the cup you hear a noise outside. You decide to investigate so you put down the cup. You open the door to only see a dog. The dog was wagging it's tail, non-stop. You decide to let it in and you give it water. You go back to your bedroom. You hear barking, like the dog was struggling. You go down stairs to see the dog floating in the air. It was bleeding black out of its eyes. You run but the dog follows you still floating. You run until you can't anymore and the dog is right in front of you now. You yell for help but no one could hear you even if you screamed. The dog disappeared. You let out a sigh of relief. You decide to go back to sleep. You might get rest now. You wake up to a bright new day. Realizing all that happened last night was a dream. ...Or was it? (Isn't it weird the things our brain makes up at night? Like, nightmares. Demonic nightmares. It's weird how at day we barely think of it in the day but in your sleep it starts. I'm also posting this at 11:49 at night)


So when I was a kid my biggest nightmare was spiders and I had a nightmare with a HUGE spider but it didn't kill me it gave me a potion and forced me to drink it so I had no choice but to drink it then he took me away from my family and I tried to scream but nobody could hear me then I woke up in this dark room and started to torture me and kill me but I didn't die and made me feel pain and watch my family die one by one... then I woke up and knew it was a bad dream


I'm just glad that the dog is alive


My worst night mare I can remember ( this is a pretty dumb nightmare) is my dad called the police on the microwave after a piece of onion fell on the floor. The dream police came and started tazing me non stop until the piece of onion came back and fell into my eye. That was my dumbest nightmare


My scariest nightmare is that my mom accidentally killed me with a knife then she cried said sorry


My worst nightmare is that I was in the car with my mom and we got tailgated by a motorcycle and crashed into a bus on the passenger side and was knocked off the road as well as flipping and all I heard was my mom saying "oh my god, 😭" before waking up.


I Realised it looks same as Chuchel.
Game, developers did another game cool.


My worst nightmare was when peppa pig was happy and playing with her friends! And they had to leave but one didn’t have to, Zoey zebra, peppa and zoey were so happy but hours later they were going to peppa’s house but peppa said “don’t go into the garage!” but Zoey didn’t listen so when peppa was distracted she went into the garage. What she saw scared her and sent a chill down her spine. HER FRIENDS WERE BLEEDING AND DEAD. Peppa said “I told you not to go in the garage.” Zoey said “Y-your a monster…” peppa said “I’m not i just love them so much” peppa continued “but at least you know and i still have you😀” Zoey said “I guess your right.” and than i woke up frightened😭


I am a kid by the way, and my worst nightmare was my mom lit my head on fire


Me in the bacskrooms getting chased by every single monster


My worst nightmare is Mr hop * crys* T^T


My worst nightmare was when i was making new friends in brookhaven but then we three are in the secret hidden spot no one knew and then i look at the left and my first friend said *RUN!* but i did not and i saw the face of JEFF THE KILLER!!! 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 i was so scared last night then i said in bulgairan *mommy!* then she woke up and saw me hugging her and she turned arouned and hugged me too and she started sleeping and i started sleeping then it was emtyness and then i was fine and it was to me a happily after after sorry but im just a child


my nightmare was from me fighting omega flowey and i felt alot of pain


I knew my nightmar wasnt real but i cant wake up ado madikly so the first... Uh.... Start ... Me as the backrooms enity the skin on me the face of the enity named party goers but after that i saw roblox people running to a roblox car say

| Hill no |

then i also joined them them it went black bit slow them i got home the roblox people were
gone them i acted like i was not dream them a nock on door i anwsered even tho im not aposte to i saw chu- 😭 CHUWY being a afeded by the cat with red eyes i scream *WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS😭? WHY?!?* then bella died Then into an dog with red eyes i died then woke up and cryed


There are so many names but I can’t remember yours yaco churi Yangyang spoky ham c cancel boobee shyne
