Protein Quality | Animal v. Plant, PDCAAS, DIAAS

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How is protein quality measured? How do animal and plant protein compare in short-term assays as well as for muscle building? Why is leucine so critical for the anabolic response (muscle maintenance and growth)?

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Disclaimer: The contents of this video are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor to replace medical care. The information presented herein is accurate and conforms to the available scientific evidence to the best of the author's knowledge as of the time of posting. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding any medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of information contained in Nutrition Made Simple!.

#NutritionMadeSimple #GilCarvalho

0:00 Intro
0:15 Answering FAQs from Part I
7:32 DIAAS
13:52 Plant protein
21:42 Leucine
25:32 Omnivores vs Vegans for building muscle
26:59 Leucine dose & Leucine threshold
28:50 Take-away
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The problem is that people are often over-educated with pseudo-science. When faced with real, unbiased science, it is a difficult swallow. Thanks for doing what you do! I rely on your information and actual studies and research for answers. Again, thanks.


@16:44 and that right there is why things like sarcopenia and muscular atrophy are so prevalent. It is not what we feed Seniors. It does not matter how much raw materials you throw at the body. if it does not feel the need to create more tissue, it simply wont. My mom is 58, unknown to me, she was diagnosed with osteopenia a few years back, and she was taking the usual BS of calcium, D2 etc. I put her in a resistance training program, just using dumbells. Her bone mass stated going up in 1-2 months. She almost shed tears of joy, I kid you not. I wish more people and so called "Health professionals" would realize this, Seniors deserve a better life, and resistance training should be a right for every one of them.


I am glad you pointed out how the research to protein quality is done by feeding animals RAW legumes, and feeding raw foods in isolation.


After reading some of the first protein video comments I was on the point of responding to some of them in support of Gil’s general style and approach (I.e. his wish to give balanced well evidenced input) but he has nailed all of my potential comments at the start of this second video. I have been watching lots of health videos on YouTube for the best part of three years following a gut health scare aged 56. Gil’s content is a breath of fresh air and I find myself trying to work out how I have missed his content until very recently.


Thank you for addressing the protein calculation based on obesity! That video was the best push back on my understanding of protein on quite some time - which I really appreciate.


Great video, thanks, Gil! Also the extra info showed in the video is useful. My parents changed three years ago to whole food plant based at age 73 and 80, so I read a lot about the topic of elderly & protein. My mothers high blood pressure was cured quickly, and my fathers who had beginning signs of cognitive impairment has improved his cognitive health so much. My parents are both active and they have all their teeth and they have not lost any muscle, and my mother reached her ideal weight (body) within a few months eating whole food plant based after struggling her whole life with a bit of overweight. They supplement with B12 and omega 3 DHA and vit D. They eat lots of soy, legumes, whole grains and nuts, seeds, nutbutters, seedbutters, and lots of dark green leafy vegetables and a wide variety of other vegetables and fruits, and low salt, low sugar, and low oil (sugar and oil only from whole foods). I watch the content of your channel, Rhonda Patrick, David Sinclair and Michael Greger.


One tasty and easy way to add protein to my diet is roasted crispy chickpeas that can be found at any Indian market. Called roasted Chana, my favorite version has only 3 ingredients- chickpeas, turmeric and salt. That one is called Haldi Chana. Just as addictive as peanuts or popcorn! Easy to keep in the car for snacking on the go, like trail mix. Very economical too.


Fantastic that you express the evolution of your approach to interviews and editing videos. Excellent Job Gil; I appreciate your commitment to providing quality information. As you learn, I learn so I can find the best path to ensure a healthy life. Thank you.


As an older vegan, I’m 100% not worried about getting enough protein, I’m worried about digesting what I eat since that’s what matters. Digestion and absorption ability typically declines with age unless your gut is healthy. The SAD doesn’t promote gut health, so I’d be concerned if I ate a SAD, but I don’t.
Plus, I cook my beans 😉


Great video.
I was one who was unfairly mad at Gil for earlier endorsing the RDA minimum for protein intake, but upon further understanding, I determined that I was eating too much protein.
EDIT 7/17/22
What I meant by unfairly mad at Gil, I thought rightly or wrongly that he believed that one mustn't go over the RDA of protein.
If he stated such, he believes in science as how one's understanding may and should be altered as further research indicates.


It was nice to see somebody say, look if you eat enough protein the amino acid profile is periphery, people have an intense obsession with it online when really it can be used for min/maxing scenarios.


I have a lot of respect for the quality of what is said on this channel and the intellectual honesty that fomes with it. Its very informative, thought provoking and it sounds very reliable and balanced.


Really enjoyed this two part series. As a 64 year-old I'm hearing a lot about increasing my protein consumption. Hopefully you have time to read this comment, but could you address diet & the uric acid connection. Personal interest in if/how uric acid interplays with arthritis (a bit obvious), blood pressure and diabetes. Thanks for your consideration... keep at it.


I do love your channel, Gil. I would be remiss of I didn't point out the very reductionistic approach we are taking towards nutrition. By focusing on a specific nutrient, we ignore the myriad other elements of a food or of a dietary pattern. I think this could lead people to omit done very healthful foods because they feel compelled to "get enough protein", in this case.


Your point about oatmeal/ rolled oats spikes my blood sugar really fast and very high. It’s not really a low glycemic food


Thanks for asking about the protein needs of people who work out and want to keep muscle mass. I'm a vegan and I get frustrated by some of the information put out by vegan doctors. While their information is sound, it's usually geared towards the untrained or elderly population when it comes to protein. I've been a gym rat since I was 21 years old and went vegan when I was 50. It's taken me almost 3 years of trial and error to figure out how to cut body fat and maintain muscle on a plant-based diet.


At the moment my favorite content creator on YT :)!! And no advertisements 😍!!


Thanks Gil, really enjoying this series. Great to understand more about the role of protein in diet and see the way scientific understanding has evolved.


Gil, you along with Zoe are two of my go-to podcasts on nutrition. I do wish you could've had Christopher Gardner (who is on Zoe a lot) at the same time, especially regarding the amount of protein from an earlier podcast.
A couple of things I learned over time, though it isn't all necessarily applicable to everyone (Individuals are different/have different objectives/health conditions): Eat your vegetables; strive to eat 30 different vegetables & fruits per week (Tim Specter or is it Spector? on Zoe); don't neglect your leg strength & balance (critical especially when older); don't forget flexibility; if you are trying for a combination of saving the environment, avoiding animal cruelty and health, I think the vegans have the obvious crown; use meat as a garnish if you eat it (chef Deborah Madison); if all else fails, just mimic the Blue Zone diets & lifestyles; eat a lot of fiber; avoid processed foods/excessive sugar & salt and be careful on oils (the jury may still be out on some of these, especially a good quality olive oil); after 65, consider increasing protein intake moderately (Valter Longo) if needed; grow your own vegetables/herbs/fruits if possible and buy organic if feasible (see Environmental Working Group's "Dirty Dozen" list); stay hydrated; meditate or find some form of excessive relaxation; get adequate sleep & find a way to tackle stress (a good hobby anyone?); do an elimination diet to find what you are allergic to or see an allergist.
Personally, I do a ovo-pescatarian diet but only a little fish a few times a week (usually sardines or salmon) plus I have eggs maybe once a week if I go out to breakfast. I do crave butter but will rarely have it (if anyone knows of a good butter substitute, please let me know.. currently do Benecol). Green tea, cabbage and most recently, ground flax seeds are foods that I believe have really helped me. Planning on trying hemp and chia seeds next. I also follow a lot of what Fuhrman and Gregor say, plus I like the little vignettes from Plant Based Science London and The Physicians Committee. The 'Jungle Effect' and the Blue Zones books are informative. I'm not a big fan of supplements but I do take a D3, B12 and Zinc; thinking of adding Omega-3 algae supplement.
Not saying all this stuff applies to everyone, just some ideas.


Sir, can you please make a video on healthy or nearly healthy cooking oils to use? Please, please, please. I’m sure everyone will benefit from it.
