Pregnant Mama Dog Has 9 Puppies On Woman's Couch | The Dodo

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When a pregnant dog, Cookie, was having her babies, her foster family set up a comfortable spot for her to give birth. Little did they know she wasn't interested in it! Cookie wanted to stay up on their couch 😅❤️

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Honestly such people who take the time and do this are truly a gift to mankind.


Look at how Cookie looks at her humans while giving birth😭 there's so much love and trust in those eyes. She knows she'll be okay, as long as you're there.


I would not have been able to part with glorious Cookie - what a sweet, radiant girl.. Such a good mama too, just an all around delight! She deserves rest, pampering and endless cuddles, for life. <3


About 10 years ago I was woken up by my pregnant dog and she was urgently trying to wake me up. I was on the couch. I could tell by how she was trying to wake me it was different she was relentless and this was very out of the norm. I finally got up to see 3 new born puppies in the seam of the couch. She had had her puppies on top of me when I was asleep. lol it was too funny I was able to get her settled in with them and she was a happy mama. Good memories.


She looks so exhausted, what a great mom.


She landed a great home to give birth, thank you to Kathy for giving her that!


What wonderful, accommodating, selfless people to make her feel so safe! She’s such a good mama. Thanks for rescuing all of them!


It's Incredible how this little Mama had NINE Puppies inside her ! She gave birth 9X which alone must be exhausting, then she cleans them and feeds them too ! She was a perfect Mom. 💜🐾🐾💜🙏🙏🙏


What a wonderful dog mom and puppies. Great video!!


It was so touching to see how Cookie wanted to be petted during her stay. She really needed your family and it is such a blessing that you were able to be there for her.


She bonded with family on the couch, so having puppies where she felt the safest seemed logical. Also, she knew people can be a little dim sometimes and wanted to be sure family knew where she was.😁😁😁


My Staffy rescue just gave birth to 6 pups, even though she had an amazing whelping den set up she had her 1st pup on the couch, she then moved to the whelping den, she looked to me for support constantly and when 1 of the pups born was absolutely tiny, half the size of the others and blue she nudged her toward me again and again aggressively, so I got the fluid off her mouth and chest and got her going, my momma dog was so worried, anyways all pups are thriving at 4 weeks old even the lil one and mum is doing great, I honestly believe that experience brought me and her closer together, she put all her trust in me which I thought was so special and I’m so grateful to her for doing so, All dogs are amazing but when a dog in a vulnerable position allows you to help them by trusting you it’s a different feeling all together, truly special xxxx


One puppy is hard enough. Nine has got to be insane! Hats off to fosters that take in pregnant moms.


Bless 🙏 her heart ❤️ .... She looks 👀 soooo exhausted What a great mom


She is a cute Mom. Thank you for saving this Mom and her little furbabies. A forever home is coming soon for them. Cookie is such a good Mom.


A life is worth so much more than furniture, even if it is an animal. I love people that realize this.


I would have 100% been a foster fail with Cookie and probably a puppy or two! She was beautiful and looked like a total snuggle bug. Thanks to the foster family for giving this girl a great place to have her puppies, and finding all the pups and Cookie great forever homes!


I think Cookie's baby daddy was much bigger than her, because those puppies are huge. Huge and cute as buttons ❤❤.


She was just so grateful for you to rescue her and her puppies which is why she never left your side


I remember one time in Puerto Rico, about 1999. There was this nasty storm going on. We knew this one dog was pregnant and had no place to go, so we called out to her and got her to come inside the house. She then proceeded to give birth that day during a huge It's was a crazy time, to be watching my stepdad help this angel lol
