Hate Crime Laws in California

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A "hate crime" in California is when you commit a crime and your motivation for committing the crime was the alleged victim's race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, nationality or religion.
If you are convicted of committing a hate crime, you face the sentence for the crime you committed plus an additional three years in jail or prison for the hate crime.
So, for example, if you are accused of robbery and your motivation was hate, you face the punishment that you would normally face for robbery plus an additional three years in prison.
Hate crimes require the prosecution to prove that your motivation was specifically targeted in your case. That is why you should contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer to defend you against these charges.
At Wallin & Klarich, our criminal attorneys have been successfully defending clients accused of hate crimes for more than 35 years. Let us help you now.
Contact our law firm today at (877) 4-NO-JAIL or (877) 466-5245 for a free phone consultation regarding your case. We will be there when you call.