40 Foot Crocodile Seen in the Congo

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The Mahamba is a 40-50 species of crocodile said to live in the Congo, and Bob Gymlan recently came out with a video about this cryptid. I thought it was a very good video, but I wanted to address some things he said.

Crocodilians are one of the most interesting, yet misunderstood predators on this planet. Much about what we know surrounding crocodilians is rooted in a history that is full of false information. Subjects such as enormous crocodilians, the history of alligators living in sewers, and their evolution are usually answered with faulty facts. In addition, there is still much we don’t understand about these animals, such as their taxonomy, biology, behavior, and more. Did you know crocodilians show signs of regeneration, what’s going on there?

To find the truth in all the lies, exaggerations, or unknowns, one must either spend decades studying these animals or pay a hefty price buying complex literature. What We Get Wrong About Crocodilians fixes these problems. The book looks over myths, misconceptions, and mysteries surrounding these animals for an affordable price and is written for a more general audience to understand. The topics discussed range from the 5th century B.C.E. to present day. Some of the topics will be recognizable, some are generally unknown to many, and some may be shocking. Whether you are causally interested in these animals, or have spent decades studying them, What We Get Wrong About Crocodilians will present information rarely discussed and enlighten all.

For Updates on my book, follow my Instagram @GatorJake456

Huge Crocodiles, Monster Crocodiles, Large Crocodiles

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Support me and the channel, by buying my book "What We Get Wrong About Crocodilians" (link below). It takes a look at subjects many get wrong about these animals from giant crocodiles, alligators in sewers, the Ramree massacre, them eating fruits, and more. Link below to buy on either Amazon, Lulu (international), or Barnes & Noble for paperback, OR on Google Books and GumRoad for digital. *Australian buyers, buy through Lulu. Amazon will not ship to Australia.


A scientist explained to me the difference between an alligator and a crocodile. One you will see later. One you will see after a while.


Gymlan is one of my favorite YouTubers. His voice and the amazing illustrators he works with combine for some top notch content.


Love me a bob gymlan video. I wish he dropped more vids. Its always nice surprise when one pops up.


You’re doing it wrong.

You need to blur the photo a bit, then post it with the title “Proof that Loch Ness monster is real!”


I've seen 20 footers in the 80's at Loxahatchee Wildlife Preserve in Florida . They were way bigger then my dad's 18' foot aluminum boat. And I'm not making this up.


You should do a story about the current situation and events in Odisha, India. 6 people taken by crocodile’s in the last 3 months and I think they just got the animal responsible.


Great video! I saw Bob’s video and I love his channel and content but wanted to comment on his to check out your channel on croc measurements. I forgot to comment, but I’m so glad to see that you’re responding too. Glad you made a friendly critique too. This was very well done and respectful.


This channel has became my source of authentic information on crocs.


Another thing to note. The people usually filming these giant Crocs are Natives or people living in villages. They have seen Crocs their whole life. And when they see one bigger than they have ever seen they tend to record or make known these creatures. As they can be problematic to farming, cattle, goats, etc.


I love Bob Gymlan's videos. One of my favorite channels.


I mean it makes sense that the number isn’t as high as 300 . But also we do not know of the number of people killed that we do not know of ! I’m sure there are so many people taken by crocs that we never even know about !


I seen that video the other day and said it was nice to see someone else cover it and hear their perspective and mentioned how we must have been on the same wave length as my video from 4 weeks earlier was very similar with lolong etc and my comment on the video seems to have been deleted?? Which is strange, anyway thanks for making this one and giving even more mahmaba info! Hopefully more of these lesser known and more plausible cryptids start to get more public attention :D


My family comes from New Guinea, in 1920's a RC priest was doing his monthly visits to plantations South East of Rabaul . He was a horse lover and enjoyed riding and everyone knew it. On crossing the warongoi river his horse was taken by a large crocodile and narrowly surviving himself. Filled with rage, he gets to the closest plantation and demands help in revenge for his horse. He heads back to the river with 4 goats and a rifle. After two weeks and with help of local villagers he shot a 30ft crocodile. My grandfather and his father were there when it was being skinned . No photos, just personal accounts of events. Which equals no hard evidence.


I grew up in La and have caught(12’9” missing part of tail)and seen(15fter south of Venice, La) monster gators, but I have always wondered how many gators the size of McIlhenny’s would be around today if we hadn’t almost wiped them out by the 1950’s.


That's what happens when your on top of the food chain they get big and people sometimes forget they are technically living dinosaurs


Interesting note pertaining to alligator attacks on humans here in my home state of Florida: Various licensed trappers throughout the state agree that GENERALLY SPEAKING, it's the gators in the 8 to 10 ft range that are the most dangerous, and have been responsible for the majority of attacks on humans, because the larger 11 to 14 ft bull gators run them out of their prime territory/waterways. So these slightly smaller gators become more desperate to find their own territory and food, which all too often results in these 8 to 10 ft gators re-locating to ponds & canals in close proximity to housing developments, and because there are fewer food sources in these less than ideal waters, humans & pets are at much greater risk of being attacked & eaten. Makes sense to me.


I'm a big fan of Bob Gymlan and I think he does a good job separating what is and isn't believable in his videos, but given the nature of his videos, he makes some pretty bold claims. It's always nice to see a response to some of those claims with corrections without the over the top vitriol usually associated with a "YouTube Response Video".


Crocs are incredibly intelligent, far more so than people realize. They will watch you go to waterlines and remember if you do it more than once, if you do, they will wait for you at that specific location. I guess you don't make it for 95 million years being stupid.


The general law for the size of animals in the wild is if someone uses feet as the measurement it is far smaller then claimed.
