Как ребенок в 1 год пьет сок граната. As a child at 1 year old drinks pomegranate juice.

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ДЕНЬ 583. Сегодня, 28.11.2020, купили спелый гранат, освободили его от кожуры. Собрали в тарелку все спелые гранатовые ягоды. Подавили эти ягоды в тарелке и появился свежевыжатый красный гранатовый сок. Начали систематически давать этот сок малышу Яну, ему понравился и он пьет его каждый день.
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DAY 583. Today, 28.11.2020, bought a ripe pomegranate, released it from the skin. We collected all the ripe pomegranate berries in a plate. Crushed these berries in a plate and there was a freshly squeezed red pomegranate juice. We started to systematically give this juice to baby Jan, he liked it and he drinks it every day.
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DAY 583. Today, 28.11.2020, bought a ripe pomegranate, released it from the skin. We collected all the ripe pomegranate berries in a plate. Crushed these berries in a plate and there was a freshly squeezed red pomegranate juice. We started to systematically give this juice to baby Jan, he liked it and he drinks it every day.
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