Do YOU Have Introverted Intuition | 9 Tell-Tale Signs YOU Are Ni Dominant

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Do you have introverted Intuition? Today's video I am going in depth on the top 9 tell-tale signs that you truly are an introverted intuitive. Having a dominant introverted intuition cognitive function can be confusing and if often mistaken for extroverted intuition.

But there are 2 personality types that have their dominant function as introverted intuition - The INFJ Personality type and the INTJ Personality type. INFJ Ni and INTJ Ni is their primary or dominate cognitive function. However, they each function in very different ways due to their other unique and very different cognitive functions.

There is a major misunderstanding in the Myers-Briggs 16 personality type community. What exactly is the function of Introverted Intuition? Some people associate Introverted Intuition with future planning. Because of that, an Introverted Intuitive becomes someone who plans everything for the future. That, however, is not the case. In fact, many Sensing personality types also prefer making plans for the future. There are numerous other myths about Introverted Intuition out there.

Today I am going to debunk those myths.

Grab MORE Introverted Intuition Brain Food and Learn the Difference between INFJ Ni and INTJ Ni:


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0:00 Intro
0:55 Introverted Intuition Inspiration
1:56 Introverted Intuition Conversations
2:57 Introverted Intuition Desire
3:56 Introverted Intuition Thoughts
4:59 Introverted Intuition Meaning
6:11 Introverted Intuition Independence
6:58 Introverted Intuition Strategy
8:02 Introverted Intuition Perceptions
8:53 Introverted Intuition Demeanor


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Success For Breakfast was created to be a channel that makes simple-to-follow videos giving you the tools to live your best life and help in your personal growth journey. There are a lot of little pieces that add up to the bigger “whole” picture of what you envision for your best life and what success looks like for you - so I am creating videos hitting on all of those subjects. From financial tips, relationships, and happiness to psychological tips, personal development, and even productivity advice. Brain food to give you the best possible chance to level up and love your life in all areas.

We all know that a strong mindset and good mental health is the key to success, and to take control of your life, but there are many different ways to get there. It is not just motivation and affirmations, although those are important. For me, it was also about psychology, understanding myself, and knowing why I did things a certain way. It was also about meditating and learning about manifesting and the law of attraction, and of course how to be and stay motivated.

I hope you enjoy my channel and the videos but more importantly, find things that you can take action on and level up your life!

-Success 4 Breakfast


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DISCLAIMER - This video is for educational purposes and is based on personal opinions. This video is not a substitute for professional advice, but for general guidance. Please do not take this feedback as an attack on your character. This video was meant to be a self-improvement guide for those of you who have been feeling a little stuck. We advise you to always listen to your intuition and always do what is right for you.

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Are you truly an introverted intuitive? What are your thoughts on these 9 signs that you are? Leave a comment and let me know!

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I hope you enjoy my channel and the videos, but more importantly, find things that you can take action on and level up your life!


My favorite WHY? and my favorite things to dive into.... Psychology, ancient civilizations, all religions, mythology, symbols, etc


I always have "why?" in my head all day 😂


They should have named me "How...? Why...?"
2 of my favorite words...🖤

The "why" factor drove everyone nuts when I was little... I had to understand the "context frame"... It infuriated me when I constantly got told "You've too young to understand..." I was the "40 yr old migit" the teachers either loved or FEARED!!! I could "intuit" things very early on... I KNEW there was gonna be trouble when I took the toaster apart to see HOW IT WORKED...& sure enough, my butt got tanned!!!

The "When" factor plays into it too... "WHEN this happened, that's HOW this got like this..." ...the "Why" factor the supposed reasoning behind it...& most of the time I found their reasoning illogical.

To this day, my capability to "intuit" future unfoldings is scares onlookers who've heard me snap a wisecrack about something, only for it to actually play out that way in real time... In the same manner, I head off a large magnitude of what would have happened had I not interseeded, because I "saw" it coming. All of this spearheads the "She's WEIRD!!!" label I've worn all my life...🖤


Yes INFJ, In short Ni means information gathering process that focuses on patterns, perspectives, hidden meanings and future implications


I'm Ne dominant and the closest people in my life are all Ni dominant. The more I learn about how they work, the more I understand why I love them so much, we are SO compatible <3


For me, an INFJ...combining this function with my "Fe" radar, my abstract thinking goes into the realms of spirits and souls. For example, with trees, I don't get philosophical about them, I see each one as a sentient being and I feel the life force flowing in it, I can even direct that radar (my Se gets triggered by a dark patch on a tree) and see that a corruption infected it and I hyper-focus on it briefly (because Se is an inferior function, INFJs don't stay in that mode for very long) and I contemplate a lot of concepts why and how it got infected and the possible cures...but all that happens lightning quick, my focus quickly shifts back to the tree's overall state of well being, I wonder how many things it witness, the stories and history it knows by observing, how it's root system communicates to it's neighboring trees, what it thinks about humans, oh... now it's aware that I am communing with it, I feel grateful it provides the air that I breath and my part how my breath feeds it nourishment - we are co- partners on this planet...we need each that a hummingbird on it's branch looking at me? My Fe radar focuses on it and similar abstract thought process begins, I start to feel a harmonious state starting from this tree extending to the whole planet..which feels alive and has a soul..but time is short...oh, hello there little bird, got to snap back into reality, go do my projects now...have a nice day.

Would I try to communicate to someone hiking or sitting with me when I turn for a brief moment to noticed that tree? No...unless she's a girlfriend that has Ne, and she's being quiet (ENTPs ground me into reality...they sure love to talk, until their introvert side kicks in...ah, here's my moment to take her deep diving...)


I believe INFJs can follow rules and routines but only when they make sense. So everything depends on the opinion the INFJ has about each rule or routine... Personnally I question all of them and adopt only those that are really usefull and there are many! For all the rules and routines that unfortunately make no sense, I learned, over time, to chose by battles and make attempts to change a few of them only when it serves my goal and the effort invested to make it changes is worthwhile.


Great video. This is so me, I can't believe it :)


Day dreaming is when the dream stays a dream.i Dreaming all day and night and while I sleep . Imprinting the dream in my subconscious that will naturally drive myself to the reality of manifesting


The 3rd one is what I do most of the time with music because it gives me motivation and boost me to make my intuition more clear and consistent, it blows my mind 🤯, it's like I fall into the black hole again and again like i'm in a loop


This made me burst into tears. Every item. Bang on. 100%. I felt heard. #2 points out how dificult it is to explain our inner world to others but this video gave me a sense of relief from that because it itself helped explain why I can't See? I can't even properly explain how this video affected me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


When I am with people around me, whether family or friends, and I do not understand the meaning or purpose of any request they ask of me, I directly show signs of exclamation and ask the reason. The problem here is that they tell me that there is not always time to say the reason and that knowing the reason is not important, which makes me look at the behavior that I do as if I am subordinate to another person and I cannot explain the reason for my behavior in a logical manner, and this is very annoying to me. entj


This makes a lot of sense to me I do always think about how things work and I do like deep talks and I do know what i want to do with my life so i like learning stuff like this cause i allows me to learn more about myslef


When you were saying to click this and that subscribe and what have you, i literally said to myself... what qualifies you to order new around?

I'm INTJ rarest woman around
Yes, unapologetically so.


I don’t always ask why. This might be useful in situations which are close to the sensory world, though. Many INTJs use their introverted intuition in the workplace to figure out things because it is often useful for society and the employer. In these cases, the understanding of the why is useful to have a deeper level of understanding and control over things. But in things that are too abstract and too far away from common interest its more about gaining a rudimentary kind of understanding at all and not asking about the why. Usually, it is a hopeless case to try to communicate these things to other people. It’s like talking to the hand at best. But it doesn’t matter really, because even if things do not get accepted, they are still fixated or restored in the Ni-world and might be applicable in the future.


As a Ni dom, I don't usually daydream that much but questions about the roots of everything always stay in my mind



I came to minute 7 and started reading comments, so I did not hear everything.

I understood Ni is what I like to call Gards (Guards), these people communicate God's Will to us. In the comment under by Thomas Riessler he mentioned the Work Provider. In my circle the work provider is unknown and I get submitted to Ground though Force by the personell, because their Work Provider allows them to. I'd like to say that I AM the true Gard since the beginning of my life, I wanted to communicate God's purpouse in a Country which has Isolated me since childhood like Anime series show. They call me Asperger's since the day I expressed verbally: "ENOUGH!!". ... I am created by this countries Will to destroy themselves.

How will I destroy them? By Defensive Weapon, trough the fact I've been Defenestrated and I saw that coming by the way, I told them, I have proof. They did not listen and they will not listen still. At that time I scored as ISTJ. Now I score as INFP.

May God help us and deliver us from Hell Fire


Time out. I was pretty much on board for the whole ride, right up till the last few seconds. Yes I absolutely do find it annoying and frustrating when people don't seem to understand me. However I only wish I could relate to the sentiment that it's OK because there are many others that do sure they exist but not in my vicinity. It could be that my location is not very diverse or largely populated. It could be my circle or social activities are limited at best. Maybe I don't expect those around me to actually try, becoming far to complacent in my token position as "weird". Most likely its a good combination plus some other factors I have not thought about yet. So if in My 35 years alive I have not experiencd what it's like to be authentically understood, what do you think the larger scale implications might be ? I can honestly tell you after a while of consciously being aware of whats missing, loneliness took on a different meaning and even in good company I felt it. Which eventually spilled into an obvious co dependent nature. Which I'm aware isn't typical of my independent ways. No excuses, fact is I alleviated as much of that lonely feeling through co depending. It helps negate a large amount of obvious loneliness so what is left is easier to process. guess if I did have others in my life that related to me on a genuine level things might feel " ok" as described, and I wouldn't stress over the ones that do not so adamantly.


100% me good video.keep up the great content.thank you.
