Genshin 2.7 Theory - Possibility of Other Universes in Genshin | Bubble Universe, Sea of Quanta.

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Heyaaa!! So This theory is gonna focus on the possibility of genshin and honkai being connected to each other. As well as Genshin Impact being opened up to possibly alternate realities. This Video Specifically will be more on names and terminologies from both games and putting it together to form this theory. Hope you enjoy!! :333

00:00 Intro + Disclaimer
00:56 Start
01:44 3 Dimensions of Honkai
02:24 Imaginary Tree
03:50 Sea of Quanta
04:54 Imaginary Space
05:37 Bubble Universes in The Sea of Quanta
05:53 Ether Anchors
06:08 Sussy Realization
06:38 Why Not Go to The Imaginary Tree
07:18 Gnius Devices in Genshin
08:09 Theoretically Connecting Both Games
09:47 No Honkai in Genshin
11:07 Genshin as a Bubble Universe
11:49 MOTH & Project SAVE
13:06 Genshin Universe in Stasis
15:00 Words from Otto & Ayato
15:40 Next Video


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Scaramouche did say the sky was fake, so my guess is Teyvat is the project ark ( a well-known theory) an artificial world built to ensure to the survival of humankind, and as you said, the Gods are keeping watch to make sure it doesn't get invaded by Honkai.


Didn't anybody feel Paimon was really acting weird in this particular quest... Like she didn't enter the room of fear just like Yelan because she had something to hide, something that is not supposed to be known and secondly when everyone was giving up on trying to find a way out, Paimon just bumped in the fantastic compass revealing a way to activate it. Don't you guys think its way too much of a coincidence.


So, minor thing here: Bubble universes exist in the Sea of Quanta ONLY. Universes along the Imaginary Tree that lost to Honkai are discarded into the Sea of Quanta, where they degrade into Bubble universes. Also, the Bubble universes are the only things that can sustain themselves for extended periods within the Sea.
This info is found in both Chapter 17's ending and, most importantly, the Durandal Visual Novel, where Bianka and Rita are tasked with investigating a bubble universe in the Sea of Quanta that came close to Honkai's.


Not really an original theory as its been postulated many times in the community but I really appreciate you going over more details from Honkai tham anyone else has since I, and a majority of the genshin fandom, havent played Honkai

Looking forward to the next video :)


🌸😹It has been quite awhile and thus one is most glad to behold another upload from yours truly!😹🌸


There’s no evidence to suggest the Sea of Quanta, Honkai, Imaginary Tree and other stuff takes a different form depending on the universe. As far as we know, the Abyss is the Honkai but it’s simply not called that. But the lore of Genshin suggests that *something* from another world came to Teyvat, which has two scenarios, Project ARK with Griseo on board (who has godlike creation powers), or the Sky People, either from Honkai’s universe or Genshins equivalent of them.


I mostly agree with this theory but for "Honkai always have the same shape" maybe it is not true. Look at other HoyoVerse games such as Star Rail who maybe called Honkai as Stellaron or Cancer of Worlds, Zenless Zone Zero who might have honkai called Etheral the Corrupted. And maybe Teyvat has one but not mentioned for now. So my point is Honkai is indeed on every Bubble Universe but it has different names and different ways to enter it. It reminds me of GGZ Honkai's explanation that says Honkai will appear as people perceive it and honkai form affected by living beings on that planet or world.


Your conclusion is amazing and connects all the dots ! Genshin is not advanced enough for the honkai to be triggered, raiden shogun said that her pursue of eternity and ever lasting state was her way to be the "closest to heavenly principles", she fears the same destiny of khaenri'ah could happen again otherwise. Your theory video mix so well with "Griseo is Genshin's Supreme God" from Homu Labs ! It saids that kosma let his place to griseo for project ARK and we never hear from it again, she could have been the one founding genshin civilisation even if right now I think it's another god that took her place which could explain similar looks and voice actor to herrscher of the void


Another idea I just had is maybe teyvat is painted by griseo fully and she didn't paint it on the tree, she painted it in the sea of quanta and tethered it to the tree. This could be why we have no honkai in teyvat, because honkai assess teyvat as "dead" universe, one that's already been tested, failed, and discarded


Amazing video, you mentioned all the points I though about while playing and even more, like the compass relation to the gnius device that I never noticed before, a bubble universe is one that already got disconnected and only maintains itself from the ether anchor so the testing should no longer be enforced by the tree, if teyvat is like that then is destined to crumble sooner or later into the sea when the ether anchor cannot sustain it anymore.
The other option of stasis of a world still connected is very interesting, maybe the effects of honkai are already showing in another way? as it was told ingame that honkai can take many forms besides the honkai beasts, they could presents itself in other ways that are still a threat to humanity (like vishaps), the quantized beast could also take another form and considering they are supposed to be the antithesis of the tree... which beast have we seen eating the leylines that have connection to irminsul/imaginary tree? the rifthounds, the only doubt would be if they attack out of instinct from being created from the chaotic space or they appear directly as the leylines gets more broken and the conneciton to the tree is lost? maybe gold only gave shape to what was already there


The ending of chapter 19 confirms genshin is related to honkai


The reason why Mona at some point told our protagonist paimon and her companion traveler (KEK 😆) THAT THE SKY IS FAKE.... Is because the unknown goddess is masking the sky or rather there world from honkai and sky people. When the siblings come to It's really becomes a problem fro unknown god.


Mihoyos CEO already said they share the same universe


A thing: Project ARK didn't fail, Kosma was supposed to embark on the spaceship to flee Earth but Griseo went instead of him, possibly, she is still up in space.
Second thing: Kevin isn't the only survivor of MOTH in that era, there's also Fu Hua.


the problem here is that Mihoyo has confirmed that genshin and honkai exist in the same "universe" which means that there should be honkai there, the question is why is it not there:

Im thinking that it is either because they have already cleared the honkai or some higher being is stopping/sealing the honkai energy (just like what kiana did in APHO)

Edit: i haven't finish the video when I commented, youre theory is also very viable :3


So if the Honkai wants to destroy any type of civilization that is too advanced, isn't that the reason why they destroyed Khanre'iah? because it was getting too advanced and was going to get the attention of the Honkai?


What if Teyvat was a universe that got destroyed by Honkai, and after thier departure, something just slipped by, collected all sorts of things & merged it into one, small & frail world that is Teyvat.The Veil of Sin that the Khaeriah sages to unveil might literally be the Sea of Quanta & that action might've alerted Celestia.Since Honkai may realized that Teyvat, that was once destroyed is still alive.
*Insert "how many times do we need to teach you a lesson, old man?" meme*


I think you’re onto something. What if celestia was monitoring and controlling Teyvat to make sure no one does something that would cause notice and attention to honkai. Just like how celestia basically wiped out Kheanriah


Isnt hua a moth too and didnt she take the emebr project too? She almost suceed with project ember
