Red Rocks Worship - Echo Holy | Now (Here)

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Watch this moment of worship including two of our newest RRW original songs!

Echo Holy by Red Rocks Worship
Now(here) by Red Rocks Worship

Listen to spark., the newest project from Red Rocks Worship!

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Former atheist of 9 years here. Jesus saved me 3 months ago after denying him for years. There's no turning back now ❤ God bless you all!


I just had to share this with you.
My Granddaughter (age 3) said, “Gammy. Let’s sing face down on the floor.” My Grandson (age 6) ran in the room and said, “YES! Let’s sing it!”
I didn’t know what they were talking about because I had never heard the song.
She said, “ALEXA. Play Echo Holy and TURN UP THE VOLUME!!!!”
They both started dancing and singing it. When they said, face down on the floor, they both knelt down and put their face on the floor.
I WAS SOBBING! My heart was so full I could have just exploded. I just pray that God keeps blessing them and thru them.
I said, “WOW! Praise GOD! I’ve never heard that song before. Y’all made me cry happy tears.” He said, “We made Dad cry, too.” Thank you for this song!


The elderly man makes me so happy between all these young people. I think there is so much power when generations come together to praise


Jesus has saved me from the clutches of the devil. I was a heroin addict and a drug dealer. My heart was so full of anger, I hated everyone. According to God's word I was a murder. Like Paul, I was the chief of sinners.
I now live for God and proclaim His goodness. He has broken all of the strongholds in my life. For everyone who reads this, if you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction, don't give up on them, continue to pray for them and believe that Jesus can break the power of addiction. I'm proof that He has the power to defeat all the lies of the enemy. Jesus has set me free! Be blessed everyone.


I was Muslim and converted to being a follower of our lLord Jesus Christ..I prayed to God one time with all my heart and asked him to show me if he’s real then Jesus came into my life. The holly spirit is guiding me and I will start preaching in God’s name one day to bring this gift of true love and happiness to less fortunate and lost souls.Amen ❤❤❤❤🙏😇


At 62 years old, I love seeing and hearing young people worship the Lord with such enthusiasm. Satan would love for us to believe that Christianity is dying out and sometimes it feels that that is true.

Then I run across a video like this one and realize that God is still moving among the youth and raising a new generation to carry the Faith forward. God bless you all!


A positive major thing happened to me during this covid era l came back to Christ after giving up for a year found Bethel music found elevation worship found Red rocks am falling in love with Jesus 🙌🙌❤️❤️😍🙏


Red Rocks Worship made a post 5 days ago that they prayed they would feel God’s presence as they recorded this song... not only was God’s presence there in that room with them, but He was also with me in my room as I listened to this song. I was moved to tears listening to “Echo Holy” as I realized that us as human beings following Christ, we have to be at a place of complete surrender and be like the angels; face down on the floor and echo ‘Holy is the Lord’ time and time again. This is the act of worship I want to be portraying not just when I’m at church worshiping or at a worship night, but in my daily life—as I walk throughout my day, as I drive, as I wash dishes, as I speak to other people. I want it to be that when people see me, they see this love within me that cannot be found here on earth, only in heaven. I want it to be that when people see me, they see my heart not wanting or needing anything that can be found here on earth, only in heaven. I want it to be that when people see me, they see a servant of God, praising and worshiping Him with every breath I take and every word I speak. I want it to be that when they see me, they have no doubt that I am not just a Christian, but a Christ follower. I want to be echoing holy is the Lord not just in song, but in my actions! Let this be my life, Lord, let this be! Create this song in my heart, Father, and let this song forever ring in Your ears! I praise You, Father! I echo holy is the Lord!


I listen to this song for the first time ever today while I was ironing my clothes, and suddenly I was aware of the presence of God. And when the singer said 'this is heaven on earth', the Holy Spirit took over, I cried and prayed all the way to the end . I literally felt heaven on earth. There's anointing here.


This came at the perfect timing. 4 years ago today I lost my grandpa. He raised me and I was just recently set free from depression and demons by Jesus. Instead of feeing depressed about his death this year I am celebrating with this song. God bless you guys! Thank you so much!


Jesus, you are holy! Nobody but you Lord could have rescued me from addiction, depression, and suicide! To anybody out there struggling, you are not too far gone and out of reach of God's love. He saved me from the domain of darkness and I have been free from the clutches of the devil for 5 years.


So, I got wrecked too. Red Rocks was just at our church's conference. They sang this alone as a 4 piece acoustic "special" after our worship team did a full set. As SOON as the first chord hit, the Holy Spirit immediately "gut punched" me and I was taken over by the presence of God. I intensely wept through the entire song. It was one of the most powerful corporate worship experiences I've ever had.

It was like my spirit recognized or remembered "Gathered at the highest throne welcomed by a melody. Anthem I have always known a song that's always been in me" .. and that was just too much for my physical body to take. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY are you God Almighty!


I love that they don't have a stage and they are all on the floor together. I think that's how it should be. We are all looking up to and praising Jesus


I was molested at the age of 7, I never processed it as a teenager, or even as a young man. My walk with the Lord revealed to me that the moment I chose to never speak of, could very well be responsible for the mentality I developed towards sex, women, perversion, and sexual immoral endeavors, like Pornography. I was always worried what it could mean to my family, speaking the truth, but no more. I stand here today Redeemed in Christ Jesus, I stand firm in his Glory, I stand tall in the redemption of my past transgressions. The Lord pulled me away from the worst things about myself, and the more I dove into Christ, the more those things began to fall away, by the sanctity of my Salvation.

I’m not perfect, but I’m here to speak over any man woman or child today that stood face to face with that DEMON OF PERVERSION, and you walked out of that room, you walked from his or her grasp, you went on to live in confusion, and doubt. I’m here to tell you today, the Lord shall set you free!! Lean into his word!! Lean into his grace!! Lean into salvation through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

Believe he died on the Cross, believe he died for you, believe in the blood that was spilt for you!!

My name is Paul Botello, and I am a survivor of Child Molestation, and it’s only by God’s love and Grace. There is redemption for you, God has it ready to unleash upon your life, and all you need to do is access through your Faith in him.

Glory be to God, Hallelujah!!🙏🏽🕊🙏🏽🕊

If you’ve read this far, God bless you, if you have a few minutes, go check out my music video “AK-Psalms47” on my page.
I step foot onto the ground where the enemy tried to take my life from me, my childhood home. Join me as I go back to the place I came face to face with the Devil..”The shed with the Lime Green trim”
Join me, as I take the memories of that land back, and place it at the feet of God...


I prayed my criminal records check to come through so I could start work in a care home..has taken over a month. The one thing stopping me returning to work. Know it is here. Praise God xxx


I cant even tell you how much joy this song brought me when I listened. I am a worship leader at our church and it is good to see all ages in this video. I am 66 and I still want to shout and dance and hold my hands up. My God loves that. It makes him so Happy! So heaven blessed!!❤❤❤


What’s amazing (if you look past the glory of God POURING OUT of these young Warriors of God) is there is more Praise, Worship and Presence of God’s Holy Spirit coming from what seems to be a old warehouse, or school cafeteria, than comes from the $10 to $200 plus million dollar cathedrals we’ve built to “honor” a God we don’t truly know or have a “intimate” love affair with!😳💔

I wonder which Our Lord Jesus prefers to visit with His presence?🤔

“I inhabit the Praise and Worship of MY PEOPLE!”✝️🕊🗡️”


I Love to Worship the father can't sing a lick but he doesn't care he loves me just as I am he is child I'm 70 years old still makes me feel young you're precious to me Lord


Traditions of man make the Word of no effect .. This gathering is not in the traditional way of how gatherings have been ...this is a new path
Of worship without stage entertainment this is the Lords doing to get our worship to be about Him alone ...This will bring real unity and real long lasting transformation in the midst of diversity.


I can’t stop listening to this 😭 it’s on repeat every single day. The God moments are so glorious ! So blessed
