2-Sample Proportion (% Defectives) Test: Illustration with Practical Example in Minitab

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#HypothesisTest #2SampleProportionTest #2SampleTest #HypothesisTestsWithPracticalExamples #HypothesisTestForAttributeData #2SampleTestInExcel #2SampleTestInMinitab #2SampleProportionTestInMinitab #2SamplePercentageDefectivesTest #2SamplePercentageDefectivesTestInMinitab #2%DefectivesTest
Hello Friends,
Till the last videos on hypothesis test to compare 2 samples with each other, we had completed the learning of hypothesis tests for continuous data.
In this video, we are going to learn the 1st hypothesis test to compare 2 samples with each other for attribute data i.e. 2-Percentage Defectives Test or 2-Sample Proportion Test in Minitab software with the help of a practical example for easy understanding and better clarity.
This video consists of the following topics:
• What is the 2-Sample Proportion (% Defectives) Test in Hypothesis testing?
• Hypotheses for 2-Sample Proportion (% Defectives) Test
• Data considerations for 2-Sample Proportion (% Defectives) Test
• Example of 2-Sample Proportion (% Defectives) Test and Confidence Interval
• Conduct 2-Sample Proportion (% Defectives) Test in Minitab with a practical example
• Detailed interpretation of results from 2-Sample Proportion (% Defectives) Test including Descriptive Statistics, Estimation for the difference in proportions (% defectives), p-value & its interpretations and finally the conclusion.
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Please watch: "Design of Experiment (DOE): Introduction, Terms and Concepts with Practical Example- PART 1"
Hello Friends,
Till the last videos on hypothesis test to compare 2 samples with each other, we had completed the learning of hypothesis tests for continuous data.
In this video, we are going to learn the 1st hypothesis test to compare 2 samples with each other for attribute data i.e. 2-Percentage Defectives Test or 2-Sample Proportion Test in Minitab software with the help of a practical example for easy understanding and better clarity.
This video consists of the following topics:
• What is the 2-Sample Proportion (% Defectives) Test in Hypothesis testing?
• Hypotheses for 2-Sample Proportion (% Defectives) Test
• Data considerations for 2-Sample Proportion (% Defectives) Test
• Example of 2-Sample Proportion (% Defectives) Test and Confidence Interval
• Conduct 2-Sample Proportion (% Defectives) Test in Minitab with a practical example
• Detailed interpretation of results from 2-Sample Proportion (% Defectives) Test including Descriptive Statistics, Estimation for the difference in proportions (% defectives), p-value & its interpretations and finally the conclusion.
I am sure, you will be liked it.
You can also access this training by visiting our website-
We have also updated the “Our Services” page on this website to select the most appropriate program to improve your profitability and employee engagement.
And finally, thank you for watching…
Please watch: "Design of Experiment (DOE): Introduction, Terms and Concepts with Practical Example- PART 1"