1,281 - Trivial or Consequential? | New Bearded Governing Body Members

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Under normal circumstances the donning of beards by members of the governing body would be a mere triviality. But given recent developments this could be a consequential matter.

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I spoke to my JW mother 2 years ago and said that due to my physical disability and mobility issues wearing a skirt was no longer suitable or modest for me to wear. She spoke to her elders who said if i reguarly attended the kingdom hall in trousers/pants that i would not be eligiable for the ministry or for baptism.
Then the 'New Light" came...now im suitable. What a crock of 'blurb'


It is all insane Winston. I grew up in this group unfortunately and I had a uncle that had a medical condition and he could not shave. He was removed from his so called "privileges" and marked by these authoritarian maniacs. Beards were always viewed as either "worldly" or, if worn by someone as a baptized JW, they were viewed as "spiritually weak" and you were to be careful associating with them, so the shunning would begin.

If you showed up without a tie you were guaranteed a talking to and if you didn't take heed to their counsel, you better get ready for some serious consequences. My father was never baptized but for years he tried to attend meetings and their Memorial. He is poor and could not afford a suit and he would be criticized for his dress as he wore nice dark jeans and a tucked in button up shirt. It was so bad that a sister gave a comment about how "some people don't have respect for God to dress appropriately" when he was there for a Watchtower study; she was referring to him. So, for years they have disciplined, marked, shunned, and cast away people over these things and now, voila, they are okay because "the Governing Body has decided." These so called men have no shame and are despicable!

And continue with the gaslighting Steven Lett, we are not all stupid!


If I were a man, I would have been shunned for having a beard. I have too much self-respect to allow anyone to tell me to make it a rule that I must shave my beard or else...


I am reminded of a situation in a congregation I attended many years ago. Like the beard policy for men, the pants policy for women was a reason for judgement should one deviate from it - even though there may have been a very good reason for doing so, and no Biblical rule on the matter.

In this situation it was a young mother who had psoriasis which covered her legs. These lesions can be scaley, flakey and crack and bleed. Despite the sister explaining to everyone the reason it was necessary for her to cover her legs, she was still treated with judgement and was oft whispered about out of her hearing.


It is because of one mans deferring CT Russell in the organisation. JF Rutherford was approached by a young man in Germany who wore aa beard, to provide a printing press. Rutherfrd took one look at the man and said get rid f that confunding thing on your face and you would get the printing press. "Many did not accept Rutherford as Watchtower’s second leader. Rutherford was insulted that brothers wanted to imitate Russell and started to force brothers to shave their beards.

“Brother Rutherford … noticed that over the years Brother Balzereit had grown a beard very similar to the one worn by Brother Russell. His example soon caught on … . During his next visit, within earshot of all the Bible House family, he told Brother Balzereit that he could buy the rotary press on the condition that he shave off his beard.” 1974 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses pp.97-98"


What you say is correct. The reason the governing body previously gave for witness men not wearing beards was so as not to cause either the public or fellow witnesses to stumble. So, apparently the governing body has now decided that it is alright to stumble.


I dont know why beards were forbidden either because Leviticus 19:27 says not to shave your beard & not to shave your head bald


Really, if they feel they have upset people, then really they should apologise and say they were wrong. But how they act, I don't see that happening


I left the stupid cult this year January, i was Ministerial servant for 3 years+ just couldn't take it anymore.I ignored red flags for many years.


If the Governing body recommended shaved heads, they would comply, at least those who want to ascend the Corporate ladder.


The beard doctrine was adopted by clean shaven Rutherford after he became President of The Watchtower and Bible Tract Society of PA after Russell's death. Note: C T Russell wore a full beard. It was a power move by Judge Rutherford. You would think the beard, tie, jacket and pants allowance would give pause to the rank and file Jehovah's Witness. This time last year if they would have tried what's allowed today, they would have been counselled. Not one single scripture for or against their recent changes. So much for following the Bible. Winston, what's your opinion on the recent change in grooming?


Its so suspicious how soon they began to wear beards after the doctrinal change.
I'm sorry, but seeing Herd with a beard made me laugh for several seconds.


Insensitivity of the GB toward anti-beard JWs, is one way to look at the GB members' newfound beards. I disagree. If it's insensitive for them to do it, then would it not also be insensitive for every other JW male to do it, given that there could be other JW males around them with the contrary view? Where do we draw the line? Secondly, not all GB members have beards. That is notable. If they all had beards, your point would be stronger. But there is a mix, which to me sends the signal that you're allowed to but you're not obligated to, and as a Governing Body were not recommending or endorsing the wearing of beards to be preferable over being clean shaven.

Now imagine if they all remained clean-shaven. The anti-beard JW elders would use that to say that the GB still isn't comfortable with the idea of beards, even though they have made the concession - maybe they only said it for legal reasons - so I'm going to follow their example of being clean shaven and recommend the brothers to be clean shaven as well. JWs think like that Winston. If there is any wiggle room to ease their cognitive dissonance, they will wiggle to the comfortable position they know, using all manner of strange reasoning. So the GB wearing beards would serve to negate this. It is an attempt by them to remove the beard stereotype by example. They're doing this as a way of making it absolutely clear to any holdout anti-beard elders or elder bodies attempting to perpetuate the old anti-beard way, that they cannot succeed in pressuring congregants to be clean shaven while there are bearded JWs at the highest level - the Governing Body - appearing in organization videos.

You have to remember that the stigma against beards has been long-running and strong. They would often use beards in their literature illustrations as a way of identifying and distinguishing the worldly person from the JW person! Beards were synonymous with worldliness! So even with the lifting of the ban, some JW men who might wish to have a beard, might still be a bit hesitant emotionally, even while knowing it's now allowed. So by having members of the GB appear with beards, that serves as a powerful license, emotional reassurance and encouragement to such JWs - to all JWs - to get past the stigma. Because if the GB can wear beards, how can there be any doubt of the propriety of wearing beards? That's how I see it.


Studied for 5 years never got baptisted because some things nerver made sense.🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹


Winston, when you told your viewers it's not against God's law to sleep with your fiance before marriage, were you a cause for stumbling? If not then you should do a biblical talk, proving from the scriptures your reason for saying this as this statement is a serious matter that could move people to a serious sin
