Three Magic Words By U.S. Andersen (Unabridged Audiobook)

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Clocking in at 10 hours and 45 minutes is is one of the all time classics. It will change your life every time you hear it. This unlocks and understanding of your god mind. You will find the secret in just three magic words.

Three Magic Words is a ground-breaking book about the greatest idea in the world-a secret revealed in just three words-an idea so simple, so startling, so wonderful that it can start you on an adventure that will forever change the way you see yourself, others, and life. Knowing the secret opens up a whole new world of contentment, fulfillment, joy and abundance.

"In the pages of this book, you will learn of the unlimited power that is yours. You will learn how you can turn this power to work for you, here on earth, to make your life majestic and overflowing with good.

This is not a religion or a sect or a society. In its entirety it is a series of essays aimed at revealing to you your power over all things.

You will learn that there is only one mover in all creation and that mover is thought. You will learn that there is only one creator and that creator is the Universal Subconscious Mind, or God.

You will learn that this creator creates for you exactly what you think, and you will be shown how you can control your thoughts, not only to obtain answers to your problems but to create in your experience exactly what you desire. You will not do this in a day or a week or even a month; but do it you will if you keep heart and keep faith.

It requires only a few minutes of your time each day, a few minutes that will reward you with greater vistas in life, greater hope and promise than has ever been dreamed. There is a cause! There is a reason! There is a power greater than you are, which you are a part of, which you can use to make your life good and great and vigorous and full of abundance! If thou canst but believe; All things are possible to him who believes." - Uell Andersen

I strongly suggest my good friend Bri Seeley's programs for business and entrepreneurship

Music By Mettaverse and epidemic sound

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#usandersen #universalmind #consciousness

Intro 00:00
Foreword 01:31
Chapter 1 The Lock 07:13
Chapter 2 Illusion 59:51
Chapter 3 Mind 1:58:24
Chapter 4 Form 2:58:10
Chapter 5 Intuition 4:03:13
Chapter 6 Faith 5:00:48
Chapter 7 Attraction 6:13:36
Chapter 8 Love 7:14:47
Chapter 9 Success 8:05:12
Chapter 10 Health 8:57:12
Chapter 11 Immortality 9:43:31
Chapter 12 The Key 10:27:18
Discussion 10:43:31
Рекомендации по теме

Brian may the Lord reward you a 1000x fold for all you give to help others on our spiritual path. Much love & light to you, your wife and family. God Bless 🙏🏼❤️


This book saved my life years ago. I lived with its knowledge for years and then fell off it thinking it was actually i that made all the miracles ... slowly life became a struggle again . I have now lived to 60 years and retired with much wealth but have left this teaching . Am now revisiting the laws that brought me all i have been blessed with . Thank you Brian


The more I listen to your narration, I'm convinced your perfect for this reading!🌞Anybody else agree?


Thank you - I appreciate all your dedication. I love the way you read, literature you choose, your voice is calming and the music lets me go into a meditative state. Love being read to 😊❤❤❤


Thank you for this generous and enlightening transmission. @BrianScott your service is priceless! And Andersen is so inspiring! May everyone here be blessed with MAGIC for the highest good! <3


This Book is like the light that lights up my pathway to happiness, peace and the success that I seek 🙏
Thank you Brian for all that you do for this generation… God bless you🙏


Brian! I looked for this book this morning to listen as I work and to my surprise it is the book you are premiering today. I am grateful for you and your work. Thank you.


PEACE and love to all.
I wasted my life.
I'm now grateful for my life and the knowledge shared by others.


I am listening to Brian Scott again after a while of life getting in the way. I listen at night when I am sleeping …his voice is soothing and brings down walls of hate. Life hasn’t been easy living with aging events that weren’t planned for. Chapter 8 on love is a reminder of why we love ourselves first so we can love others. Love is God in action.
We are living in a world where hate has brought us down and love of money foremost, and plans for destruction of humanity and humans. Humans have become second class citizens and the fear of the messages and news that destruction of lives en mass will be all communities happenstance soon.
Destruction and death came to the mountains of Appalachia through manmade machines bent of destroying for money on the ground, not love for the residents.
But love from those mountain survivors to find and care for those who lost everything is love of neighbor in action, it’s God in action!
I thank God for bringing this book back up in my life. I thank YouTube for the opportunity to listen to Brian. We need love in order to change the worlds goals toward utter destruction of humans and the goal of human less life as robots!
God Bless us All! We.


I'm going to say this This is another great This content is so amazing!!!! This is life changing content here!!!! Thank you Brian!!!


I had this book years ago - it made it's transition in a fire I had to escape from!

I applaud your dedication, Brian, and service on reading this unabridged version.


Thank you for this Brother this is going to be my bedtime listen to for the next few nights. Thank you so much for what you do for our beautiful Reality Revolution community


one of my favorite reads, felt like it’s been calling my name recently and here you go with this


Hey Brian, you and I are going on a 3 yr friendship, you just haven't known it!😅 Thank you so much for your meditations and your deep dives. Believe it or not but I fall into deeper states of meditation with your deep dives. Mettaverse makes AWESOME background music! Brian you have brought me into a beautiful state of enlightenment and I have manifested a wonderful woman 2 weeks ago. The moment I saw her I KNEW.❤ I'm graduating a long term outpatient treatment program. I had 3 yrs clean. But threw it all away, I'm pretty sure because of spiritual bypass. I went to quick. Got to high without a foundation. So now I'm 8 months clean and I don't take any shortcuts Brian. You mean so much me man. I can't come up with any words that can maximize my gratefulness for your light and guidance. I want to be like you, I have many skills and great attributes. I wanna know more about getting into painting SIGILS. I want to write this book I've been dying to write for 4 years! How do I turn all this great creativity and meditative energy into action??


Dear Brian, as always you are a representation of the words from Proverbs 18:16. Your gift has not only made room for you, your gift enhances others. This amazing book of Thre Magic Words is among the most explanatory form of understanding of the presence we are all entitled and welcomed to experience I elected to secure all of the Meditations via kindle and now use them continually Your reading of this work gives such a life that the sound of each word translates to soothing wisdom. I am so honored to hear this delivery. Tears flowed down my face while hearing each chapter read. Thank you


This might be my new favourite book. Thank you Brian ☮️❤️🙏


This reading was incredible. Thank you so much Brian for continuously gifting us with these gems.


Every word is a sweet and Divine elixir to my soul . The way my my faith has evolved . I can truly say that I am Divine.
God lives within me and I within Him. Thank you 🙏


I wholeheartedly second that motion Johnny Solitto! Yes, may
Brian be blessed 1000x fold & his family! Thank you Brian! Love❤you!


Brian, you work tirelessly to bring us these messages for our lives and souls. Thank you a million times. 🙏💙
