Surah AlKausar x 129 times from Cure by Quran

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Surah Al Kausar have tons of benefits and few of them are listed below:

1. Reciting it for fulfilling one’s hajat (Arabic: حاجةLatin: ḥājah i.e. need requested from God)

2. Reciting it to be blessed with a baby boy

3. Reciting it 33 times for success

4. Reciting it 129 times in the morning and evening for wealth and also he never forgets anything.

5. Reciting it 1000 times for protection from enemies

6. Similarly, another hadith states, “Whoever recites this surah after his/her night prayer (صَلوٰةُ الَّيل) a hundred times, by God’s leave, he/she will see the Noble Prophet in his/her dream.” 4

7. A narration quotes the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad [peace be upon him and his progeny] as saying, “Whoever recites surah Kausar, God Almighty will quench his thirst on the Day of Judgment from the streams of paradise and will give him the reward of all the sacrifices that have been made on Eid al-Adha (عيدُ الأَضحیٰ).”

8. According to one narration by Prophet Muhammad pbuh, by reciting this surah 100 times on the eve of Friday (Thursday night), one will have the privilege to see the Prophet in one’s dream, God willing.

9. The Person who makes recite Surah Kausar daily 7 times Allah will increase his livelihood and also save his wealth from theft.

Insha Allah it will work 100%.

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