Mens Sprint Bronze - 2014 UCI Track Worlds

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Mens Sprint Finals Bronze Medal - 2014 UCI Track World Championships, Cali, Colombia

This is a clip from the 2014 Track World Championships, Cali, Colombia

Track cycling dates back to at least 1870 and, with the exception of 1912, has played a part in every Olympics in the modern era. Track Cycling events can be roughly split into 2 disciplines -- Sprinting and Endurance

Sprint Events:

Individual Sprint - This is a very tactical event in which riders try to outmanoeuvre their opponents. Sometimes riders will come to a standstill in an effort to make their opponent take the lead, which is the least advantageous position before the final sprint to the finish line.

Team Sprint - This spectacular form of racing sees two teams start off on opposite sides of the track. It is raced by teams of three riders over three laps for Elite Men and two riders over two laps for Elite Women. Each rider leads for a lap before dropping back.

Kilometre / 500m Time Trial - This is an individual time trial from a standing start. Elite Men race over 1km and Elite Women over 500 m. The competitor with the fastest time is the winner.

Keirin - Keirin racing originated in Japan. Contested over 2 km, the field of three to seven riders follows a pacing motorbike at an increasing speed, all the while jostling for position. When the motorbike pulls off the track with two and a half laps to go, the battle begins to win the sprint to the finish.

Endurance Events:

Individual Pursuit - Two riders start on opposite sides of the track and compete over 4 km for Elite Men and 3 km for Elite Women. The winner is the rider who manages to catch his/her opponent or who records the fastest time.

Team Pursuit - Two teams of 4 riders (3 riders for women) start on opposite sides of the track and compete over 4 km (3 km for women). The winning team is the one that manages to catch its opponents or that records the fastest time.

Points Race - This superbly tactical discipline is contested over a long distance, usually 40 km for men and 25 km for women in major events. The final result is determined according to points gained during sprints (one every 10 laps on a 250 m track) and when a rider manages to lap the rest of the field.

Madison - Up to 18 teams of two riders take part in this relay race contested by means of intermediary sprints. While one team member races, the other slows down to take a rest. When he rejoins the race, his teammate throws him into the action with a hand sling. The classification is established according to the distance covered and the points won in the sprints (every 20 laps). The Madison is held over distances of 25-50 km for Elite Men, depending on the competition.

Scratch Race - This is a race for up to 24 individual riders over 15 km for men and 10 km for women. The first across the finish line is the winner.

Omnium - The Omnium is made up of 6 events and is disputed over 2 consecutive days. The final classification is established by adding up the finishing places in each event. The winner is the rider who has the lowest total. At the 2012 London Olympics, the Omnium comprised a Flying lap, a Points race, an Individual pursuit, a Scratch Race, a Kilometre / 500m time trial and an Elimination Race.

Рекомендации по теме

The way they look back cracks me up so hard. I love this.


I don't really understand the rules of this competition


0to60kmh on a single gear is impressive!!


the strategy in this is insane. If your in the lead, the drag will slow you down, and the other person knows that. Stopping will try to get the other opponent to get the lead so the drag will slow him down and you get the slipstream and beat him. thats why dimietriev won both of those because he had the slipstream, and because of this the person in front sets the tempo to the race, not the back. Very strategic and awesome to watch.


В рекомедациях спустя 6 лет. И я нисем таким даже не увлекаюсь и впервые вижу.


Привет, я кэп.
Задача - приехать к финишу первым. "Нижний" велосипедист стартует первым, но не может сразу ехать изо всех сил, т.к. из-за особенностей аэродинамики он будет тратить на 30% больше энергии и "верхний" велосипедист сожрёт его на финише. Поэтому первый круг они пытаются пропустить друг друга вперёд.


Dimitri didn´t care too much for the tactics. lol. he knew he was stronger


It seems like you need to be second in this sport


Anyone else wondering why this is on their recommended???


To those who don't know bacically the 1st man has a disadvantage as it is believed that if the 2nd man feels less drag 30% to be exact as a result he tries to outrun his opponent in the end


This is what you call working while having fun.


Youtube randomly recomends me this 6 years later


Competencia en Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Capital mundial de la salsa y el deporte 🙌


По внешнему кругу обошёл, красавчик 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺


The Australian made the same mistake twice, not the best tactics


I never understand this Race in my entire life trust me


Для тех кто не знает правила - это спринт. Нужно проехать два или три круга, кто первый тот и победил. Время не важно. Хоть час можно ехать. Вторая позиция считается более выгодной, так как из-за спины легче совершить резкий рывок перед финишем. (Можно пользоваться наклоном трека, накатывая с внешнего края трека к центру, как бы с горы это усиливает ускорение). Первый спортсмен может этот момент прозевать и вынужден постоянно оглядываться. Просто втопить с самого старта и до финиша скорее всего не получится, т.к. второй будет экономить силы в аэродинамической тени и у него останется больше сил на финишный рывок. Поэтому идёт тактическая игра, каждый старается занять вторую позицию вначале, пропустить соперника вперёд. Вплоть до остановки.


Is there one of these styles of races on dirt?


Hola a todos. Soy adicionado al ciclismo, pero no entiendo este deporte de persecución. Favor alguien me explique. Gracias!!


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