Meteor in New England

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A meteor lit up the night sky over New England and eastern Canada on 17 May 2016, around 12:50 am EDT (18 May 2016, around 4:50 UTC). The fireball was seen from Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Ontario (Canada) and Québec (Canada).

Videos courtesy of
Burlington International Airport, Vermont
Plattsburgh Police Department
Portland Police Department
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I saw that bad boy...on a dark wooded road it was startling to say the least!!


This also landed in Albany N.H. I was driving it was around 1:15 and 1:30 a.m when I noticed the sky lit up 3 different times but each time it did it got brighter and brighter but it didn’t burn out like it did in these footages by the 3rd time the sky lit up everything around us for as far as I could see was almost like it became day light for a second and all of a sudden I noticed something glowing in the distance above to the left side of me my gf and I look to our left and about 200-300 ft above tree line I notice a huge ball of fire same color tint as these ones but much bigger I didn’t know what to think or do but within a flash I slammed on my breaks cuz it was what seemed only 2 football fields away from us and the first in my life time to witness such a thing and never would I have thought that I’d see it so close then the next day I find out there were 2 or 3 other places it had landed that it lit all of New England up that night but those other places were caught on camera unfortunately I wasn’t so lucky. Does anyone know how and who to report these stories to when they Occur?


In several videos can be seen the same Technique: a Light matching the Meteor and injects a powerful incandescent blue Energy that sprayed it literally.


wonder how big that was to be so bright. . wish we'd get one around here, might make people think about it and straighten up


Is this a flying saucer following the meteor?
