UGS Setup. Universal GCode Sender w/ Camera Plugin, download & install this g-code sender for free.

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How to download and install UGS – Universal GCode Sender with the camera plugin. Links below.
UGS is a free program for CNC users. I have 2 DIY CNC 's ran with Arduino UNO, 1 with a cnc-shield and 1 with TB6600 drivers, ran with GRBL. All open source projects. Hey, the best things in life really are free. In this video I also show how to do some of the basics, like moving the modules around where you want them.
Check out my 3D Models on Etsy
Windows 10 PC / Mac / Linux
Link to download UGS
Here is the link for the NBM file for the Camera plugin. (Click on Releases)
Java Download Link
Note: Linux has Java built in.
DL - Links and other CNC tips on my site.
Update: It looks like they have fixed that problem when you stop in the middle of a run and need to start back at the beginning. The Z axis will rise up out of the wood before returning to X0 Y0. I don't know when they fixed this but I am glad they did.
UGS is a free program for CNC users. I have 2 DIY CNC 's ran with Arduino UNO, 1 with a cnc-shield and 1 with TB6600 drivers, ran with GRBL. All open source projects. Hey, the best things in life really are free. In this video I also show how to do some of the basics, like moving the modules around where you want them.
Check out my 3D Models on Etsy
Windows 10 PC / Mac / Linux
Link to download UGS
Here is the link for the NBM file for the Camera plugin. (Click on Releases)
Java Download Link
Note: Linux has Java built in.
DL - Links and other CNC tips on my site.
Update: It looks like they have fixed that problem when you stop in the middle of a run and need to start back at the beginning. The Z axis will rise up out of the wood before returning to X0 Y0. I don't know when they fixed this but I am glad they did.
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