UGS Setup. Universal GCode Sender w/ Camera Plugin, download & install this g-code sender for free.

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How to download and install UGS – Universal GCode Sender with the camera plugin. Links below.

UGS is a free program for CNC users. I have 2 DIY CNC 's ran with Arduino UNO, 1 with a cnc-shield and 1 with TB6600 drivers, ran with GRBL. All open source projects. Hey, the best things in life really are free. In this video I also show how to do some of the basics, like moving the modules around where you want them.

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Windows 10 PC / Mac / Linux
Link to download UGS

Here is the link for the NBM file for the Camera plugin. (Click on Releases)

Java Download Link
Note: Linux has Java built in.

DL - Links and other CNC tips on my site.

Update: It looks like they have fixed that problem when you stop in the middle of a run and need to start back at the beginning. The Z axis will rise up out of the wood before returning to X0 Y0. I don't know when they fixed this but I am glad they did.
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Perfect. Just what I needed. I am setting up a Raspberry Pi with the new Pi v2 camera as my CNC "PC". Using VNC to connect to that. Now I will be able to kick off a job, and watch my CNC do it's thing.


very nice video. just what I was looking for.


808 #16 Keychain camera works like a charm. Now as a USB 3018CNC cam :) Thank You!


VNC is a remote control solution from RealVNC that included in the Pi OS. You will need to activate VNC server on the Pi and download/install the viewer on your PC. Note that VNC does not support video so the UGS camera module will not display in the VNC viewer.


i have windows 7 32 bit i tried the 32bit file and it would not open it said not proper ..make sure you chosse 32bit or 64bit version..very odd error


Hi, Sorry for the stupid question BUT... I downloaded the zip file from Github and when I go to open this with UGS to add the download it does not see a NPM file. When I open it I can see a NPM file but inside this is just a manifest file. Am I missing something or downloaded the wrong file? using latest platform UGS and used the get code to download the zip file. any help would be appreciated. Cheers Dave


amigo, nessa versao 2.0 nightly esta conseguindo realizar autoleveler normalmente sem bugs de java ou zerar of feed rates? caso sim, poderia me doar o arquivo dessa versao pois nao esta mais disponivel no site github? tks bro


Can tell me how to download ugs platform in windows 7 32 bit


CarlosCNC App is good for Universal Gcode Sender


anybody know why UGS platform version will not open in windows 7 with java 8? i can open old classic 1.09 version but not platform version


buenas tardes .no se encuentra el archivo nbm
