My Fiancée Is Demanding Her Dream Wedding Or She's Leaving!

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Literally, he has his sign right there. He should run from this woman. Their whole life is going to be her making threats if she doesn't get what she wants.


Called my girlfriend who worked at the same place on a Friday morning asking what she was doing for lunch. We were both single parents at the time. She said, “Nothing.” I said, “Let’s go get married.” We went to the courthouse, got married, had some lunch to celebrate, picked the girls up from daycare, and took the rest of the day off.

26 years and seven grandkids later, I am more in love with her than ever!! 😃🙏🏼❤️


Emotional blackmail before the wedding is a black flag.


My late husband and I decided that we wanted to start out together without debt. We paid cash for our furniture and my car. He had a company car. We also wanted to have a few dollars in our pocket. I got married in a $40 dress that I made myself and I got my shoes for only $4 because the store wanted to get rid of the size 4 shoes that didn’t fit anybody but me. We stayed married for 40 years until he died 2 years ago. He left me with multiple paid off houses and cars and an income for the rest of my life. When he died, we didn’t owe a penny to anybody, and I am still debt free. He was a good man that treated me very well and handled money responsibly. I really miss him.


Sounds like she wants a wedding, not a marriage. Call it off and move on.


As a wedding photographer, this is a massive red flag. I've photographed almost 100 weddings and less than 30 of the couples are still together after two years. I've learned to see a lot of the red flags before the wedding even happens. The fact that she's prioritizing the price of the wedding over actual happiness says a lot about her. Every time I see this happen, the couple doesn't last more than two years.


To her, the wedding is more important than him. Huge red flag! Run away!


If she insists on a $20k wedding, then she can't only be contributing $4k and be providing ultimatums


If they both have the same income, why is she offering to pay 25% and he is supposed to pay 75%?? Red flag right there.


As a woman who has been married for 20 years, I would tell this young man to RUN LIKE HELL!!!


I read an article interviewing a wedding planner. Her take was that you can tell how long a marriage will last by the size of the rock on the engagement ring, and the number of guests at the wedding. The bigger each number is, the shorter the marriage will last.


My childhood best friend didn’t have money got married in a restaurant with around 30 family and friends guests costed under 3k. Many years later now they have 2 kids and are still happily married. Weddings don’t make marriages.


"Anthony, how fast can you run?"
"Pretty fast."
"Okay, on your mark, get set, GO AWAY from this woman!"


This demand will never end. Walk away from this walking red flag.


She doesnt want to be a wife, she wants to be a bride. HUGE difference.


Our marriage was at the county court house in a conference room & had breakfast at Denny's after. This July will make 40 years.


Spending 1/4 of your combined annual income on a wedding is absolutely ludicrous to me. Just pure insanity. Ridiculous.


$16k isn't too much?! Why would you spend such a ridiculous amount for one day unless you have good money? The commercialisation of weddings hurts my head..


I got married last year. It cost just over £3, 000. One of our friends took photos at the church and register office for free. The pastor is a man of God who did a short ceremony for free. We had 20 guests who then all went to a restaurant for a 3 course meal costing £800 in total. We only invited those who meant a lot to us. We both make good money and are debt-free but I respect the hard work my husband puts into earning it, so I wouldn’t squander it. We are happy and blessed. Everyone at our wedding had a great time and said they felt a special blessed atmosphere. People need to stop wasting the resources God gives them on ego


I was a military cop for 6 years (19 - 24yrs old) and saw lots of military buddies marry and divorce within a year or two. I saw what people did while their spouses were away on TDY (temporary duty assignments away) and responded to my fair share of domestic disturbances at base housing. It was an eye opening experience that kept me from marrying at a very young age. I did end up getting married in my late 30's long after my separation from the military.
