Who is the Man with the Egg in Deltarune

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What is the Egg in Deltarune? Is the egg in Deltarune important? Or is it just a silly little Easter Egg?

Let's dive so far down this rabbithole we become pokemon!

0:00 Intro
0:11 Disclaimers
0:22 What Egg?
1:18 How to Eat a Quantum Egg
2:12 Pumpkins, pumpkins, but where's an Egg?
2:40 How Not to Lose Your Egg to the Terrible Egg Devouring Glitch Monster
3:22 I got some BEEF I need to talk about
4:30 Okay back to psychoanalyzing the bugs
5:20 Does the egg matter?
7:07 But what does the egg MEAN? Symbolically
8:02 The Room Inbetween... No discussion escapes Gaster forever
8:38 Evidence against Gaster
9:35 Spooky Scary Skeletons, They'll Bleach Your Eggs in Large Wood Keggs...
11:29 I thought Papyrus' thing was Spaghetti?
13:17 Holy Cungadero!
14:57 Christmas Alarmclock Lore!
15:37 Sans Backstory but I Nestled it in an Egg Video so No One Will Find it.
16:23 Papyrus Might be a Red Herring but Toby Sure Did Put Effort into it
17:41 Spamton Sweepstakes Time
18:06 Snowglobe is a Stealth Pun
18:44 Catpetterz Analysis White Egg
20:42 Spamton and Bad Eggs
22:11 I'm a Pokemon Now Apparently
22:45 Credits and Closing
24:19 Random Catpetterz Footage because Why Not? Good pets!
25:09 Time for some REAL Half-Bred-Chaos

The voice of Ralsei was Hollarity

The voice of Spamton was Everude!

For the Deltarune plays specifically you can find...

Chao footage (or, the parts that weren't laggy garbage) were provided by Gibby!

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FAQ! Mainly to address mistakes!

Q: Wait at 8:12... I thought entering that room resets the flag?
A: Aw crap your right! That's my bad!

When you try to go to the Sound-Test-Room, or any of the rooms with Gaster Followers, the game rolls a dice to see if you actually go there/get the event, and if you don't, it deletes the FUN value, so you have to turn off the game, change it back, and reboot before you can try again.

The footage here is a tad deceitful then, since it implies you can just keep walking in and out of the room over and over rapidly like that, which is not correct at all! I may need to make a video explain why this happened but uh, basically I was editing very late at night, and messed up. Sorry about that!

Q: Wow there's a lot of audio/visual bugs here, what happened?
A: Mainly a combination of me adding/removing/tweaking a bunch of audio last minute to adjust for info gained during the sweepstakes, and me... trying new editing techniques to try to keep shotcut from wrecking the graphical quality of the sprites.

The algorithm does not favor the slow and careful editor, so uhhhh sorry about all the bugginess.

Q: Isn't this why you hired another editor?
A: Yep! Hilariously the buggiest parts of the video here are the parts she DIDN'T work on! Oops! This was good practice though, I think I'll start spreading out the work a little more to fix this.

It's important to remember, when it comes to video editing, and running a channel, I am building this plane as I fly it, so uhhh thank you all for being patient with the crazy turbulent flight this has been.

Q: Aren't "EGG" and the "HEH" in "Nyeheheh!" also ties between The Egg, The Knight, and Papyrus?

Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that.
In Wingdings:
E is a finger pointing Left (←)
G is a finger pointing up (↑) and
H is a finger pointing down (↓)

A Knight in chess can only move in an L shape, so EGG ←↑↑ is a viable move! This may connect the Egg to the Knight, or it may be a weird coincidence, hard to say!

HEH isn't.. really how I would envision an L ↓←↓ but... technically that puts you in the same place as ↓↓←, which is also a viable move for a Knight to make in chess, so maybe...? I'd be surprised if Toby thought of that though.

Q: Isn't the song that place in The Man's room a cover from Yume Nikki?
A: Yep! I wasn't sure if I wanted to get into that though, since 1. Megalovania is also a referential song used for before Undertale, and B it opens up discussion about Seccom Masada-sensei, which.. I am not at all qualified or prepared to unpack.

Q: Wait, Catpetterz is real???
A: Not exactly, but I'd argue Petz5 is very very similar to what Toby describes. I'd offer you a link to check it out but I'm not even sure the game is legally purchasable anymore.

Q: You mentioned links in the description but I can't access them! D:
A: Aw crap did youtube do a thing? Here'll put em here so you can still reach em.

The voice of Ralsei was Hollarity

The voice of Spamton was Everude!

For the Deltarune plays specifically you can find...

Chao footage (or, the parts that weren't laggy garbage) were provided by Gibby!


The fact that egg in wingdings is left up up, which is the movement of a knight is really interesting to me


My theory is that it’s an Easter egg, and the reason it duplicates in the fridge is because by putting it in the fridge you have found another Easter egg


"Oh, what are you watching?"
"A theory about how eggs can change the very fabric of existence."


It was actually discovered recently that the song that plays in the egg rooms was reused from some fanmade Yume Nikki style songs Toby made a while back. I feel that might make the connection to Gaster stronger since that game has Uboa who not only resembles Gaster but, like the egg man, you need to go back and forth between two rooms to find.

Also partially related but my crackpot theory is that the eggs will multiply and hatch into an army of Temmies that will take over the world in a joke ending


10:40 When I remembered that Papyrus had an egg in his date encounter I literally screamed "EGG" out loud


The quiche also has references to responsibility in it, despite the fact that it’s just a little joke that Toby put in. The echo flower beside it says something along the lines of, “I just wasn’t ready for the responsibility.”


It's also worth noting that "EGG" translated into windings is "👈☝️☝️", the same move a Knight makes in chess.


12:35 I always thought the red tree outside of toriels house was supposed to mirror the recipes in asgores trash, they are trying to do what the other is good at, gardening and cooking, but just cant.


Somehow papyrus being the knight seems like it would be a more satisfying reveal than most other characters


20:08 really reminded me of Ralsei.

During the queen fight he says: “Queen, Think of the Lightners! Aren’t we supposed to make them happy?”

And in chapter one, he says: “Our purpose - Darkners’ purpose - is to assist them. It’s the only way we can feel truly fulfilled.”

This, plus some dialogue I came across from chapter one, if you save right before meeting with Ralsei at the castle, and walk down to talk to Susie, she says:
“Maybe this place is an abandoned theme park?” “Wait, where are the rides, then…?” “Maybe they abandoned it ‘cause there weren’t any.”

One last thing that I noticed from Ralsei’s Wiki. Now, I know it also mentions that his title changes throughout the game, but this bit about the acid love boat really caught my eye: “Ralsei's title changes depending on the pose Kris does for the camera” which, coupled with him previously talking about how “I don’t even know what being ‘Ralsei-like” is” makes me think that he is almost forcing himself to mirror our interests for the sake of our happiness, which might eventually lead us to “Leave Home Due to Happiness” .

Kinda makes me think he’s the green crayon? He literally has no other purpose than to create what makes us happy, and if he does that too much he might just whittle himself down to just the paper wrapper, his clothes, which could explain why he disappears during battle but the “clothes” remain.


I’ve also been going mad with a “papyrus is the Knight” theory too, but for an entirely different reason. The main argument against Papyrus being the knight was that he had no idea how or reason to open dark fountains. However, thanks to the Spamton Sweepstakes, we now know that it is possible for darkners to communicate with lightners before their fountains are open. I don’t think people realize just how massive this, as it massively expands the possibilities for who could be involved with the dark worlds.

Papyrus, being the naive adventure seeker he is, would be very likely to obey mysterious messages telling him to stab at the ground. He already did something like this in Undertale when he obeyed Flowey’s request to bring everyone together. If someone like Gaster asked Papyrus to be the knight, I think he’d do it.

One question is what the goals of the knight and Gaster are. If they’re allied like I’m assuming, then of course that goal would be the same. My thinking is that since Gaster likely knows he’s in a simulation/game and is spreading that knowledge, he’s trying to find a way to escape that simulation. In a way, Gaster wants to become a “real boy” like the Pinocchio-inspired Spamton.

This question of what the goal is also ties back to Papyrus being the knight, as he, Jevil, Spamton and even Ralsei (if you wanna go there) all have something in common: they’re all optimists. Jevil is insistent that he is the truly free one. Spamton is no longer an optimist, but he was before meeting Gaster according to one of the Addisons. If you want to say Ralsei’s 4th wall breaks are a tie to Gaster, he too has an overall optimistic attitude even when getting Susie to listen seems like a pointless endeavor. And then there’s Papyrus, who’s so optimistic it hurts.

Essentially, I think Gaster is choosing to tell optimists the truth about their world. He wants people who will be willing to fight for a solution and won’t be crushed under the devastating reality that their choices don’t matter. Jevil and Spamton suffered psychological damage after learning the truth. Ralsei either chose not to work with Gaster or he’s hiding his involvement with him very well. But Papyrus seems like the kind of person who wouldn’t let this kind of revelation keep him down. If anything, he may not even understand just how big this is. Still, if Papyrus believes that opening fountains will make people happier, he’ll do it. He is very determined and doesn’t let negativity get in his way.

As a bonus, Papyrus fits the physical description of the knight being a large person with long arms. The computer lab is in a public library, so he could get in there with no one batting an eye. The school is a bit more difficult, but if he went in while class was in session he very easily could’ve made the fountain without being spotted.

There’s some finer details to this, but I think I’ll stop there since my phone is about to die. Thanks for making these videos, I love Deltarune speculation!


I think what's most intriguing about the egg is the fact that it doesn't change wether you are in the Light World or Dark World. All the items in the Dark World are just representations of their Light World counterparts, but the Egg remains the same, meaning it comes from somewhere else.


This reminds me a bit of the "Blink Motherfucker!" Papyrus thing that mentioned how enemies that were actually trying moved more than enemies that weren't, and Papyrus literally does not move in his battle, vs how he moves a pretty decent amount in his date. Papyrus is way stronger than people give him credit for, he's just not a person who fights or wants to believe people are inherently bad in the first place. Though it's a bit interesting to think about what would have to change about him in order for him to act more like this. It's actually a pretty nice twist had Undertale not been so popular, if you think about it. The Knight that you've been chasing all along had been this extremely sweet person whose brother is this side character who makes weird jokes sometimes.


Papyrus in Undertale canon is hinted at being VERY powerful. He is the only battle where his sprite doesn’t move AT ALL, even talks without moving his mouth (just like his brother Sans, which means he might move his mouth while talking just to not be uncanny). But in his date scene, he moves his mouth, his hands, his body, because he isn’t tense or holding back anymore. Other people who barely move while fighting you are Toriel and Asgore, who are concentrated on not killing you, and when they DO kill you, there is a split second regret sprite. Also Napstablook is another still battle, because they don’t want to be fighting at all. In contrast, the characters who REALLY want to kill you, like Sans, Mettaton, Undyne the Undying, Mad Dummy, etc, move around, they bounce, they dance, never still, trying their hardest. Papyrus being so chillingly still means he is using his whole might to hold back. Even then, he is able to summon different types of bone attacks and a gigantic bone with no problem! And when Flowey comes in at the end of a True Pacifist route, he uses four vines to hold down Papyrus, and only two for everyone else, why? Why if he didn’t know of some potential we don’t know about. We know Flowey liked to reset just to play around, he must have seen what Papyrus was capable of when he let himself get slightly lose. Undyne also mentions that Papyrus is strong, but he’s a softy.
The only reason Papyrus doesn’t annihilate us, is because he’s too damn nice and really believes in everyone.


Gaster's hands aren't actually hands, he's just holding eggs


Adding to this:

There are sort of "universal constants" in each game, for example Toriel wanting to be a teacher and is a teacher in Deltarune.

Papyrus wanted to be a Royal Guard in Undertale, and probably is a knight in DR as it's the closest thing. Also note that Undyne doesn't have an eyepatch in DR, Papyrus could totally have taken Undyne's role in this game, the threatening opposing force that turns out to be likeable and friendly.

Also remember Flowey manipulated Papyrus in UT, it's likely that some unseen force told Papyrus that he would make lots of friends and be super popular if he became the Roaring Knight and opened up the Dark Fountains (recall that the reason he wanted to be a Royal Guard was for popularity and to make friends).

Sans in UT wants you to spend time with Papyrus because he's worried about Flowey messing with him, and in DR Ch1 he pretty much right away asks you to hang out with his brother but turns it down at the last second because "he's busy".

Seems awfully suspicious to just be a throwaway gag to throw salt on the wound for fans.


Huh, 9:04 I am QUITE suprised that you didn't mention the fact that the song is originally a fan made track for *YUME NIKKI* Toby made. Usually that sorta thing is notable I feel. Especially concidering that one of Yume Nikki's main appeals are the various random events that, in the early times of the game existing, perplexed people, they were like urban legends, before properly documented. This actually reminds me a lot of Noelle's appreciation for this sorta stuff that we learned about during the sweepstakes (Yume Nikki spawned a whole culture of people fascinated by random/rare events in games like that! Even if it was inspired by "LSD Dream Emulator", it definately spread that idea very far), although all the fun events are already very much associated with random chance so... but I'm almost sure they are in the game in the first place because of Toby's love for Yume Nikki.
So one last thing to mention about the song. It was originally called "Waltz of Seccom Masada". Seccom Masada is a character that has an all black body (!) and only a white face (!!!)
I know a lot of people associate mysteryman with Uboa (another Yume Nikki character, very famous for its event), but honestly there's some reseblance with Masada in mysteyman. Especially the "black lower body and a white face" part. Last-last thing that I think is notable: "Waltz of Seccom Masada", that was sitting among other songs in the Tumblr post, is the only one to just have a chiptune version of it playing right after. Maybe we will hear this chiptune rendition of the Waltz later in the game of Deltarune? We shall see
If you read the comment, thank you~! :)


Something I feel might be important to point out in lancer's egg line at 6:25, is that the word egg is capitalized, implying that the "one Egg" he is talking about has some greater significance.


The talk of the Papyrus Knight theory reminded me of something, beyond his favorite food having eggs in it. During the ending sequence of a true pacifist playthrough, the same upbeat music plays throughout the entire sequence, with one exception - Papyrus' bedroom. It's a very odd choice, and one that's only become more foreboding over time.
