Pillars of OOP Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism Explained #js #oop #java #cs #php #c++

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Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism are regarded as the fundamental pillars of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) due to their pivotal roles in shaping the paradigm.
- **Encapsulation:** Ensures data hiding and bundling of data with methods that operate on that data. It promotes data security, abstraction, and information hiding.
- **Inheritance:** Facilitates the creation of new classes based on existing classes, allowing the reuse of code and defining hierarchies. It supports code organization and promotes code reusability.
- **Polymorphism:** Enables objects to exhibit multiple forms or behaviors based on the context. It allows for method overriding and method overloading, promoting flexibility and extensibility.

**Key Aspects:**
1. **Modularity:** Encapsulation promotes code modularity and information hiding.
2. **Code Reuse:** Inheritance facilitates code reuse among related classes.
3. **Flexibility:** Polymorphism enhances code flexibility by allowing objects to behave differently based on the context.

These pillars collectively form the foundation of OOP, providing a structured, reusable, and adaptable approach to software development.

1. #OOPFundamentals
2. #Encapsulation
3. #InheritanceConcepts
4. #PolymorphismExplained
5. #ObjectOrientedProgramming
6. #SoftwareDevelopment
7. #CodeReuse
8. #ModularityInCode
9. #ProgrammingPrinciples
10. #ProgrammingParadigms
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