MASSIVE Kundalini Rising - How You're ENERGETICALLY Being UPGRADED! Cyndi Dale

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There’s a reason you feel off, different, and even overwhelmed at times. It’s because there’s an energetic transformation happening inside of you, and all of humanity, right now at this very moment. In this special show with energy body expert Cyndi Dale, author of over 40 books on energy, you’ll learn what’s taking place, how you can use this energy, and what this means for you!

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Cyndi is a BEAUTIFUL & highly gifted spirit & I love that you’ve had her in with you regularly - there’s just no one like her & you two have a lovely, engaging chemistry together : ) I’ve had the pleasure of working with her in the past & she’s a lovely human 💖


Same. I have learned I am super creative now. I am 63. lol


Grateful for the wonderful podcast! Always learn a lot from Cyndi Dale ~ Peace, Light and Love to All


Bless you Michael 🙏❤️ I personally really need people just like you to help pull me out of the deep, dark rabbit holes I have a tendency to fall into 🤦‍♀️…thank you for being the beacon of light that you are 💕


❤welcome the change had a kudalini in 2021 was meditating my body started to shaking all the way up my spine 😀 Archangel Michael shield of protection ❤


The 2. Kundalini awakening is happening to me, but I was told that I had to learn Kechari mudra, or the Amrita would be lost, and burn in the rot chakra. And I don't want to learn that mudra. So you give me Hope that it's not nesserary 🙏


An everlasting Lakota Heyoka a'ho! to these two beauties, who probably also like dessert first,
and are quite frankly, the cool ones ;-)
Cyndi, an absolute first choice for all our
en-lightened hearts, ears and peepers
in this Love is Light vertical breath fest.


Trust your own intuition and your spiritual entourage and I've bought her wonderful books!! Respond FIRST to YOURSELF TO THYNE OWN SELF BE TRUE


It’s just a healing to listen to you both and to see and receive your open-heartedness ❤, which is refreshingly authentic. I give all my appreciation for you both ❤


Isn’t it really the connection between the mind directly to the heart. As above so below. Setting up the feeling state. As within so without. The vibration state. I did notice, I was needing money. And I had gotten really mad. Then went for a long walk forgot and came home. Took a nap. And everything I want. Came!


Thankyou Michael brilliant interview on kundali gratitude and blessings 🙏🤲🙏


Missed the live show catching replay! Excellent show! Sending much love up to Quebec for your play day race Michael! Its not whether you win or lose buy how you play the ģame ⭐☮💙🌎🙏🚵‍♀️ 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️


Thanks, I really enjoyed this show! I’ve had a lot of kundalini experiences but have never differentiated the types so I learned something valuable! ❤


I believe I had a red and heart Kundalini awakening back in 2019. It was very powerful and my life forever changed


You two are so incredible together, thank you. Any tips for helping with migraine headaches?


Thank you both for a great conversation! I'm so intrigued by the subject of kundalini. I never had kundalini rising, but it was all so very interesting to listen to! ❤🙏


Thank you so much to both of you for this podcast, which was yet again so clarifying about the healthy order for moving forward. This is pretty much how I learned about spiritual awakening without any mention of Kundalinis at the time, about thirty five years ago and onwards. These latest streams of conflicting info on line about twinflames & Kundalini awakening & sexuality has really completely put me right off of the subject of Kundalini awakening, so thank you in great measure for supporting my view on this subject. I really started to feel for the latest few years that I had come to a wrong planet or a wrong Universe. Excellent explanation, Cyndi!💞👏🎶🦋💐Looking forward to Saturday and next week with joy and gratitude as radiating through the God Spot☺️🙏


Is it possible that the sun is cold?❤ I had a death experience.a couple. Wasn’t till 2015 was the beginning of the wake up. And in scientific only 11 days old atomic cell make up. Which really gives me a real issue in explaining to some people. I’m so glad to hear the way you speak! ❤


Michael, Found a card, by "chance" in a dollar store!!Thank you, Universe!
