How You Do One Thing Is How You Do Everything

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You’re dealing with humans and there will always be individuals that are prejudice towards something, but having been in the business world for over 45 years, and have hired and fired probably 110-130 people over the years, not once did I or any of my staff EVER look at the names or ethnicity box checked when hiring. But, I have turned away people with MBAs and hired the non-college grad because the application and resume of the MBAs had a dozen or more spelling errors and the non-grads had zero; I don’t know their ethnicity though. There’s an author somewhere I read that had a character often say, “How you do one thing is how you do everything.”


I'm glad to hear that no-one actually knows what that quote means. Or rather, everyone has a different opinion on what that quote means. If this quote was a question on a test, everyone would be correct in answering; false.
