Alexander Green - Basso Profundo C1 , бас-профундо , октавист - «До» контроктавы

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Laureate of the national Russian music award “Ovacija”, the first in Russia, who performed such world hits as “Phantom of the Opera”, “The Music of the Night”, “Belle” (Notre Dames de Paris).
Unique in beauty, strength and breadth voice, which absorbs the rarest rumbling low basso-profundo, velvet baritone and gentle tenor falsetto... One of the few singers, who was lucky enough to sing in a duet with the great Montserrat Caballé.
Alexander Green has 4 solo albums, theater and film plays.
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Laureate of the national Russian music award “Ovacija”, the first in Russia, who performed such world hits as “Phantom of the Opera”, “The Music of the Night”, “Belle” (Notre Dames de Paris).
Unique in beauty, strength and breadth voice, which absorbs the rarest rumbling low basso-profundo, velvet baritone and gentle tenor falsetto... One of the few singers, who was lucky enough to sing in a duet with the great Montserrat Caballé.
Alexander Green has 4 solo albums, theater and film plays.
Alexander Green - Basso Profundo C1 , бас-профундо , октавист - «До» контроктавы...
Alexander Green - Basso Profundo E1 , бас-профундо , октавист - «Ми» контроктавы...
Basso Profundo - Low voice - Штробас - Vocal Sub Harmonics - low vocal fry
Wade in The Water ( Final) - Basso profondo
Alexander Green C5 - C2 Vocal Range / Широкий вокальный диапазон, распев на три октавы...
Amazing basso profundo ending (with Joshbass G)
basso profundo, Tchesnokov challenge
Alexander Green - Can't Help Falling In Love
Субгармогика, ложное профундо. Как басу петь низко и еще ниже!)...
Bajo profundo ecuatoriano x2 (Deep Bass) 23 years🇪🇨
Having a cold = basso profundo
Basso profundo - #Sol 1
Basso Profundo - Stimmumfang tiefer Bass
'Три баса-профундо' впервые выступили на родине Чайковского!...
Basso Profundo - Im Tiefen Keller - Anatolii Artamonov - Oktavist
Александр Грин - Презентация / Alexander Green - Presentation
Александр Грин (Alexander Green) - Baby
Александр Грин - New York, New York - Alexander Green
Бас профундо и газ ГЕЛИЙ
SIXTEEN TONS | Low Bass Singer Cover
'Черный ворон'. Поют три баса-профундо.
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tenor to basso profundo
VILDHJARTA meets Basso Profundo | Den Helige Anden