Understanding Passed Pawns | Principles of Chess Endgames | GM Naroditsky

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In this video, we examine the first of several crucial concepts that will serve as the basis for understanding pawn endgames: passed pawns. After clarifying the definition, we consider the various ways of creating passed pawns, and identify five special types of passers that frequently occur in pawn endgames. Finally, we hammer home and contextualize this theoretical knowledge through a few well-selected examples from chess practice.

Note: In the "avoid the Deep Freeze" example, I forgot to share the correct move! Rather than playing 1.g3, White first has to play 1.h3 (stopping ...g4), then 2.g3, and finally 3.h4.

#endgame #grandmaster #chessanalysis
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I'm from a small city in Brazil and the fact that I can get a grandmaster to teach me for free on the internet will never cease to astonish me. This new series is amazing. Love your work and hope all the best to you


I still can't believe such quality video series is going to be free on youtube, thank you Daniel


Danya delivers again with this instructive series!


this is far and beyond the best lesson I've watched on youtube yet.


i love how we have names like “outside passed pawns, ” “protected passed pawns, ” and “connected passed pawns” and then names like “gap tooth” and “trousers/pants” danya is so creative i love it


Danya, please don't hesitate to go through every example in future videos. Anyone willing to watch an hour long educational chess video is probably also willing to watch a 90 minute educational chess video. We're the hardcore chess viewers and we want to learn it all! :)


There are very few occasions when one of the top scholars in a field (who is also one of the best communicators) dedicates large portions of his time to spoon-feed lay people with the best knowledge available in an engaging format like this. This is so awesome, congratulations and thank you for the iniciative!


Thanks for covering end games lately. This will be so helpful, and I am so excited for these videos.


2:14 - Concept introduction and definition
8:30 - How to create a passed pawns
13:15 - The PPP rule
14:49 - The deep freeze
21:08 - Outside passed pawns
24:44 - Protected passed pawns
26:17 - Connected passed pawns
27:35 - Gap tooth passed pawns
29:19 - Pants
31:20 - Bobby Fischer example
35:16 - Ulf Andersson 1 example
36:40 - Ulf Andersson 2 example
42:26 - Tigran Petrosian example
46:05 - Quick example
46:34 - Naroditsky example
50:44 - Summary

Feel free to put them in the description if you want to Danya :)!


As an adult self-improver in chess, I have to say, of all the available content out there, and I watched a lot, I find yours to be the most instructional for me. It helped me a lot to improve my general understanding in chess. But also how to approach positions. I am finding mistakes by my opponents much quicker now, as well as mine. And I am contributing this for a large part to the content you have put out there. So thank you and I cannot wait to see more on your channel.


I think it's responsible of us to take the time understanding the difficult life of a passed pawn


54 minute of crazy instructional value? Count me in.

Thank you Danya


Daniel has done more for my personal chess evolution than any other content out there. Thank you Danya, you are great!


Dude, I’m legit learning chess as if it’s a college course. God bless you, Danya. You’re an incredibly good person.


Mr. Naroditsky, when I first saw your introductory video to this highly instructive series, I was sure that you were going to sell the subsequent episodes as some sort of product on your website. The fact that you're giving this away for free on Youtube not only provides an absolutely unspeakably impactful amount of value to the chess community, but also demonstrates clearly the quality of your character. You are a good man, and I appreciate you tremendously. Keep on - this is the way.


Like many in the comments I would like to thank you whole heartedly for these videos and your brilliant way of explaining this game. Really looking forward to the next one!!


0:00 Introduction
2:10 Start of Analysis of Passed Pawns
3:25 Exact Definition of Passed Pawn
4:25 Examples of Passed Pawns
5:38 Most Complicated Example of Passed Pawns (Pause The Video moment)
7:20 Discussing Doubled/Tripled Pawns as Passed Pawns
8:25 How to Create Passed Pawns?
8:57 King Capture Method
9:25 Kd4 or Kd5? (Pause The Video moment)
10:56 Discussion of Potential Future Theoretical Endgame Videos
11:30 Pawn Advance Method
12:45 Pitfalls in the Pawn Advance Method
13:13 The PPP Rule
14:45 The Deep Freeze
15:24 Deep Freeze Example
15:44 Most Common Mistake In Pawn Endgames
16:51 Quick Discussion of Terms and Concepts to be Introduced
17:30 Three On Two Example of Pawn Advance Method
18:45 Alternate Method of Creating a Passed Pawn (Pause The Video moment)
19:30 Using Your King to Break a Deep Freeze Example
20:30 Classifying Passed Pawns
21:07 First Type of Passed Pawn: Outside Passed Pawn
22:05 Using Outside Passed Pawn as Decoy Example
23:47 More Complicated OPP as Decoy Example
24:42 Second Type of Passed Pawn: Protected Passed Pawn
25:28 Example of Protected Passed Pawns
26:16 Third Type of Passed Pawn: Connected Passed Pawns
27:35 Fourth Type of Passed Pawn: Gaptooth Passers
29:10 Fifth Type of Passed Pawn: Trousers
30:43 Beginning Of Practice Section (These are all Pause The Video moments)
32:05 Bobby Fischer vs. Radolfo Tan Cardoso (Practice #1)
35:19 Ulf Anderson vs. Branko Damljanovic (Practice #2)
36:40 Ulf Anderson vs. Josep M. L. Martinez (Practice #3)
42:27 Tigran V. Petrosian vs. Heinz Liebert (Practice #4)
46:07 Peter Michalik vs. Martin Petr (Quick Rundown, no Practice)
46:32 Daniel Naroditsky vs. Dereque Kelley (Practice #5)
49:50 End of Current Video and Introduction of Pawn Races
50:43 Epilogue (Summary, Discussion of Next Video)


Thank you for the lessons! They're wonderful. My fiancé and I like to pause the video and play out the endgames against each other OTB until we've figured out the correct move by brute force lol. It's been greatly enjoyable.


Last video was great but now I’m convinced that this series was begging to be made. Whenever I watch recaps I could follow most positional/tactical concepts but suddenly one video on passed pawns teaches me 7 new lessons that can easily be applied to my own lower level games. You are a blessing to all players without access to irl coaching!


Hey Daniel, I’m really glad you are teaching this topic. I teach lessons to kids at my local chess club and the first couple lessons I always start with Q+K mate, then move into the pawn square and 3-key square pawn endgame, while talking about how rook pawns are different. I find it much simpler to start with fewer pieces on the board for kids so they don’t get sensory overload.

I’m glad to see this series of videos, covering a topic that’s relatively mysterious to casual players and beginners, yet so doable for most of them
