Short Tenures of Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) - A Disturbing Trend - Explained | UPSC CSE Prep

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A Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court of India is hearing on the need to have a neutral
mechanism for appointment of Election Commissioners. This has raised important questions on the independence of the election commission. Besides The Court has questioned the practice of appointing CECs close to that age so that they have only a brief tenure.
In this context, important questions that needs to be addressed are whether the Election
Commissioners should be appointed on the recommendation of an independent body? Does the appointment process for ECs need scrutiny? Is the brief tenure of the Chief Election commissioners undermining their independence?
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In this session, we will discuss:
1. Short Tenure of Election Commissioners
2. Recent Appointment of Election Commissioner
3. Tenures of Election Commissioners over the years
4. T N Sheshan’s Electoral Reforms
5. Articles related to Elections
6. Powers of Election Commission of India
7. What is Model Code of Conduct?
8. Are Electoral Reforms needed?
9. Flaws in the Election Commission
For Explained Session in Hindi, Visit: @BYJUSIASHindi
#BYJUSIAS #BYJUSBIGNEWS #BYJUSEXAMPREP #ChiefElectionCommissionerupsc #ChiefElectionCommissionertenure #ChiefElectionCommissioner #CEC #CECupsc
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mechanism for appointment of Election Commissioners. This has raised important questions on the independence of the election commission. Besides The Court has questioned the practice of appointing CECs close to that age so that they have only a brief tenure.
In this context, important questions that needs to be addressed are whether the Election
Commissioners should be appointed on the recommendation of an independent body? Does the appointment process for ECs need scrutiny? Is the brief tenure of the Chief Election commissioners undermining their independence?
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In this session, we will discuss:
1. Short Tenure of Election Commissioners
2. Recent Appointment of Election Commissioner
3. Tenures of Election Commissioners over the years
4. T N Sheshan’s Electoral Reforms
5. Articles related to Elections
6. Powers of Election Commission of India
7. What is Model Code of Conduct?
8. Are Electoral Reforms needed?
9. Flaws in the Election Commission
For Explained Session in Hindi, Visit: @BYJUSIASHindi
#BYJUSIAS #BYJUSBIGNEWS #BYJUSEXAMPREP #ChiefElectionCommissionerupsc #ChiefElectionCommissionertenure #ChiefElectionCommissioner #CEC #CECupsc
#CECtenure #IndianPolity #ias #iasprelims #iasprep #iasupsc #prelims2023 #uppscprelims2023 #upsc #upsccivilservicesprelims #upsccse #upsccseprelims2023 #upscexamprep #upscmains #upscpre2023 #upscprelims #upscprelimsexam #upscprep #upscprepforbeginners #civilserviceexam
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